"Only those who have awakened know that they were sleeping."
My 10 year old daughter, who turns 11 in July, inspired this series. The first time I made one of these, it was 4 years ago in the midst of a particularly bad spell of nightmares for her. Every single night she would wake up screaming and end up crawling in bed with us, plastered against me...elbowing, kicking, tossing and turning. Plus I would be sweating because I was crammed in between her and hubs. This means I really wasn't getting much sleep.
One night, as I was torching, I was stewing about this particular issue, and suddenly my beads started growing these stylized spider end caps thingies on them before I realized what was going on. The next morning when I showed my lovely daughter, she responded with "that's really mean that you made those because of my nightmare, but also really cool."
I continue to make them even though she no longer wakes up screaming about spiders or crawls into bed with us.
When I read this description it really clicked for me! This bead is huge and now that I see those spider tentacles on them I totally get the energy and intention that went into making them. They are so very unique. Turning a negative scary experience into a positive one.
The colors that Jen coaxes from these lava hot glass rods is quite amazing. Whole universes exist in those swirls! The Nightmare Insomnia bead that I got, and the coordinating glass nuggets, were in this rich honey butterscotch color. So yummy for fall! Along with it I received a cool stamped pewter hook clasp, a strand of these deep inky black and blue button pearls and a whole slew of clear and opaque pink faceted beads.
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{Sneak peek of the Portobello Mushroom soup I created with these genius ingredients!} |
I have to admit that I really puzzled over the pink. They stumped me. I am not a pink sort of girl. I find it a hard color with which to design. And although I could see flashes of pink underlying the swirling golds and tans and bits of rusty orange, I just didn't feel this color.
So I left them out of my design.
That is the thing with the bead soup... you are required to send a pretty clasp, a focal and coordinating beads, but you are only expected to use the clasp and focal. The rest is up to you. As a challenge, this is where you get to have a little say in what you end up with, so if you are at all concerned that you won't like your ingredients, you shouldn't worry about it. Just like any good cook knows that a pinch of this and a dash of that makes all the difference in the final dish, you can tailor the end result to what feels comfortable to you. That is exactly what I look for in a creative challenge... pushing me out of my comfort zone but also giving me the tiniest bit of control.
I can't show you the full piece (buy the book!), but I can tell you that the picture of it is beautiful. To this mix, I added stamped pewter rings, steel washers and wire, silver pewter daisy spacers, a carved bone bead, Swarovski crystals in a smoky gray color and a whole tube of silver lined frosted topaz seed beads. Do I have you drooling yet?
Luckily for you, Miss Jennifer sells her one-of-a-kind nightmare insomnia beads in her Glass Addictions Etsy shop. You can pick one up to see where this special bead will lead you.
And if you hurry, you may still be able to enter your comment on Jen's blog to win one of the Nightmare Insomnia beads of your very own! I would love to see how it inspires you!
In the spirit of Bead Soup, I put together a little bead soup mix of my own to give away to one lucky random commenter on this post. My Bead Soup Prize Mix includes a new 'Sari Snapshot' Simple Truth pendant in juicy shades of orange and grape along with a strand of really cool purple swirly faceted glass beads, orange shell heishi, carnelian/peridot/amethyst carved leaves, brass connector beads and a Vintaj leaf clasp.
To win, answer any one of the following questions (you don't have to answer them all!):
- Do you participate in swaps, hops and challenges? If so, what do you love most about them? If not, what would make you consider it? (Come, join us!)
- Have you ever participated in a swap, hop or challenge that pushed your creative limits in a way that was totally unexpected? What did you learn?
- Tell me what you would do with this Bead Soup Prize Mix.
Be sure to have a way for me to contact you (either turn on your email in your blogging profile or add your email to the comment). I will ship this soup mix anywhere in the world so that I can add another beady penpal to my list! ;-)
My personal thank you to Lori Anderson. I am honored that you invited me to participate in this beautiful book and be a part of a ring of talent such as this. It really is a great collaboration with some very wonderful designers and artists, people that I truly admire, and I am humbled to play a small part.
