'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
Such nonsense from Lewis Carroll.
Or is it?
Have you seen the recent Tim Burton rendition of the classic tale Alice in Wonderland? I saw it in the theater, but recently bought the DVD. Up until now I have never felt that poem made much sense {obviously}, but I can see it clearly now, thanks to Tim Burton. I am so glad that I saw the movie in the theater with my friend. It seems that we both shared so much in common with young Alice {albeit for different reasons}.
I wonder if you share things in common with Alice, too?
Tim Burton fills his world with color and wonder and deep dark demons. The characters that populate his imagination are rich and filled with poetic reckoning, but also with a curiouser and curiouser stature.

As pure entertainment, it ranks right up there as a most visually stunning feast, or tea party, if you will. I found the sets, the costuming, the make-up and the fantasy world all winners. I enjoyed Johnny Depp's delightfully quirky performance as the Mad Hatter {seriously, who else could play that role?}, Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen {she reads pathetically fearful at the same time}, Crispin Glover is perfect as the creepy Knave of Hearts {with a twisted penchant for big things}, and all the animated characters who truly came alive from what I had wished every other version had looked like.

I have read some reviews which labeled Mia Wasikowska ineffectual as Alice, because she was so naive and stiff at every turn. I happened to like her portrayal because she wasn't the sentimental wide-eyed child that we have come to know from any of the other Alice renditions {like the animated Disney classic, which is much too saccharine}. I think that it was important for her to be on the verge of becoming an adult, with her eyes wide open and her inability to see this 'Underland' as anything but a dream. Children naturally accept the Wonderland. This Alice has lost the ability to delve into her unconscious dreams, as she stared into the precipice of what her adult life would hold. I found that more believable, not less.
This quest that Alice embarked upon started with a day that should be something celebrated, but was rather dreaded. A day in which the culmination of a life of pleasing others came to an abrupt halt. When Alice took a moment to follow the White Rabbit, she took back her life.
After tumbling down the rabbit hole, Alice encounters a world at once strange and familiar. She is told that she is most certainly not the real Alice, although she swears she knows who she is. But who is she really? Or rather, what is she becoming?
Absalom, the huffing cerulean caterpillar {voiced masterfully by Alan Rickman}, mysteriously pronounces the grown-up girl as 'hardly Alice.' Indignantly, she insists that she is exactly who she says she is, but she is not the Alice they want her to be. And thus ensues her quest to find the true Alice.
What about you?
Like Alice, I am told what I must do certain things and am expected to be happy with what I get, as her sister Margaret tells her.
Like Alice, I feel constricted by the ideals that society puts on me, as if wearing a codfish on my head would make any more sense.
And like Alice, there is a 'Wonderland' inside of me, waiting to be re-discovered.
There is also a Jabberwocky to slay in each of us.
Has thou done battle with your Jabberwock?
My Jabberwocky may be different than yours...my Jabberwock rears it's ugly head in thoughts that I am not good enough that routinely throw me off track...self-sabotage that I heap on myself preventing me from fulfilling my potential...doubt of my worth that creeps in on Cheshire cat feet before vanishing in a pouf of regret at what I haven't done, what I have failed at.
As the White Queen says, it must be your choice to slay the Jabberwock and when you go you will go alone. Just knowing that you have the entire White army behind you and your own cast of wacky 'Wonderland' characters, including a Mad Hatter in your corner ready to take up a sword and fight beside you, should give you the courage you need.
"From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole, I've been told what I must do and who I must be. This is MY path. I'll decide where it goes from here."
When Alice reaches this turning point she sets her feet pointing firmly toward her goals. And once her Vorpal sword slays her Jabberwock {we are told that the Vorpal sword knows what to do, as long as it is held steady}, she is given a choice: stay in 'Wonderland' or go back to the reality that awaits.
I am glad that Alice went back...and that she believed enough in herself to see that she had choices. She succeeded in challenging the dragons that were clearly ambushing her at the top of the rabbit hole because she knew that she would always have the 'Wonderland' inside of her. And that gave her the courage to dare to dream of a different life.
