14 April 2011


I have been having some computer woes. Last night I had a whole post ready to go on my BTW showing some things that I am working on in etching, but I couldn't get my computer to play nice with my camera.

And this quote completely sums up where I am at right about now. But I have to tell you that I hate running. Even if I am chased. ;-)

I wanted to let you know that I am still here, I am still lurking in my corner of the blogdom but my posts may be few and far between for a bit while I sort some of life out.

But when I do get my equipment to talk to one another again, I have some great pictures of the Verse & Vision pieces that I have created for a special gallery exhibit in May that I will show, but I am waiting to see if I can have permission to publish the poetry that goes with them (becuase they make so much more sense if you can read that!). So stay tuned!

Enjoy the day!


steufel said...

Can't wait to see it:-)

Judy said...

I know what you mean...I can't even run to the mailbox! I hope you get the computer issues straightened out. I just love your new pieces!

Courtney Breul said...

I am sorry they are not playing nice. Put one in a time out and see if that helps. :)

Holly said...

Life does sometimes need straightening out, so take all the time you need! Your fans and friends will be here :) Can't wait to see the exhibit pictures!! Sounds very interesting :)

Unknown said...

Will be silently lurking! lol

Unknown said...

I feel the same. I was informed by my Mom today that I am too busy and do not make enough time for her. Not sure where I will find free time for myself or to just sit in my house peacefully and enjoy my kids, but it's not appearing to be any time soon :|

Elysian Studios said...

I think you are still keeping a nice pace- I have backed off a bit too. When you are going well with your creative productions (which it sounds like you are), you have to honor that and make some beautiful things! Sorry about the computer woes...bad computer! ;-)

Jennifer Cameron said...

Take your time, come back when you can, get everything straightened out. I'll be waiting and excited to see what you're working on.

Mary Harding said...

I look forward to seeing your poetry inspired pieces. No rush. Take your time. I always look forward to hearing from you. You always have such interesting and inspiring posts. And you are always so supportive of your readers!!

Anonymous said...

First time here and I loved this blog. I will wait patiently your next post. Take your time. Don't forget to breathe and to smile.

JeannieK said...

I have been running since I was a teenager. I think if you had me by your side, I could change your mind. There is a right way and a wrong way to start a running program.

Anywho, technical difficults are so frustrating, epecially with the two most used pieces of equipment we NEED.

Excited to see the exhibit..we'll be waiting...patiently

Unknown said...

Technical issues are the worst. I feel your pain. :)

Unknown said...

Yep I will be looking forward to those pics and I so hate running too.


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