Nice mix with beautiful color
I love your finished project (of course!). My copy arrived just yesterday and I promised myself that today I will tak the time to paw through it and soak up some inspiration. Love hearing all the back story behind your soup picking and designing. Totally hear what you're saying about the pink....it's a very particular colour. I do like it, but I can only use it occasionally and with very specific colours. Love Brandi's project in the book, for example. And her soup. For me, it often needs a cool colour to tone down its 'pinkness', if you know what I mean!
You know, your Challenge of Literature was the first challenge/hop I ever did and it really opened up a whole new world of fun for me. I have done a few other hops now, including the Challenge of Travel and also the most recent BSBP, and they really force me to think outside the box, try some new techniques.
What would I do with this soup? Probably leave it somewhere close where I could look at it regularly, spill the beads into my hands and play a little. I think I would be sparing with the accent beads, to let your beautiful pendant speak. (melissa_trudinger at yahoo dot com)
Tell me what you would do with this Bead Soup Prize Mix.
I see this necklace as a multistrand necklace with the clasp then a single strand of seed beads to match the round bead colors. The connectors would start the multistrand part. The bottom strand would use the rounds with the heishi offsetting the pendant in the center. Twisting around this would be a seed bead strand using the leaves here and there. Perhaps some small wire tendrils here and there. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a lovely soup!
I can picture a lovely dangled piece with those treasures! That pendant is fantastic and needs a little bohemian or gypsy do up! Love it!!
That Nightmare Insomnia bead would scarethe dickens out of me. It's beautiful, but I would worry that I couldn't do it justice.
I love the challenge of blog hops and bead soup swaps as it keeps me at the bead table. I need that incentive.
If I won your pretty soup I would hoard the focal and use the rest of the beads in a bracelet.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Wow. The sneak peeks get better and better. I love looking at all the soups. I cannot waitbto get my copy and see the finished pieces. I'm not sure what I would do with your giveaway soup, but I know it would pull the colors from the focal. I do like challenges. They always force me to think of something new.
Hi Erin, What a great soup. I would feel honored to win it. Your necklace with the nightmare bead is truly drool worth.This hop has added to the fun of Lori's awesome book. I love hearing the stories behind the jewelry. It gives them more meaning. Plus all the chances to win more wonderful beads is a bonus. The last BSBP is my first challenge. It was wonderful & I am definitely going to enter more challenges. Getting a surprise package of beads was great. My favorite part is the inspiration I got from the beads someone else picked. I am not an orange person, but your focal is outstanding & I would be very excited to design a necklace with it. I can see a garden growing around it.
I am participating in my first ever swap! And it's the Charm Swap run by Jen Cameron :-) One of the things I liked best about the challenge of the swap was that it pushed me to really evaluate what I'd done --and then do it over a couple of times to be sure it was the best I could do.
I think Jen's focals are beautiful, but very challenging, and I love the necklace you created. The book is such a great way to learn from and be inspired by jewelry artists.
I Love these swaps and challenges - it pushing me to try new styles and stitches. The last bead soup I did with Lori I pushed myself to try a range of techniques and it was so fun and I realized that I could really push myself on the boho style.
I love that nightmare bead ... how much fun would that be to create with?! and I LOVE your sari soup ... this style is my thing. that focal is stunning and could really pull in some rich deep colors with fibers.
Can't wait to get my own copy of the book and see all these projects revealed!
What a great post! I enjoyed reading about your creative process, especially the part about leaving out the pink beads! I can't wait to particpate in the next round of bead soup. To answer one of your questions, I've done one challenge so far (I'm new to blogging). What I loved about it was it challenged me to use a component (plastic links) that I would have never used otherwise. I also liked the deadline part of it too, because sometimes you just need a goal date for things. :)
I see a beautiful fall necklace from your great soup. Fall is my favorite time and those beads reflect the beautiful colors of this time of year.
