~Martin Yan
What could be better than one serving of Bead Soup? Why, three...or actually four, of course!
Are you hungry, bead peeps? Because there is a lot to chew on here!
I am delighted to be participating in the 2nd Bead Soup Swap organized by the lovely Lori from Pretty Things. This time around there are 90 participants. That is a lot of soup!
I was paired with Michelle Reilly of bMichelle Designs. She was really so generous. She knew that I asked for cool colors, but she found another set that she thought would be perfect for me, so she sent both! Isn't that sweet?
Both sets included handmade PMC silver clay toggle clasps. The detail on each is so very intricate. I just took a class at the Bead & Button show with Sherri Haab using PMC3 silver clay {more on that later!}, so I can completely attest to the amount of work that had to go into these.
One set was a beautiful mossy green with accents of peach. I love that color combo. I used a silver dragonfly from Thailand, one of the new Susan Lenart Kazmer Industrial Chic bar connectors {which I highly recommend} wrapped in pearls and some chain and spacers from my stash. Most of the rest were from Michelle's gift including that really cool stone connector. Tell me, Michelle...where can I get more of those?
I call this soup "Facing North". I am not an outdoorsy kind of gal, but I do know that if I am lost in a woods and want to know my direction, I can look for moss on a tree and that direction will be north. And in another lifetime I was an assistant trainer for Leadership Portage County and ran their opening and closing retreats. We used to study the native American idea that personalities can be divided into four main directions: North, South, East and West. I am much more of an East South East girl, so going North is sometimes hard for me. North has direction and gets things done. North finds that the best way is to just do it yourself without regard for others you may mow over to do it. North takes the bull by the horns. I could use a little more North in my life.

I Can See Clearly Now
To this awesome extra helping of soup, I used a silver bar chain, with the simple elegance of some faceted iolite from my cupboard. The beauty of that stone is such that it needs little adornment. And I loved Michelle's PMC clasp so much I put it front and center, where it should be. Iolite literally means "violet" (ios) "stone" (lithos). It is sometimes called a blue sapphire. Iolite was used by Vikings to give them a sense of direction when navigating. It is said to enhance leadership ability, inner strength and self confidence and is associated with clairvoyance. Hence the name, "I Can See Clearly Now" {maybe I see a pattern forming here...seeing clearly, enhancing self-confidence and going North...hmmmmm....}.

The Key Element
To these yummy morsels I added a length of variegated ribbon {that I picked up at Bead & Button 2009 from Sonoran Beads} with shades of mossy green, gold and lavender and paired it with the last of that faceted iolite that I have been hoarding {oh...for about 5 years!}. I wire wrapped the copper beads she sent in the center of the chain for added visual weight to the piece. And the ending is a lovely copper swirly clasp {perhaps from Miss LeVart as well?}.
I call this one "The Key Element" because of that focal of course, but more so that the key element for me is inspiration. It is everywhere. It is in me. It is in you. And it is in these components. And really, anyone reading this should jump in and play along {please tell me there will be a next time, Lori!} because we are all making up the 'rules' as we go...just so we can break them again! But we are all faced with inspiration every single day. {What will you do with the inspiration facing you?}
And this is what I sent to Sharon. But I will let her tell you in her own words...
The ingredients: Erin generously sent me an abundance of pieces to work with! And don't miss the Moonstruck chocolate, which I saved for a reward upon completion of the necklace :) I chose the power word, "Harmony", and Erin surprised me with this beautifully done pendant that she created with Vintaj natural brass. So delightful! She also shared some of her precious beads from Heather Powers, created especially for one of Erin's projects at the gallery where she will soon be having a show. Look at that terra cotta sari silk, (the camera didn't do it justice), an extra hand-stamped focal, lava beads - healthy to wear! - a sassy silkie bead, brecciated jasper rectangles, vintage rollo chain, copper glass dangles, and a handmade awesome clasp! I gazed at these for days, and as the deadline neared, I went with my original idea.
The outcome: "From Deep Within" Usually I wouldn't explain the name of my piece, but I want to mention how this collection of components absolutely forced me to go deep within my creative zones to bring out the best I could for each one! And lava comes from way deep within the earth, bringing us a glimpse of concentrated minerals. This was the first time that I used sari silk, so I completely winged it, and now I'm hooked! It was hard to leave anything out of the necklace, but I hope I knew when to quit! I have plans for the leftovers already. All I added were the 2 styles of chain and a few more of the Czech dangles. I'm so thrilled to find the perfect use for the Kan Fashions chain I found at the Denver Gem Show. The black and copper tied in perfectly with the lava and the silkie bead and the warmth of the sari silk.