In the end, Absalom begins his own transformation, and proclaims that Alice has indeed found herself. She has become more complete now that she has vanquished her Jabberwock with a snicker-snack. She has regained her 'muchness' {muchness, n. physical magnitude or largeness}. She is about to become all that she can be. She is spreading her wings to fly.
I will take a cue from Alice and fight the battles that need to be won, with resourcefulness and confidence on the way to celebrating my muchness and vanquishing the impossible.
"This is impossible," laments Alice.
"Only if you believe it," replies The Hatter.
Were you inspired by this rendition of Alice in Wonderland?
In what ways are you like Alice?
Do you recall a turning point where you lost the ability to see your Wonderland? Have you ever lost your 'muchness'?
Have you come upon a turning point where you regained your Wonderland?
What is your inner Jabberwocky to slay?
Do you have an impossible dream?
Who is your Mad Hatter, the one who believes in you, sees your true self and spurs you on?
Do tell!
Thank you so much for stopping by my Mad Tea Party! Be sure to go to Mad Tea Party Central and hop around the other 350+ parties!
Since you made it to the end of this {really long} post, I want you to have a chance to win a party favor, just for coming. Or better yet, how about four prizes to win. I will select four names at random from my Mad Hatter's hat and send these lovelies off to you, wherever you are.
Prize #1: As an artisan jewelry designer making pieces for publication, I have a whole storefront to choose from. For the Mad Tea Party I chose to share a piece called "Fly Away Home" {quite a fitting name for an Alice post, don't you agree?} that was featured in the June 2009 issue of Bead Trends magazine. This piece has a dragonfly filigree wrapping a matte purple bosher (button-washer). There are pearls, crystals and lots of Vintaj brass. {Did you know that dragonflies are lucky? That they imply deeper thoughts are just below the surface? That their short life reminds you to live life to the fullest?} This is actually a long necklace, about 30" but depending on your neck, you might be able to wrap it twice!
Retail Value: $125
Prize #2: How about I throw in a really cool set of letterpress coasters from 1Canoe2 on Etsy.
Retail Value: $15

Prize #3: A beautiful letterpress print from EightHourDay on Etsy.
Retail Value: $20

Prize #4: Home Tweet Home! This charming birdhouse kit from Paper Fashions Boutique will come home to roost with one lucky winner.
Retail Value: $32
Here's the fine print:
- Comment on this post to win. That's it. Feel free to answer any, or all of the questions in the post above.
- If you would be so moved as to follow on our journey of inspiration, become a follower of this blog and you will be entered a second time.
(Be sure to post a separate comment so that I can tell.) - Four winners will be selected at random from all comments received by June 30th, 2010 at 11:59 pm CST. The awarding of the prizes will be at the sole discretion of the blog owner (that's me ;-).
Check It Out::Alice in Wonderland featurette
Enjoy the day!
I think as Mothers we tend to lose our "Wonderland" when we are so busy taking care of our loved ones, and helping them find their "Wonderland". I guess one day those "Wonderland" thoughts will pull at our heartstrings again.
I am a follower as well
please enter me in your give away
I totally and utterly LOVED your 'Mad Tea Party'ramblings and was not bored at all. I agree whole heartedly with your thoughts on 'the movie', and enjoyed the way you tell your thoughs. I can say that I have regained my 'wonderland'and what 'muchness' I have...a short stint with chemo kinda worked wonders a couple of years ago. As well as some other happenings.
Please come and visit me for some more Mad Tea, in the Secret Enchanted Forest at:
I would love to win that necklace or that super cute bird house!!!!Great Tea party!