Erin, I've seen your designs in a lot of jewelry magazines and am always drawn to want to make them. You do a great job designing. I have not done a blog hop yet - because I only found out about Lori's this year after the fact and have since looked at just about all 400 of the bloggers who participated. I would like to do one - to test my creativity and am participating in copperdiem's 'ears to you' blog hop.
I have participated a couple of times in bead soup swaps and just love that I am pushed to use something I wouldn't have put together myself. This is always so surprising to me. I thrive on the challenge and deadline, too. ;-)
What a great collection. Can't wait to see your piece.
I just love bead challenges as it makes me think out of the box and this is where I have created my most successful pieces.
Your giveaway colours are gorgeous, very autumnal.
Oh what to make, a bracelet methinks, with a mixture of techniques, wire/knotting and dangles mmmmm yummy!!
That focal pendant is beautiful. So many beads, so many options. Swaps and blogs are always so much fun because you always get something that you might not have in your bead stash or be inclined to purchase for yourself. And, you get the opportunity to meet many online bead pals.
The peak at your necklace is lovely - I can't wait to see the finished piece!
Your giveaway is lovely - I would definitely make a necklace to show off the beautiful pendant.
I love hops (I've been in a few) because I get to "meet" so many fabulous designers!
What a lovely soup! I participated in this year's BSBP and I have discovered lots of lovely blogs and new friends. I love it and I am looking forward to other hops.
You did a wonderful job Erin! I loved the chance to see your piece on a bust yesterday on ABS, it's beautiful in e book too but that just made me want to see more! Those brass rounds in the soup are totally calling to my to created a mound game texture!
Your creation with Jen's beads in Lori's Bead Soup book is stunning and one of my fav's! As always, your designs and the colors you combine have a soothing effect, yet that 'punch' that truly Wows!!
I love the bead soup you put together for your give-a-way, the colors are a delight and your sari snapshot pendants are all so gorgeous and this one is very special!
The main reason I participate in challenges are that they are fun, and they push me outside my usual creative boundaries.
I love to participate in swaps and hops and challenges! It's a great way to get out there and meet new people and it's just plain FUN.
I love playing with the soup! I couldn't figure out why I was having a hard time answering your third question until I realized how tactile beading is for me. I need to touch those beads and play with them before I can begin to figure out what I want to do with them. So what would I do with that great soup? I would have a wonderful time playing with my food!
I love blog hops and challenges, my first one was BSBP #5 and I have been hooked ever since. I love how it pushes me creatively. I have done things I would not have thought about because I received beads that I may not have purchased for myself. I can picture a beautiful necklace with your awesome soup. Thanks.
I haven't really participated in the blog hops and challenges because I don't yet have a blog(don't know where to start or if I'd have enough to talk about). I did however join the Kalmbach Bead Soup Challenge on Facebook and that has been a real challenge for me. The bead soup I received was sent from a bead store and contained beads and colors that I wouldn't normally choose. It has really challenged me to stretch myself both in creating elements to enhance the beads and contemplating design styles that I may not have used before.
gembouquet at gmail dot com
I started doing bead swaps and blogging with Lori and have continued with her as well as Lisa Lodges and a few others. I love getting new beads and creating with them. I real feel it makes me more creative. I also,love seeing what others do with their beads when they blog about them. It is like getting a book filled with stunning photos and directions.
I would love to win you beads and blog about them. I see the large sari bead as a focal with the leaves coming of it. I love the focal and purple is a favorite of win. I would love to win and blog about this new creation.
Love the blue agate slices and the toggle clasp.
Just made one of the Susan Lenart Kazmer's toggle bezel clasps last night - would love to know how you made the swirly blue one?
Love the soup you are giving away - would love the chance to win it!
Yes I do participate in swaps, hops, and challenges. I love the surprise of the contents, the new friends I make, and just discovering that I can take a pile of beads and create with them! It is a great confidence builder!
