26 February 2015

30 Words :: Donuts

I remember
foolish times when
involved a car,
an icy parking lot and
enhanced Shamrock Shakes.

Not recommended.

I now prefer mine
with chocolate icing and
on top.

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.

Get the InLinkz code for your blog!

19 February 2015

30 Words :: 14 Years

Photos on left and middle taken by John Hartman in 2005. Photo on right taken this frosty morning 19 February 2015.
You are a seed...
born to
to your
 You shine
full of stars...
the heavens look to you
for brightness.
You are
my treasure,
my love,
my daughter.
 Happy 14th Birthday Tiny Dancer!
I am so proud to be your momma! 

Here is the Artfully Worded illustration that I gave her for one of her presents...
finished drawing late late last night to be colored in her favorite shades of peach and mint!
(Can you spot the 14 tiny bugs?)


The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.

Get the InLinkz code for your blog!

12 February 2015

30 Words :: Patchwork Heart

My heart may be
torn into 
a        m  i  l  l  i  o  n        t  i  n  y      p  i  e  c  e  s
jAgGeD eDgEs
it only takes
one person
to be thread
that holds my
patchwork heart
The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.

Get the InLinkz code for your blog!

05 February 2015

30 Words :: True Love

You have shown me what
looks like.
Being comfortable in
each others arms,
continuing the lifelong dance.
is not always easy
but it is
worth holding onto.
The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing the verse and vision others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.


Get the InLinkz code for your blog!


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