
01 February 2011

501++++ Winner!

Hello all!
You really made my week with your comments. They were all so nice. I enjoyed hearing why you stay. That means I should keep doing it!

I am a bit under the weather today. The Crud has me fully in its grips with fever, aches and shakes. Fun times. But I wanted to be sure to announce the big winner!

This comment from Doreen was pulled randomly for the win! Here is what Doreen wrote:

Doreen said...
Wow, Erin...511 and counting! I have followed your blog forever. I can't remember why I started or when, but I always enjoy your posts. It would be sooo cool to win a box chock full o' swag! Hoping you "enjoy the day"!!
{Swag going to Doreen!}
The box chock full o' swag is yours! 
Doreen, please contact me with your address, by emailing me at enjoytheday{at}tesoritrovati{dot}com. 
(And please turn on your email in your Blogger profile to make it easier to contact you!)
Enjoy the day!


  1. OMG, Erin! I am so excited. I just emailed you. Thank you so much! Take care of yourself. I just got over "crud" and it was not fun! Hope you are able to get some rest. Drink lots of water to flush out those evil critters. Thank you again for having this amazing giveaway and for picking me!!

  2. Tesori - Wishing you well!
    Thank you for this opportunity!
    Yay, Doreen - Congratulations!!!

  3. Erin, I sure hope you feel better. I am just getting over that stuff. Congratulations to Doreen!!!

  4. Sorry to hear you're under the weather! Feel better soon!

  5. Erin, I hope you get over this nasty stuff soon!

    Congratulations to lucky Doreen!!!

  6. Feel better fast Erin! Doreen is a lucky girl to win your fabulous giveaway!

  7. Congrats to Doreen and sorry about the crud my dear :(


I love to hear your thoughts and inspirations!
(And if you have your email preference turned on in your profile I would love to carry on the conversation!)
Anonymous comments will not be published.
Thanks for being a part of the story.