~ Anna Freud
I have been challenging myself to a few moments of creativity each day in keeping with my favorite mug from PaperSource which says..."do something creative everyday." I have been having fun with several writing sites...like http://oneminutewriter.blogspot.com and http://whatcoulditmean-d.blogspot.com. But the one that has really got my creativity riled up is http://picturespoetryprose.blogspot.com/. And I was just honored with the "Exceptional Writer" award for my November 22nd post from the author of this blog, Laura Jayne. I have written about her blog before, but this truly was an unexpected thrill.
My poem was written in the five minute time frame (you would be surprised how much you can write and edit in that short amount of time!) and was inspired by the picture and prompt She was searching for...
it was there all the time
she gazed across the sea of green
to the place where she had come
where was she going?
what did she think she was doing?
there were no answers for her on this side
but what she didn't know was what she had been
was all around her
within her
she only needed to open
her heart
to see
go off the beaten path he said
go beyond your wildest dreams he said
what he didn't say was
that this would be the
hardest journey of her life
she would not have a map
she would not have a guide
she would be alone with only her wits and her
what she didn't know was that
she loved this
she knew just where she was going
she didn't need anyone to tell her what to
she just did it
by her wits and her strength
and then she realized that the
true journey
was not on that path
nor across that bridge
but the journey was within
for all that she was seeking
it was there all the time
Honestly, I came up with this poem before finding this quote, but it is eerie how similar the sentiment is. Since these words tumbled right out of me they must have come straight from my soul. I told Laura Jayne that perhaps my soul was speaking and, since I have no one better to guide me, I might as well listen. So... what am I seeking? What path am I on? Where do I think I am going?
This journey that I am on started with a recognition of a need to create. To positively impact other people's lives. To make beautiful things. And I know that I am on that path and that I have the strength and wit to make it. Even if that means on my own. It is sometimes a difficult path, but I am amazed when I open my heart...so much good comes back to me. I have found some new cyber-friends and for that I am grateful. I am seeking a connectedness. I am encouraged that we can be linked by the act of writing across miles and continents and time zones. That is really what it is all about for me.
Even if I never sold another piece of jewelry, or if no one ever read this journal, I would continue on this journey because I have a compelling need to be a positive light in this world.
So that is where I am going, what I am seeking....what is that you seek?
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Enjoy the day!