Erin~ once again you have the ability to 'hit the nail right on the head'! I took my daughter to see this with the mindset that I was not going to like it! Boy was I wrong I was immediatly thrown into this movie and recommend it to everyone. Many times in my life I have been so much like Alice 'following the path set for me' at other times I have fought the Jabberwocky and won! And I am so much the better for it! I think there are many Jabberwockys that come into our lives and the choice to fight them is challenging. Much like you the self doubt is the worst! I have survived many things in my lifetime that could cripple some but when that depression and self doubt comes along it is a constant battle! I hope everyone knows that if you "Always Believe" you can get through anything! Oh and I find wonderland through my sweet husband and great kids without them and their support I couldn't defeat that darn Jabberwocky!
Thanks again I sure wish I could express in words my thoughts as well as you but I so enjoy visiting so you can do it for me!
Cyber hugs
Hi Erin,
One thing I know for sure - I MUST go get the DVD since I never saw it in the theater.
You write such thought provoking reviews - maybe another career path?
I can relate to your Jabberwocky. Oh how I look forward to the day that the battle with f.e.a.r. is irradicated from my brain cells!
Now off to The party! :)
Oh, too many deep philosophical questions to answer at this early hour and not enough coffee yet ;o) Although, you definitely made me actively think about the movie on a deeper level.
I loved Tim Burton's film. We saw it in the theater twice I loved it so much (I never do that). I immediately clung to the word "muchness". What a cool word-what it means, how it sounds, how it feels to say it.
I haven't seen the movie yet...now that you've shared your thought I can't wait to see it.
What a wonderful post!
I did not see it in the theater- but scrambled when it came to dvd. after three viewings- i still do not tire from it! after every viewing- i find that i take something different away from it- and lets face it- the Hatter laugh is contagious! I also like the fact that Alice was not portrayed as the typical wide eyed naive girl- and i relate to her as it seems i am always thinking of impossible things- many before breakfast. :o) i also appreciate the Hatter for being more than just mad- taking into account the sterotypical definition of "mad as a hatter" and where it comes from- This Hatter's (2010) madness is driven and seemingly hightened by the tragedies surrounding his world- ie: madness by cause and effect. his depth of character was more than that of a goofball (as portrayed in past interpretations) who claimed insanity for insanity sake.
but then- thats just my 2 cents :O)
Have a madly spectacular day!
ohhhh. and i follow you (dont i follow you?) i think i follow you... yes, i must- let me check.. :o)
Oh, Erin - you have written another delightful post! I haven't seen Tim Burton's Alice yet - but the DVD will be out in about a month and I am impatiently waiting. I think my Jabberwock is of the same family as yours. And I haven't been able to slay him yet.
~*~*~*Hip hip hurray it's Tea Party Day!*~*~*~
I really enjoyed the movie!
Thanks for having me at your tea party! if you haven't been already, you're cordially invited to my mad tea party! Have yourself a mad sort of day! :)
Erin I was gobsmacked and horrified that I found I was not follower of your blog. I realized my mistake early this week and now happily I am now a follower.
Loved your thoughts on Alice.
I'm glad you blogged about that movie because I loved it, and I enjoyed the young star's portrayal of Alice. I thought she was perfect in the role. Tim Burton is amazing, too. As to your questions... yes, I have faced the Jaberwock, and there have been points where I felt I lost my "Muchness." However, I always seem to find it again.
Your blog offerings are just extraordinary, and I appreciate the chance to be entered in the drawing. Thank you ever so much.
I hope you will join me for tea. I'd really enjoy your company!
Happy Tea Party Day...
Sheila :-)
Well done Erin! You are so the one I need to be seeing movies with...man can you dissect a plot-and I mean this as a compliment!!!I am embarrassed to say it, but I have not seen Burton's Alice yet, and now I want to more than ever. Thanks for such a great post:) And that necklace, oh my!!!
What a great post! I'd love to win!
And I followed you too!
Why yes, I regained my wonderland the day I landed on Ms. Vanessa's blog! If you would like to play, come visit my Bad Alice.
**blows kisses** Deb
A Very Merry Unbirthday to you! Sam and I want to thank you so much for having us to tea! It was perfectly delightful! Sam and I loved the movie. We believe that if you give to others, you find you have much more to give!
