
03 February 2011

Update on the Crud

I've got it.

And that is about as scientific as they called it.

After a chest xray (to rule out pneumonia), and two invasive and not-so-comfy swabbings (to rule out influenza A, influenza B and strep throat) it appears that I have none of the above.

What I do have is a constant headache (even my hair hurts), body aches (and chills), a very scratchy and sore throat (can't.swallow), spiking temperatures (103 to 99 and back again) which means that I have an "unspecified viral infection"... or the Crud, as I call it. Basically I need to rest (not a problem, as it is taking all my energy to type this), drink (hard when you can't swallow) and quarantine myself from family (oh, and no working either until at least Monday, not good when a big deadline is this week).

Serves me right for commenting on Sunday that it was amazing that no one in my family had gotten sick. Jinx!

So I am off to play Nurse Erin. No need to leave a message. I won't be able to answer it anyway (and I am woefully behind on answering my comments from the past week... but I will!).

I hope that wherever you are you are healthy and happy and not too bogged down by snow and ice.

Enjoy the day!


  1. take it easy, friend. and get well soon.

  2. Healing thoughts to you! I hope you kick the crud FAST!

  3. Oh my, sending you good thoughts! Hope ypu will feel better soon!

  4. cover up, drink your fluids, take care and we'll send healing thoughts your way.


  5. Erin,
    we all here in my familiy, far away in Bremen, Germany, have (and have had) exactly the same. Exactly. Right now and the weeks before. And now they are testing us on swine flu. Yay!
    I am feeling with you!
    Get well soon - and I knock on wood for the health of your familiy!
    Oh, and I REALLY (!!!) don't expect you to answer...!!!

  6. Get to feeling better. Get well thoughts are heading your way!

  7. Oh, Erin...I'll leave a message anyway. Take good care of yourself. This too shall pass (even thought it may not seem like it now.)

  8. Oh you are really sick! I do feel for you as these kind of sicknesses a body feels and is really sick. My daughter has something like this and got really sick; and the Dr really couldnt do much. And now somethings brewing with me Lordy, Ive got to go for a Cat scan today. I hope you will be alot better soon Erin. Stay warm and rest rest rest! Warming thoughts to you across the miles...ox

  9. sorry you caught that "stuff" it's difficult to get is the best thing..hope yo feel better soon

  10. Just give in and rest, it will all work out.

  11. I'm going to leave a message anyway which doesn't have to be answered! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  12. Soooo sorry ...yes I've learned the hard way NEVER mention illness - doctors or the fact that the house hasn't flooded or it will immediately happen : ( Yeesh ~~~~~ Healing Vibes ~~~~~ your way.

  13. Oh no, you poor thing! Be sure to follow your doctors orders and cheating now! Wishing you better, Erin...


  14. Must try Echinacea really helps me to recover faster when I'm sick. Hope you feel better soon

  15. Awwww, poor you :( I hope you start getting better soon...cuddle up in a nice fuzzy blanket. Don't worry about responding back to my comment on this your energy for recovering from the crud!

  16. Hope you're back to speed soon! Get the much needed rest!

  17. oh gosh, erin..I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well! Get plenty of rest, that's the best remedy for getting better.

  18. Erin, I hope you're feeling better soon. Sorry to hear the crud has you down and out..take care!

  19. Erin, that's what I just recovered from! Just rest, drink lots of fluids, and you'll be back to normal in a week or so. Be good to yourself!

  20. Sending get-well-real-quick wishes and some big hugs, for the blues that go with the crud.

  21. I hope you beat that nasty Crud soon...I know several people who have it as well.
    Nurse yourself to good health!

  22. Well, that sounds like the craps, for sure. Unspecified? I thought doctors had all the answers nowadays.

    I am not saying anything more because I don't want to jinx myself.

  23. Well I hope you're feeling better. I have learned to NEVER make a claim like that - it's a jinx every time. Unfortunately, I too sometimes forget and shoot myself in the foot. :)

    Feel better.

  24. Oh yuck. Hope you feel better soon!!! Sending you good and healing thoughts!


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