Awesome post and I like how you explained leaving out the pink ... that part, what you leave out, is just as important a part of the process!
Thank you!
I'm imagining a necklace and earring set with those lovely autumn colors. Some seed beads and copper wire, maybe a few more Czech glass pieces mixed in with your soup. I've already seen snow on the ground where I live, but the trees are still in the process of changing colors. Oranges, browns, greens and reds are perfect this time of year. Thanks for putting this up to win.
I have never participated in a swap, but it sounds fun!
add some more fall colors and make a long necklace (maybe some chain also). love them
What a wonderful fun! I love every Bead Soup Book and I'm great admirer hand made jewelry of bloggers of the whole world - it's beautiful and unique:)
Thank's for chance to win fabulous giveaway.
Congratulations on being published in Lori's book! Love, love, love the soup you are offering for the giveaway! That focal is the star of the show and I would string it to be the star. The clasp and leaves would be perfect accents as they compliment each other in shape.
Thank you for the giveaway offer!
I never have participated in a bead swap... I am a bit intimidated by the idea of creating with what a someone else choose, or choosing beads for someone else to use... What if I just can't make the design work? What if they don't like my bead soup at all? I know, I worry too much... I would like to try it out without the lressure of a blog hop to participate in, so if I won this beautiful soup, I'd be completely over the moon!
I am only just beginning to learn about jewelry making (mostly from great blogs like yours!) so I haven't even thought about doing a challenge or swap yet. If and when I get better at beading I would love to enter a challenge or swap!
I haven't participated in any type of hop or challenge yet. I don't have a blog yet. But, that is something that I want to start in the near future. I love your "Sari Snapshot"! It is absolutely gorgeous! All the beads you selected to go with it are so beautiful! It's certain to make a stunning piece! Thank you for your generosity!
Swaps and hops are fantastic ways to meet new online friends, discover fantastic artists, and of course, stretch yourself in ways you'd never imagine without that special "nudge". I love 'em!
Love your bead soup mix--especially the pendant, which reminds me of those cool henna tattoos. If I won, that pendant is just crying out for sari silk (maybe two different colors rolled together) and some amethyst and carnelian. Yup.
What a great soup. Thank you for the chance.
I'd make a necklace for my Mom, as the bead colors would so fit her hair color.
I too love to swap internationally. Most of the swaps I sign up for these days are international. While it costs more to send to another country, it's worth it as it's so fun. For various reasons (sometimes finding swaps with blog hops overwhelmingly big and sometimes finding it tough on the bead budget) I haven't participated in a swap for a long time so maybe it's time to consider joining another one soon?
Another thing I like is to swap unusual and/or challenging components (like e.g. silk rods), but try to not overdo it when sending something as not everyone enjoys working with out-of-the-box components and it's not fun to give something that creates a creative block rather than a tricky-but-fun creative challenge for the person receiving it.
Looking at that gorgeous giveaway soup, I can't help but think that pendant matches some viscose gimp cord I have and start thinking of ways to use it. Probably keep it simple, add some more metal so the cord doesn't overpower the pendant. And some leaf drops, either by the pendant or in the back by the clasp.
Hi Erin, first let me say that I love your blue clap! When I saw it I sucked in my breath before even reading that you made it!! Lovely!!! I love swaps,hops and challenges! Everything about them. And I miss participating sooooo much. I'm just itching to do one! Now that we are settled in (somewhat) I hope to get back into the swing of things. Love your mix-the colors are amazing:)
I would make earrings! The first thing with new material or techniques I make is always an earring. ^^ I love to participate in swaps and challenges but quite often it is far too expensive to send all the stuff over the ocean too often...
I haven't ever done a blog hop or challenge because I dont have a blog for my jewelry.I guess i've always figured you need to be a real jewelry designer or artist to have one.Its only been the last month ive wanted to join all these hops and challenges that ive finally decided to make my own blog:)If I win this soup it would give me something to blog about!:)Either way im going to blog about how Lori has had such a positive effect on my life how and why.Thanxs for the chance to win:)
I have a lot of lampwork, but this one would have been a challenge. You did a a great job with the design and I agree about the pink beads.
