
13 November 2014

30 Words :: Ready or Not

 I wasn't ready for the
cold blast
my face.
Forgot to bring gloves.
Or a coat.
I wasn't even wearing socks.
Winter comes once again.

Ready or not.


So I finally did it.

I finished the 30 Words :: 2014 book!

I am pretty excited to offer it to everyone as I think you will be pleased. This will make a great gift for friends, family members, neighbors, teachers...really anyone with whom you would like to share a little inspiration.

I published this book - technically it is a digest (which just means that it is a perfect bound, soft cover book that is a perfectly giftable 8.5x5.5" size with 58 pages) - on MagCloud.

This service recently became part of Blurb. I have used Blurb in the past for making very professional books. What I like about it is they have a lot of tools to help you create your own book, plus they have a distribution component so that I don't have to order a million copies or bother with shipping. Both services are print on demand. Takes about a week to get processed.  I am sure that this will be no exception to the quality I have come to trust from Blurb. Just to be sure I placed an order for one inaugural copy due to be delivered in about a week. I can't wait to hold it in my hands!

When I started the 30 Words it was with the intention of documenting my life. I wanted to get out from the studio and connect myself to the world. I vowed that I would not use photos of my jewelry (although I did break that rule twice) but rather point and shoot what I saw around me every week. The concise 30 words have become a sort of poem, an homage to the life that I am living. And I always thought it would be great to document my year with a book.

Of course, that was before my online friends started playing along. I have been deeply touched by the images and words that you have submitted each week. I don't care if you have played along sporadically or faithfully almost every single week, I am honored that you would join me on this journey. So this book is as much about you as it is about me.

I have made no secret that my mother has Alzheimer's. Several times throughout the year I have featured parts of this journey, like here and here and here. I decided that I would make this book about helping raise funds for the Alzheimer's Association and what better way than to do that with friends! What I have found out is that many of the participants have personal stories connected to Alzheimer's as well. Thank you to the 14 friends who have embraced this project and contributed their verse and vision to this book. It wouldn't be possible without you!

If you are interested in taking a peek and hopefully ordering a copy (or two!), you can do so by following the link below:

Since this is an online ordering system, you can feel free to share this link with anyone you think who might be interested. My goal is to raise $1000-2000 through the sales and 40% of the purchase price will be donated to the Alzheimer's Association. I appreciate your help in getting the word about it, shout it out on social media, share with everyone you meet. My hope is that this book of inspirational photos and words will raise money for a cause that is so close to my heart.

Thank you for your continued support!


The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...

Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).

Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.

Post it each Thursday.

Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing what others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.



  1. Really excited to get a couple copies of the book! Thanks for encouraging us to try this, I feel like you helped push me into finally getting a "real" camera and embracing a new hobby!

  2. So excited about the book project, Miss Erin! Congrats on getting it all pulled together. As for winter, I'm right there with you in the not being ready department. Of course, since I'm from Alabama, I'm NEVER going to be ready!


I love to hear your thoughts and inspirations!
(And if you have your email preference turned on in your profile I would love to carry on the conversation!)
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Thanks for being a part of the story.