06 February 2014

30 Words :: 46 Years

sobbing in aisle 9,
I realize
there are no
cheery paper wishes
to mark
46 years of marriage
when one partner is
left holding hands
the cruel mistress

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
Add your link to the InLinkz on my 30 Words Thursday post.
(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
Enjoy seeing what others have captured by visiting them and leaving a comment.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Miss Erin, that is the saddest photo and 30 words ever. I am speechless and that does not happen often. I pray for strength for you and your family.

Sarajo Wentling said...

Erin, I'm so sorry for what you and your family are going through. Love, hugs, and prayers for you all!

Rebecca said...

Hugs Erin. x x x x x x x x x

Margot Potter said...

Oh Erin, so very sorry. Sending love!

Drtanglebones said...

This is heart-wrenching. I think I have something in both my eyes...

Unknown said...

There are no words just sending love!

Juli Cannon said...

Sweet Erin, my heart breaks for them.,..and you. My step dad is slipping away from us as well. Prayers and much, much love to you and yours.

Rosanne said...

Oh Erin, as sad as that was, its still a very beautiful and meaningful 30 words. No one can understand as well as you and your family how hard this is on everyone. Love you...

Sparkle Queen said...

No words, just love! I'm sending it to you sister! xo

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...


Alice said...

Not even Hallmark can make such a card. This disease really takes a toll on the entire family. Sending hugs to you all.

sandi m said...

Erin, My thoughts and prayers to you and your parents.
Play some of their wedding music...


Ema Kilroy said...

Oh Erin (((hugs)). Such a difficult illness. I can not imagine. Prayers for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

What a powerful message! Sending best wishes to you and your family.

Unknown said...

Awww Erin...you know I know. So unfair. LOVE you!!
~ Shelley

CraftyHope said...

Oh honey, I can't even begin to find the words to express how much my heart goes out to you. In 30 simple words, your laid it all out there. That's the power of words. Please know that I'm thinking of you as you deal with this and sending you lots of hugs.

Erin S said...

so difficult. My thoughts are with you, my friend.

Urbanscapes... said...

Love and strength to your family Erin....

Heather Powers said...

All my love to you Erin. Thinking of you and your family today.

Kim Stevens said...

sigh....30 very powerful words Erin! My grandmother had Alzheimers, although we lived over 1200 miles away so I didn't have to live with it like some. So sorry! xo

(One of these weeks I WILL link up, this was just not a good week here)

Mary K. McGraw said...

Such powerful words you wrote this week.

Joann Mannix said...

My darling friend, I am so sorry. So very sorry. Alzheimer's is such a cruel, cruel thief. We lost both of my husband's parents in the same year, a few years back. My father-in-law had been struggling with Alzheimer's. Actually, as you know, they both were struggling with it. What happens to one, devastates the other. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Take care, sweet thing.

Createology said...

Your photo and 30 words stopped me in my tracks. Such heartbreak should not be! Prayers and Healing Strength for you and your family. Blessings...

rosebud101 said...

(((((HUGS))))))), Erin!

Brandi Hussey said...

Oh, Miss Erin... my grandmother had Alzheimer's, and it's a wretched, cruel disease. Sending prayers for strength to your family.

Andrew Thornton said...

Awwww. You made me get all weepy-eyed reading this. It's very difficult to lose someone, especially when they've become so much apart of the fabric of one's life. And you're right… there's no paper sentiments that can capture that particular celebration of life and recognition of sad grief.

Nadine @ Chic with the Kool-Aid Mustache said...

A cruel mistress indeed.

fairiesmarket said...

Wow...... Powerful

Caron Michelle said...

Wow - how empowering, what a touching post!

Marcie Abney Carroll said...

This is one of those moments when there is nothing to say. Just hold on.

Lesley Lane said...

Very moving.


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