Re your soup givewaway I would definitely have the pendant take center stage - create multistrands of various size beads with a couple colors of sari silk gracing the back neck.
I have never participated in a swap, hop or challenge. I have been using seed beads and some wire work in my pieces, but I have always enjoyed seeing what everyone creates with their bead soups. It's really fun. I'm hoping that if I win one of this blog hop's soup, it will push my creativity further. By the way the pendant you are giving away is gorgeous.
I participate in the monthy ABS Challenges and love being challenged by the art pictures. I've designed some of my best pieces doing the challenge that have pushed me outside of my comfort zone.
Thanks for chance to win your lovely soup...
I dont have a blog because my day job keeps me rather busy! So no hope or swaps for me :(
However you have me excited and I am mentally designing this prize mix....asymmetrical earrings, necklace and bracelet with fall colored sari ribbons, wire work with blackened steel and a little bit of knotting with fall colored silk thread. Basically some rough wire-work and soft fabric to enliven the fall palette you have here !
I am doing my first blog hop next week - mismatched art bead earring swap. I'm excited to see how it goes. Beautiful soup!
I see a gorgeous necklace with your focal & beads! May have to add a few of my own enamels! ;)
Mine! Would love to win.
Working on my kalmbach bead soup now
Bead soup has inspired me and welcomed to the blogging world
I love swaps and hops and challenges! I don't often get to participate in them because of the timing isn't always the best for me, but I really enjoy them when I can.
I like being challenged with a set of beads and colors I wouldn't necessarily pick out for myself, or wouldn't think to put together. I used to feel that I would be in a not-very-adventurous box, using the same types of materials for my jewelry pieces. Participating in a swap in particular was great because it forced me right out of my comfort zone. I only wish I could do more of them!
P.S. Thank you so much for such a moving, lovely comment on my blog tour post, Miss Erin! It absolutely made my day.
First off, CONGRATS on the book! How awesome is that! To answer your question....No, I have not been involved with a blog hop, although every time I am hopping from blog to blog, I ask myself "Are you ready to try this yet?" I need to work up the courage, first! Thanks for the inspiration! I would love to win your prize!
I love participating in swaps challenges! It always sparks my creativity and gets me thinking in new ways...that then carries over into the designs I sell.
In fact I am participating in Diana's mismatch earring swap and wait until you see the creative streak that's unleashing for me!
and I'm always inspired by the pendants you create Miss Erin...so it wonderful anytime they arrive in the mailbox!
Oh Miss Erin that is an incredible soup that just cries out to be made into an Indian inspired necklace. I just love their uses of colors. And you already know that I am addicted to the challenges in a blog hop.
I am loving this book, I keep going back to it and relishing each page.
I love participating on hops for two reasons, meeting new folks and challenging my self to think outside the box.
The soup - why to me of course. :)
I am doing my second swap, and I love how it challenges me to use materials I wouldn't normally consider. I often find myself making things that I am shocked come from me. I think in that aspect it offers a lot of freedom too. I use and can come up with things that I never might have otherwise.
I love your bead soupthat you are giving away. Your sari focal is to die for. I think I'd do a very simple wire wrap for your soup. I love the leaves and might even try to make some flowers for them to be a part of. I'm participating in Lori's cup of bead soup hop set for reveal in November. This will be my first ever and I can't wait.
I do participate in swaps, hops & challenges :) The very first swap/hop was BSBP 4... and is the reason I love the swaps.. because of the amazing people you connect with and the great friends you make :D
... and the 'surprise' package of pretty beads you get :)
I would gather the colors around this pendant, to mimic the colors from our autumn trees.....love the colors of fall, warm colors against the clear blue sky.......