I love your musings on Wonderland and the inhabitants... so glad I made it down to this end of the Tea Party Table. I'm following you now. :O)
Hi Erin, I haven't seen the movie yet, but really want to go. I had a copy of the annotated "Alice" a few years ago and really loved checking out all the footnotes to see how Carroll's "Alice" was conceived and how it reflected on his world. Very interesting.
By the Way, did you know that the poem "The Time has Come, the Walrus Said" can be sung to the theme tune of the Beverly Hillbillies?
Please enter me in your giveaway -- dragonflies are also a symbol of the Cross to the Native Americans (or so I've been told.)
The movie was bizarre and I loved every minute, but I know I'm nothing like Alice.
So many dreams seem impossible at first, but then seem improbable.
I'm already a follower of your enchanting blog.
It seems our Jabberwocks are common in their negativity when speaking of our abilities. I believe each deadline met, project completed from an old list or new style/technique/media tried is a gash in the side of this beast... Wounds that quiet his voice when next I attempt to be creative...
Though, I find if I wait too long, let the momentum slip, those victories heal and his sabotaging words hold more weight within me...
Thank you for the insight and glimpses of yourself so willingly shared!
Btw, love your choice of blog backgrounds...(I chose it for mine, too..heehee!)
Stop by for a cup of tea and a giveaway also!
Look forward to having you :)
P.S. I'm now a Follower :)
I went to see this in the theater and just loved it. I thought Depp did a great job as The Mad Hatter ... no one else could pull off the Jabberwocky poem like he did and make it seem like it made sense!!
I'm too tired to answer your questions but a wonderfully done post!
Aww lovely post Erin! How am I like Alice? Ermm well I believe we all have a bit of Alice in us searching and the wonderment of things and always searching. Have I ever lost my Muchness? Sure but finding it was me all along I should trust in. Then coming full circle to myself and having much muchness!
I must slay the jabberwocky everyday in my Lampwork endeavours..a true quest!
The tea was Splendid! And thank you for the chance!
And of course I follow you!
I love that movie. It throw me into another world. I really loved that. And please sign me up!
I am a follower, too!
Such a fun post! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!
Such a great post Erin, I loved visiting your wonderful tea party. Love that Tim Burton! I have a little Alice in me too. Hugs, Riki
This blog entry was particularly moving.
I enjoyed reading through and seeing your perspective.
It's not easy to face our dragon, to slay it, but when we do, we move forward with more muchness!
Thank you for expressing yourself so eloquently.
Your's is the 2nd tea party site that I am visiting today.
Please visit mine too.
It's short and *sweet!*
Amber Dawn
What a thoughtful post full of incite. I hope you slay your jabberwock and emerge as a beautiful proud butterfly. How I would love to join Tim Burton and his team as they create such magical worlds. Please excuse me for avoiding your questions but I find we are very alike and my answers would be much like yours. I invite you to my party too.
Your creations are stunning!!! And I follow you now!
Thanks so much for a chance to win some wonderful prizes! I am following YOU!
What an enchanting tale you told! Wonderful!
Thanks so much for having us, Zuni and I had a wonderful time aat your Tea Party! Do drop by for a visit when you get a chance!
Oh, and I'm a follower too!
Loved your party!! Thank you so much for inviting us all! I love the necklace giveaway so please sign me up.
Kit from Paperkitz
And I am now a follower!!
Thank you!
Kit with Paperkitz.blogspot.com
I am following your blog too!
I have come across many instances where my muchness comes and goes. I have felt so little muchness that I am the size of a flea and so much muchness that I can slay a jabberwocky! Overall I live in wonderland and not underland!
I loved your blog posting. Please come visit me for a spot of tea when you get a moment at anaboocreationsbysylvia.blogspot.com
Thank you for entering me in your giveaway! I think the necklace is absolutely gorgeous!