A big hug and thank you to Erin, a true-blue-beady-buddy, for coming up with a way to include me in the "party", even though I don't have a blog - yet!
I call this one "The Key Element" because of that focal of course, but more so that the key element for me is inspiration. It is everywhere. It is in me. It is in you. And it is in these components. And really, anyone reading this should jump in and play along {please tell me there will be a next time, Lori!} because we are all making up the 'rules' as we go...just so we can break them again! But we are all faced with inspiration every single day. {What will you do with the inspiration facing you?}
And this is what I sent to Sharon. But I will let her tell you in her own words...

The ingredients: Erin generously sent me an abundance of pieces to work with! And don't miss the Moonstruck chocolate, which I saved for a reward upon completion of the necklace :) I chose the power word, "Harmony", and Erin surprised me with this beautifully done pendant that she created with Vintaj natural brass. So delightful! She also shared some of her precious beads from Heather Powers, created especially for one of Erin's projects at the gallery where she will soon be having a show. Look at that terra cotta sari silk, (the camera didn't do it justice), an extra hand-stamped focal, lava beads - healthy to wear! - a sassy silkie bead, brecciated jasper rectangles, vintage rollo chain, copper glass dangles, and a handmade awesome clasp! I gazed at these for days, and as the deadline neared, I went with my original idea.
The outcome: "From Deep Within" Usually I wouldn't explain the name of my piece, but I want to mention how this collection of components absolutely forced me to go deep within my creative zones to bring out the best I could for each one! And lava comes from way deep within the earth, bringing us a glimpse of concentrated minerals. This was the first time that I used sari silk, so I completely winged it, and now I'm hooked! It was hard to leave anything out of the necklace, but I hope I knew when to quit! I have plans for the leftovers already. All I added were the 2 styles of chain and a few more of the Czech dangles. I'm so thrilled to find the perfect use for the Kan Fashions chain I found at the Denver Gem Show. The black and copper tied in perfectly with the lava and the silkie bead and the warmth of the sari silk.
A big hug and thank you to Erin, a true-blue-beady-buddy, for coming up with a way to include me in the "party", even though I don't have a blog - yet!
Are you hungry for more? Michelle was so generous with her ingredients that I was able to make some lovely earrings with the some of the extra blue beads and the pyrite colored spacers and some sterling daisies.
If you would like to win these, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post {you deserve a prize if you stayed until the end of this one!!!}. I will pick a random winner at the end of June from all comments received on this post. Feel free to pass the word. I don't care if the winner made soup or is just here to sample! Become a Follower of my blog and that counts as a second entry {just leave a second comment for that to count...I am math-challenged}. Easy-peasy!
Thanks to Lori for hosting this fun party...again {you can read about my first soup here}. Be sure to go and sample more soup from the list on Lori's blog Pretty Things. If you didn't get a chance to participate this time around, be on the look out for the future. You try new things, meet new people and have a lot of fun doing it.
And if you are interested in challenges, don't forget about my monthly Inspired by... challenges. The current challenge is to be Inspired by...Paper Crafting and you can read all about it here and view the entries here. I would love to have you come and be inspired!
And just 'cuz I like you...here is a heads up... be sure to check back this week for more chances to win other giveaways!
Enjoy the day!
I am absolutely over the moon for Facing North. I LOVE LOVE the toggle clasp and I'm a gemstone junkie! Great job chica and I'm so impressed you were able to do 3! I'm struggling to get the one done!!
Every single piece is adorable. I'd love to have all of them! regards Stefanie
And I forgot - I follow you for quite some time now! regards Stefanie
Everything is drop-dead-gorgeous! There is nothing more to say. You are just amazing, Erin! Your design sense astounds me. Your jewelry is some of the prettiest creations I've ever seen. Your pieces always look rich and refined. One of the best designers on the block!
i love all these pieces..keep going back and forth ..each has it's own charm..
i'm already a blog follower..
wanted to say how nice it was of you to include sharon in the bead soup party. love her necklace..