Do you participate in swaps, hops and challenges? If so, what do you love most about them? If not, what would make you consider it?
I do participate in them and my favorite things would have to be meeting new people and making great friends!
I do participate in challenges and blog hops for many reasons: I often end up with beads and/or colors that I never would have chosen and it sparks my creative juices; I love to see what others do with their swap beads - I almost always see a design that is so "outside the box" and that also inspires me; and, I love to "meet" new people!
By the way - love your piece in the book, and, your setup for your art show (from the Art Bead Scen Blog) was fantastic! Congrats!
I have, on occasion, participated in swaps. They're always fun and I love the idea of my creations finding new homes with others who will appreciate them as much as I enjoyed making them :)
Your soup is fantastic! Love the luscious colors. I think I might try to make a bold bracelet. I've been all about chunky, eclectic, bohemian bracelets lately.
Fingers crossed :)
Congratulations on being included in such an awesome book and opportunity! I've been hopping amidst all the contributes and I'm seriously just blown away by all the beauty and creativity of you all :)
That soup you're offering is just stunning! My fingers are definitely crossed for this giveaway ^.^ If I won, I see a necklace forming in my mind's eye, so I think I'd go the necklace route!
Thank you so much for the opportunity!
TheEclecticElement AT yahoo DOT com
I loved this piece ever since I saw it in the video. What an amazing pair you and Jennifer make and well you know I have a thing for orange. I never seem to win one of your giveaways but you know if I could I would tip the scales in my favor!!!!
These are just so beautiful. Very nice of you to gift this to one of us lucky souls. Can't wait to read the book.
I've participated in several hops/challenges and enjoyed them all. I like the challenge itself of trying to design something unique with what I get sent. It's always fun. Love her beads and would like to get one for myself to challenge myself. And love your piece and the soup you're offering.
I helped organize a bead challenge for our bead society. It was so much fun picking out the beads for the kits we put together. And even more fun seeing how 40 women could take similar materials and make something so different.
I have participated in a few challenges/hops in the past, but have had to limit myself due to illness :( I definitely found it inspiring and each time I felt the need to challenge myself. I would like to do more in the future, hopefully when I am feeling better and am up to blogging. One of the challenges for me is also that I really dislike writing and blogging, so there's that. LOL. Anyways, thanks for the giveaway Erin!
Okay - I'm sure best friends aren't allowed to win prizes, but if that soup was in my hot little hands there would be some serious cooking going on. I love the color combination and your Sari pendant is a thing of beauty. I'm always amazed by your creations Erin!!!
My biggest challenges have been the bead soup hop's, I am so glad that I have participated because it has helped me connect to wonderful people and expand my creative side. I don't know if my skills would have grown if it wasn't for these challenges. Can't wait to see you full necklace! I am waiting for my copy of the Bead Soup book, I hope it arrives in the mail this week!
I LOVE that Sari pendant! It is, truthfully, beautiful! I would definitely pair it with other hindi symbolism that represent my truth, silver glass beads, and maybe a sculptural Lakshmi or Buddha made by me!
I absolutely love your blue sterling clasp! I have never participated in a swap, but think it might be great fun!
I haven't every participated in a swap, hop or challenge as I am not sure my work is to the point of being ready to put out there. I don't come up with original ideas, I can launch off of pieces I see and change them to be my own.
If I were to win this amazing beautiful mix, I would do my best to have it reflect the beauty I see in the woods around me where I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is beautiful here right now with the many hues of yellow, orange, red, brown, and green. I love the idea of the leaves themselves as there are so many leaves falling and swirling before hitting the ground.
I would use various types of antiqued brass chain as well as some of the new antiqued brass spacer beads to put the beautiful pendant on. I also work with polymer clay but could only hope to get pieces that look like this one! I would put the clasp near the pendant. I haven't made a necklace with the clasp near the pendant yet so would be excited to try it. I would stack the heishi beads in groups of three to create one large bead. The leaf beads would be strung on as if they are hanging off the necklace. The purple glass beads would be distributed between the pieces of chain as would be the brass connectors.