Sincerely, Sylvia
I love the new Alice movie! Johnny Depp is marvelous as the Mad Hatter. I didn't like this Alice at first, but each time I watch the movie, I like her more and more. I always look for the "wonderland" in the everyday that surrounds me.
And, I follow your blog on Google reader so I don't miss a thing. :-) CJ
Well, Erin--you've managed to change my mind about not seeing the Alice movie! I'm now going to have to rent it when it becomes available. As for my jabberwoc--he still seems to have the upper hand and manages to freeze my ability to create. One of these fine days he's in for a big surprise--I'll outfox him when he's not looking. As for your creations--they're all beautiful! Love the necklace--it's a perfect example of how well you put things together. CJ
I just saw the movie this Saturday on our home theater (aka-painted wall in the basement with surround-sound) and loved it! Normally I like to watch a movie without trying to find a lesson or deeper meaning (don't shoot me for that), but lessons of life were difficult to ignore in this one.
Like you, my Jabberwocky constantly reminds me that I am not good enough, don't have enough creativity in me, and will never become anything more than I already am. I'd love to slay it....and I'm learning.
I was wondering about this movie, With you buying the DVD, then I know I have to watch it. Thanks for the awesome, beautiful review. I wish all movie reviews were that in depth.
I was totally enthralled with Tim Burton's Alice! The colors, textures and characters were amazing!
I could so relate to Alice...a young woman constantly being told what to do...how to act...how to look!! I have finally reached a place in my life where these "dragons" no longer pursue me!! I point my feet in my own direction.
Come visit mine if you have time!
Love your giveaways...beautiful
I loved this version of Alice in Wonderland, it has become one of my favorite copies, along with the version starring a very young Kate Beckinsale as Alice in the movie Alice Through the Looking Glass
I had lost a lot of my 'muchness' working at a bank for 8 years, I left it over 2 years ago and I am working back to my creative 'muchness' and I am so much happier and relaxed!
Thanks for letting me visit and answer your questions - lots of fun and since I love all things Alice, I read every bit of your post.
I also became a follower - thanks again for letting me visit!
I'm a follower -- and lots of good insight there about what makes an "Alice"!
Happy Tea Party to you and you and you!
I loved the recent version of the film, and just bought it! Of course Johnny Depp makes a fantastic Mad Hatter.
Excuse me for being so fashionably late...I hope you will not be irate. This was a most insightful tea party! And thank you for offering such lovely dor-prizes! If you have not already done so, I'd be honored if you would sit a spell with me~for tea...http://faeriemooncreations.blogspot.com/2010/06/its-mad-tea-party.html
Sincerely, Theresa (aka The White Queen)
Hello and nice to meet such a generous and talental artist. Well my comment is that I am touched that you invited me and saved me some of the goodies. I enjoyed every moment and will become a follower for sure. Just let me pop on over to a separate comment to do that! Creative hugs to you from Norma
I am about to figure out how to follow you so bye for now. Ciao, Norma
Thank you so much for inviting. I adored your party review and reflections. I too feel like Alice sometimes. I love Tim Burton's films and his usual cast of characters - Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter -but time got away from me (yes, I was late!) and I did not get to the theater to see the movie. I'm so glad you chose to hold just this sort of party, for now I'm sure I will buy it to add to my collection. Thank you. And I WILL return.
Again, thanks for the invite and thanks for stopping by to visit Sarah as she searched for her Tea Party.
BTW: Just followed your blog. I would have even without the invitation! Have a magical week!
Well hello there.. thanks for popping over to Ireland to my Mad Late Teatime Party & Do hope that you pored a cuppa steampunbk whilst you were there?
I enjoyed your post your long post;) and I have to say that I actually feel as though I'm in wonderland most of the time..