I agree you are one of the best designers on the block - thank you for sharing all your Bead Soup creations. Also, your friend who doesn't have a blog: Get one, Sharon! Your necklace was great too - especially liked the fiber wound around in there. Nice, Nice, Nice, Nice All four things (or was it five) you two made
GASP! Oh my Lord! Look at what you have done!
First how awesome to have such a talented partner that you were sent handcrafted pmc toggle clasps! Facing North was the piece that meant the most to me for it's meaning, but I Can See Clearly Now is so striking, I would love to wear it to a fancy party.
And the last, if I had money to hire designers to create with my components, you and Sharon would be the first hired! I love what Sharon put together for you and I am salivating over what you designed with the soup.
Thank you so much for sharing and for all you put into this.
I'm adding you to my blog roll, too! I'm a fiber artist and I make small art quilts, but I am so inspired by the variety of textures, colors and elements in your jewelry. I can totally imagine incorporating some of those concepts in my work.
Such great style! I'm very inspired by the whole soup collection.
All of them are wonderful! I want to wear each and every one of them!
wow! everything is so beautiful it would be hard to say which one I like the most! wonderful work!
Hi Erin, What wonderful soup -- and Leftovers, mmm! So kind of you to include your friend in the swap, you both did beautiful work.
Please put my name in the hat for the lovely earrings. I'm having a birthday giveaway this week, so check out my blog too. I will be revealing my soup tomorrow.
That's a lot of Soup!! I love the color combos you do. Facing North- green is my favorite color. But the turquoise and purple combo. Wow. All of it is just fabulous.
You amaze me my friend - I'm in awe!!! I love all them, the pmc clasps are really wonderful - what a nice touch from your soup partner. The key necklace sings out though, doesn't it? I love the ribbon, the colors and textures are so yummy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on each creation.
And I agree - Sharon needs a blog! Her piece is beautiful.
I would love to win the earrings and I am already a follower - does that count as two? :-) How lucky to get two bead soup stashes - and what lovely results!
Wow - you made some great soup, Erin! I love that shot of lavender against the aqua elements from MissFickleMedia. Also, I had my eye on the key pendant in Tracee's shop so it's interesting to see where it ended up LOL! Love your work as always! Great job!
Love them all! You have been busy and what a great post! Each piece has so many features, so much variety, they all come together so well. My favorite - Facing North! love the details of this necklace. Bravo!
Lovely work! I really like the key pendant! And get that woman a blog, because she has a lot to share! Awesome work, both of you.
Wow...That's a lot of soup! I've been inspired by all the different ingredients you pulled together.
These are all so beautiful!! The styles are quite different yet I can't decide which is my favorite... *sigh* ;-) You do wonderful and inspiring work!
Erin, you just rock!!! I am amazed at your designs here....every single one of them. I always LOVE to see your finished jewelry because its in a class of its own. All stunning and pieces I would love to wear in a heartbeat!!! Thanks for sharing some seriously gorgeous Bead Soup!
All the pieces are delicious! I love the diversity :)
You work just astounds me, such lovey soups to admire and to wonder after. I am normally into earth tones but fell head over heels for the second one.
I think it is just great how you helped you friend to join in with us on this beading journey, The piece you made with the beads she sent you are abfab for sure i love the patina linked chain you used, it really made that piece POP!
And her piece is equally beautiful, I agree she needs to start a blog so we can revel in her creations.
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement! I'm so glad I could be a "side dish" in the Big Party, thanks to Erin, who came up with Plan B right away. She is generous and loving, but you already know that from seeing her elegant jewelry. Erin, I love what you did with the stash I sent to you, the ribbon is a nice surprise, and, Yes, that clasp is from Shannon LeVart! Your other pieces are each a showcase of your unique talent and brilliance. Party on!
Sharon M. P.S. I have a blog in progress :)
Okay, alright, already! You win!!! LOL. They are all just lovely, and my favorite is The Key Element - awesome!
WOW! I'm blown away. Perfectly simmered and salted to taste. You're a rock star of jewelry design.
Anything for Vegans in there? LOL
Everytime I visit your blog I try to become a follower and I always get the error pageb but I won't give up, I'll keep trying.
I'm totally and completely blown away! I can't say which one is my favorite because they all touched my soul! Nonetheless your last piece--"From Deep Within" spoke volumes to me. I love the hot, dramatic colors paired with copper.
The earrings are just what I would make for myself to wear! You have a wonderful and creative talent!
