
04 February 2011

30 Words::I'm A Super Cheesehead

I hardly thought it could happen
but here we are
Green and Gold
in the biggest game of them all
Win or lose 
it will be super.
Go Pack Go!

'Titletown' by TesoriTrovati

Here's to the Green and Gold in the Super Bowl! Go Pack Go!

{Click the link above to view the entire treasury.}


















  1. Well since the Chiefs forgot to bring their A Game, I'll have to root for one team or the other, and it might as well be the Packers.

    I hope you are feeling better, at least well enough to cheer the team on.

  2. I did not peg you for a football fan!
    Since The Eagles did not get past the first playoff round (against your Packers), and I really dislike Big Ben (he should be in jail!!), I am rooting for the Packers.
    GO PACK!!

  3. Hey Erin,

    Wish you were here where the Superbowl is being played. You'd feel right at home with all our snow and ice.


  4. Woo Hoo! Go Packers! My hubby will be whooping it up in front of the telly, probably not with a cheese head, but eating cheese, no doubt. His family has deep ties to WI. There are even towns named after his great grandpa, and grandpas grand daughter (Alvin and Nelma).

  5. Ha I knew I liked you for something more than just beads! I am a big football fan (St. Louis Rams) I will be cheering for the Packers! We had a house in Lake Geneva WI so I feel loyalty to Green Bay!

  6. I am right there with you sister! I will be cheering on the Pack as well this Sunday. I am not a huge football fan most of the time - but I can't help but be excited for them. Love your assemblage of Packers goodies... Tracy

  7. Love that post title! Good luck to your team ... I'm obligated to root for the Steelers since they are a PA team. Sorry.

  8. Once a cheesehead, always a cheeshead! I am watching that game, just knowing they are gonna win! I love the Super Bowl.

  9. Hi Erin, Hope you're feeling well enough to celebrate.... congratulations! from a Bear.

  10. Awesome game! My family is from Two Rivers, Wisconsin - how could I root for anyone else!

  11. Hi Erin, Just got back from Maui and have a neat story about a girl I met there years ago, a beader! Looks like I've missed a lot of cool things on your blog and hope to catch up soon. Meanwhile, they got me for jury duty ##*@! Hopefully it will be a short trial :{

  12. The little dude with the poly clay cheese head looks just like my frineds brother - I am seeing him EVERYWHERE!!!


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