Thank you for visiting our tea party. We loved this movie and we Love Johnny Depp! Have a great week! Twyla
That necklace is gorgeous! Love that. I thought that poem at the beginning of the post sounded like old English. I studied it in college. Before English was spoken as it is today there was a great vowel shift. A sounded like e, e sounded like i, etc. all the vowels shifted in their sound to the left one space. We had to read poetry in old English for a class I took in college. It is fun to accomplish. When Johnny Deep read that verse he just sounded mad to most, but I heard it and I said oh, I think he is reading old English! Very interesting either way. Thanks for stopping by. Sherry
I really enjoyed this movie, which to be perfectly honest, surprised me.
After watching the movie, a great way to summarize my inner demons is to say my inner Jabberwocky is my fear of losing my muchness. It just sums it up wonderfully.
Thanks for visiting me at my small little party, nothing as grand as yours! May you keep all the magic and inspirations.
Such an entertaining and enjoyable post for our special Mad Tea Party Day! I also loved the Alice movie and only just saw it for the first time on Saturday night! Please enter me in your drawing for your give-aways and thank you for visiting at my tea party!
Wishing you a magical evening!
Is it possible that a talented artisan such as yourself can have a
Jabberwock! Nonsense ;) Tim Burton's artistry is so perfectly suited for Alice. Thank you for the gracious invitation to visit for tea, if you don't mind I might stay for awhile. I am pretty thrilled that we met.
I am just beginning to visit the parties and am so glad I didn't stop for the night before finding yours. I needed this post so badly. I to enjoyed the Tim Burton version very much. I have had several difficult years in business with the economy and have been hiding. I am ready to believe in my dream again and slay my jabberwocky! I will be back to reread this inspiring post and am a new follower. Thanks for your invite.
Yikes! I thought I had commented and it's not here, I was so in awe of the necklace that I must've fallen down a rabbit hole before commenting on your lovely giveaways and most literary expressions every time you write/compose a post! Thank you once again for the offerings, we're all winners because we know you, Erin - and that is supposed to sound sincere, not sappy! Sometimes the everyday cliches are useful.
Adding that I am a follower, too. I'll be gone for 8 days, starting Weds. and may not have internet access, a startling thought, so if you can't locate my address for the luscious winning package, please just put it on hold. Meanwhile, Create, create, create!
PS I just became a follower of your blog thanks for giving us the chance to win a prize...
First off just wanted to say thankyou for stopping my blog and leaving me a comment it always brightens my dad when I read them....
I think my wonderland is when my family are all together, with my hubby being in the military he often has to go away alot for work, and it always feels like something is missing whenever he departs our home....
So me and the 8 kids have to go it alone, and just get on with everyday life......
My man in uniform is my mad hatter he pulls me up when I'm done, guides me when I'm lost and cheers me when I'm done......
Thanks for your lovely post it was so refreshing to read, I just brought Alice today on DVD so guess what were watching tonight......
Wow-i had no idea this rendition of Alice in Wonderland had substance behind the hype (dont get me wrong, i love johnny depp as much as the next gir...) But, i tend to not go o movies just 'cause everyone else is...but this one is sitting on the TV stand, waiting.
How kind of you to offer up a philosophical view for this tea party turned movie/book club :) my favorite thing with tea-conversation.
Who doesnt have at least one jabberwock to slay?
Wonderland. i am trying to reclaim it-i miss the innocence I had when i was younger, that sense of wonder, that free-spirited do what you want and slide down the rabbithole without expectations kinda girl i was. Trying to get her back.
Thankyou for this thought-provoking post. It added a whole new dimension to an otherwise delightful tea party, socializing kinda time-
have a lovely day.
XOXOX Rhonda Roo
This was interesting as well as thought provoking. I DID enjoy the new Alice movie and I DID enjoy your tea party thoughts. Thanks for visiting me as well. Cheers - Kathy
Thank you for visiting my blog! Lovely tea party! :)Andrea
hat an insightful post, I very much enjoyed reading it. I loved the movie (seen at the drive-in), enjoyed t he perfect hatter! Was glad to see that Alice was becoming a free to be me kind of woman!
Would love to be entered in to your drawings!