What an awesome post!!!! I love all the pieces, but that piece with the key focal really speaks to me!! thanks for sharing all of those!
This was a wonderful and inspiring post. I loved the pieces that both of you created and how you support and inspire one another. Please enter me in your drawing!
Wow Erin - I love your necklaces! Especially 3 and 4! They are all so creative and beautiful. Congratulations on a fabulous job!
Erin I cant say enough for your works here! These pcs are just utterly lovely and I feel such a big wow looking at them!! Sooo fine wine!
WOW! Great post! I love everything in it. Thanks for sharing!
Erin, I am awe struck with all the beauty in one place. All three of you creations are awesome and Sharons too!! The first is my very favorite. You both did a great job with your soup.
Wow! I am surfing through all of the bead soup posts (linked over from Loralei's facebook) and am impressed by both the beads (mmmm beads) and the workmanship. Lovely! I also appreciate the effort that goes into that type of blog post quality and will be following in the future.
Laura (Moags)
Oh and I am a follower by the way.
All pieces are wonderful. Please tell Sharon to start a blog and share more with us - I love her piece as much as I love yours, Erin. Wonderful.
Stinkin' GORGEOUS! Every Last one of em!! I love your blog, for a little inspiration jump start... Your pieces have this magic about them!!
I love all of the pieces! My favorite is the first one. It just draws me in.
I'm totally impressed by the beauty of your pieces. Each and everyone is amazingly gorgious and so is the one your friend without the blog made. I love the way you combine materials and colours.
I myself am relatively new to making jewelry... I'm a beadmaker at first and in the middle of learning to make jewelry as well and your work is really appealing to me and therefore highly inspiring. Thanks so much!!
Wow, they are all gorgeous! I hope I win one!!!!
Love, Love, Love all the pieces! They are truly breathtaking!
All of those pieces are gorgeous! I'm very impressed! And the colors are just beautiful - they are just so subtle and sophisticated!
beautiful pieces!
oh wooo! I love the piece you made with your friend. She picked out such lovely components for you... that key is just to die for. The ones she picked are just to die for! Great, great job here.
I have to say that I love your jewelry! Every piece is amazing with such wonderful detail. I'm so glad I found your blog!
Beautiful design work.
I love the 'I can see clearly now' necklace. The blues are simply gorgeous, with so much depth to them. Really nice jewellery you've made there :)
Simply gorgeous! Your style is so elegant. It has the look of being effortless, which is what I always strive for. Well done!
Erin, YOU are out of this world. It is a beautiful artist who puts so much of herself into her work and each thing you make has such presence. I feel uber blessed to share space you.
Please pass along to Sharon that her necklace is stunning, and I hope she does join the creative blogosphere soon!
Erin, you truly continue to inspire me! Everything you made here was amazing!!
Sharon, please start a blog! I think that you would truly bring a lot of inspiration as well to our little beading community!! Your necklace is gorgeous!!
These are all amazing, Sharon really needs to start a blog! All of these pieces are simply stunning
The work is just beautiful and so inspiring. Love the Facing North necklace. Thanks for letting people know to come check out the design. You make it look so effortless, the hallmark of a true artist. :-) -- Jen
I am already a follower and always enjoy your posts. These are wonderful! I love that you had your own bead soup with a friend! You both made wonderful pieces!
Hi, lovely things - all of them. Absolutely wonderful! Your friend is such a great designer tooo! All my best!
Oh my gosh! It's a bead soup bonanza bonus on your blog and everything is incredibly beautiful! I don't think I've ever visited your blog before, but am not a follower because I've been missing out on all kinds of gorgeousness!
I keep going back and looking at the photos again but I still can't decide which is my favourite! They are all so beautiful! I am really impressed that you managed to produce three works of art in the short space of time allowed.
Every piece is fabulous!
Completely gorgeous pieces!!! You really have a way of taking any handful and turning it magically into a tesori trovati. :) Hope you're enjoying the start of summer...keep following this inspirational path North...I'm with you!!! Take care, Jen
All your pieces are wonderful as usual Erin. I especially love the key one as I've always been fascinated with locks and keys and have my own hoard of old keys but haven't been able to part with them in a design yet, maybe soon.
And your friend Sharons necklace is wonderful too, I love what she did with what you sent her, it is truly a unique piece that is sure to garner lots of compliments and intrigue.