If you all have time, stop by
still time to enter the drawing for Tea!
Following you with my Google Reader, you make such beautiful items!
I'm looking forward to seeing the movie and enjoyed reading your thoughts on it. Thanks for the link to the trailer too.
This necklace is another wonderful piece. Thanks for the giveaway.
I really enjoyed reading your party post.... so unique. I have yet to see the movie... I think I will now :O)
Beautiful gifts to be won too.
Thamks for sharing, and thanks for popping over to my party :O)
I like how your tea party was a review of the new Alice in Wonderland movie. My personal opinion on that movie, i was not a complete fan. I can see where Tim was going with it , but I think the movie would have been more well received if it had been advertised as "Return to Wonderland", because that's what it was.... It was advertised as "Alice in Wonderland", and I think alot of hardcore Alice fans went into this movie expecting the traditional story , with Tims added creepiness.... but it wasn't that at all, which is why I think alot of people came out of it really disappointed... me being one of them... But I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions...
Well anyhow, it's interesting to see other people's points of view ! Thank you for sharing yours !! And also thanks for stopping by my tea party as well... The Hatter and I hope you stop by again soon !
La Boheme Magique
I haven't seen the new movie, but your post makes me want to simply for the artistic value. My madhatter is my husband. While he doesn't know much (anything) about art, when I am struggling with a piece, he often has amazing ideas. And he is the most supportive person ever. Thanks again for your inspiring blog.
I watched this movie with my grand kids last week. I have always loved the story of Alice's adventures in wonderland and through the looking glass. I have re-read the book several times. I did not think I would enjoy the movie but loved it! But, I think the movie should have been called "Alice in Wonderland the continuation"
Love, love, love, that necklace!!
I think we're all a little bit like Alice. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I think I'm going to have to add it to my list. :) Thanks for stopping by. Oh - and I LOVE that necklace. Just beautiful.
Thank you for having me over for tea! Your jewelry is quite lovely!
Oh I hope I'm not too late to the tea party! Erin, this post is prolific...you have once again expressed yourself as no other can - you are a born writer! So well done! I'm also one who has not seen this one yet - with the kids, I have to wait til things are out on DVD! Will rent it soon! Thank you for this awesome give away...been a happy Follower for a long time! :-)
I am still trying to sort out everything in the movie. It definitely needs to be seem more than once. Your thoughts will be most helpful. Be sure to stop by for tea if you have time.
greetings from greece!!!!
i love tim barton too!!!!
please enter me in your wonderful givaway!!!
Really enjoyed reading your post. Can't believe I still haven't seen the film yet, but will definitely do so now! Thanks for inviting me :)
I've just signed up as a follower too! Your jewellery is gorgeous :)
I am now a follower also.
Wow - I thought I had posted but don't see it. I haven't seen the movie but am borrowing my niece's copy this weekend after your wonderful review. I also have a Jabberwocky or 2 to slay - the whole not good enough thing rears it's head sometimes and I have to do battle! Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Thanks for a great post,
Who doesn't love a tea party with gifts!
Thanks, I really needed that post today, to help me battle my doubts and self-consciousness... still not so sure I won, though.
As for the questions (those I did not answer before):
Were you inspired by this rendition of Alice in Wonderland?
-Yep. I made a whole line of pendants with quotes, and jewelry featuring them and based on the different characters from the movie. It was a lot of fun!
Do you recall a turning point where you lost the ability to see your Wonderland?
-Yep. But I don't want to talk about it.
Have you ever lost your 'muchness'?
-Yep, I guess so (still looking for it)
Have you come upon a turning point where you regained your Wonderland?
-Not yet.
Do you have an impossible dream?
-Not really, I don't really know what I dream about...
Whew! I fell down the rabbit hole at the last party and it’s taken me days to find my way out. What a lovely gathering! Thanks so much for having me! (And for not mentioning those crumbs on my dress).
btw, I haven't seen the movie yet and wasn't sure I wanted to, but you've changed my mind!
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