I can't believe you had time to make all these pieces with all those you have for the show to make, you make me feel like a sluggard! (I haven't even finished mine yet, but been having some heart troubles so I have a bit of an excuse!). Hope things are going well with the show.
Opps, forgot my second comment,I'm a follower of your blog! :) And I also am trying to get a piece made for your challenge this month, I'll see how it goes and how much strength I get, but it sounds intriguing and I love paper too!
I love everything but my favourite is Facing North. That green moss focal is gorgeous. Well done on creating so many pieces!
I am now a follower :)
Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! Beautiful, exquisite work!
Oh, and I am a follower of your blog for my second entry :)
I love all your pieces!! And Sharon's necklace! My favorite is The Key Element...I have a similar key pendant from Tracey Dock, but I love the turquoise patina on yours! It's all very inspirational. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the giveaway!
they are all wonderful.It's a tough call, but I think I like the first one the best, the greens they always get me!
Looks like I can comment again to mention that I am a Follower! Anyway, this is me, Miss Sharon No-Blog. I'm blown away by your generous compliments and encouragement to start a blog, thank you for the recognition, it means a lot! I have commitments for July, but soon, soon.
Wow. All pieces are absolutly gorgeous. I can't decide which I love most. Oh, wait... yes, I can...
...ALL. Great work.
Beautiful work Erin, always unique.
I cannot believe you created all of those pieces. Beautiful work!! You are a very talented designer. Love that first piece. I used a couple of the Industrial Chic components in my soup piece too. Such fun stuff! Blue is a favorite color of mine, so the second is lovely. The silver and blue are striking together. I think my favorite is the third one from Sharon. Such gorgeous components and a beautiful design!
Sharon: you're just going to have to create a blog for the next party. Great work! I love what you put together.
Wow Erin! I am speechless from all the beautiful pieces that you made. They are all so wonderful. My favorite is I can See clearly now. For some reason it just resonates with me!!
OMG I feel stuffed, and happy!!! Those are some
mega portions of soup for sure:D Enjoy these they are fabulous and I love them all! Don't even think I could pick a favorite - I do love what you've done with Shannon's turquoise chain!
Your pieces are beautiful! I love the use of color, textures, focals. I would wear any of these!
Of course your pieces are just GORGEOUS as usual, Miss Erin! Great job with all the pieces. I can't pick which one is my favorite since they are all stunning!
Bead Happy!
Beautiful pieces! So inspiring! Signing up to follow your blog is reward in itself!
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. What kind of singing do you do? How fun to meet another singer/beader! I would love to be entered into your earring giveaway. I have just read through your post again and I have to say, I love the blues - they may not be your usual colours but you have done a great job!
All of your pieces are spectacular-I really couldn't pick a favorite. Your work always has an elegance to it-love it.You were so thoughtful to include your friend Sharon-her piece was great. What a beautiful give away. Thanks for the chance.
You do such consistently lovely work... amazing. Brava!
I love your blog! What a great giveaway!
~ http://www.artfire.com/users/GlasstasticTreasures ~
Wow! I love all of them! I think that Key Element is my favorite, but I will have to look again to be sure. LOL I found this after it was all over with, but I am having so much fun looking at all of the blogs and seeing what everyone made.
Oh and I follow your blog. I just love to see your designs.
I absolutely love your "I Can See Clearly Now". That focal bead is gorgeous and I love the clasp. I really have to join in on one of the 'Bead Soups'. My problem is that I am horrible about photographing my jewelry.
Oh My! I want to live next door to you and "borrow" all your jewelry!! Fabulous eye candy and such talent. I am a believer and follower as of now!
Kit from Paperkitz.blogspot.com
OK...I'm in TWICE for the drawing, Gal! LOL.
Kit from Paperkitz
How much gorgeousness can one woman produce? YOU, of course! All of your pieces are incredible but I am drawn to Facing North becuase of those beautiful colors and textures. Wonderful!
Your jewelry is fabulous. I love the themes and special touches in each piece - like the dragon fly in facing north - great.
Your giveaway earrings are terrific. I am signing up as a follower.
WOW! What an inspirational post! Makes me think about all the trinkets and baubles that I have stashed for some creative moment! Perhaps I will drag it all out and start to play! THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION TO CREATE!
Absolutely gorgeous pieces!!! Awesome!
Oh what lovely work you do. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for the give away I love the earrings.
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