Love your pendants and would love a chance to win one.
I love to do blog hops as they stretch my designing skills.
Not sure what I would make but I usually do necklaces and earrings. I need to see the beads before I make a final decision.
Beautiful work as ever, Erin! I really enjoyed reading about your process and the journey!
I have always wanted to participate in a hop; however, I don't have a blog to share my creations. I really love this bead soup. The colors are bright and dark at the same time, which really speaks to me. I'm not sure where this would take me... I really have to feel the beads and live with the colors. I think I would probably incorporate fiber with these beads. Congrats on the book to everyone involved!
Thanks for the chance!
Holly (zeniswoman@yahoo.com)
I have participated in challenges/hops, thought not the bead soup one yet. I have not participated in any swaps, thought would like to try one.
All of the challenges/hops have challenges me either with a not usual idea or theme, or very unfamiliar/unseen materials.
Unfortunately I have never participated in a bead swap. Would be fun :-)
Lovely soup (I wish I could win *all* :))
Yes, I do participate in swaps, blog hops, challenges: I love the friendships that are born (or cemented) prior the 'reveal' day, and the extreme creativity that one can witness on the reveal day.
I got started on this road just a few days ago, when I saw some of the info on the book that Lori wrote! I did not have a blog, I had never heard of Bead Soup, a blog hop or reveal!!! So many new things are happening in a hurry and I am having a Blast. I now have a Blog, still working on it but it is there. I am working with Marlene Cupo on an Inspiration Bead Challenge and I am just getting started!!! Please consider me for the Bead Soup that you are giving away. It is soooo Beautiful!
All the soups are drool-worthy, but I think I favor the one you have for the giveaway! To answer your first question, i have participated in several challenges and "soups", the majority launched by you! Each time I had to leave my comfort zone and the result of my struggles was very satisfying! A feeling of accomplishment and new skills, a new perspective of my own projects, so it's a winning event! It looks like your piece for the book will be astonishingly creative, and I relate to the insomnia nightmare, ha ha!
Been following some bead swap and challanges too.
For sure, in every challange that I follow, I always learn new technique as I'm newbie for jewelry making.
Been following some bead swap and challanges too.
For sure, in every challange that I follow, I always learn new technique as I'm newbie for jewelry making.
I love your beautiful work and sense of style. I would love to win this!
Working with orange would be a push for me. I would love to create a necklace with these pieces. swopemelmel@aol.com
I have participated in a few swap hops and I really enjoy seeing what my partners have made. You always have something in mind with what you send out and it's really cool because they always do something you would have never thought of. Plus you meet such wonderful new people.
I have never participated in a creative challenge like that, probably because I am fairly new to making jewelry as an adult (of course made some as a teenager). Yet I did challenge myself with a clay vessel bead from Mary Harding this summer. I finally bought it, and worked hard at making a necklace to honour it. I wore it when I met Mary to take a class from her. Very exciting. Love the snapshot of a Sari pieces so much, by the way. Andrea
The giveaway pendant is gorgeous and I love the soup that goes with it. I've done lots of challenges. I like that I receive goodies that I would not necessarily chosen for myself. It pushes my creativity to design a necklace using the givens and end up with something that I WOULD chose for myself.
llandig at msn dot com
Yes, I do try to participate in challenges when i can because they tend to push me out of my usual comfort zone. Most recently I've tried some of the Art Bead Scene art piece challenges and would purchase someone else's art bead for my jewelry entry. Finally decided to step out into polymer clay for the first time so the art bead would now be of my own creation. Loved it! Thanks so much for the chance to win your cup of soup!
Your designs are always beautiful. This year was my first time participating in bsbp..
I have participated in many hops. I haven't been participating in blind hops recently but I do like when I know who I am hopping with or what beads I will be required to use. I am one to follow the rules so I don't like the element of surprise like bead soup so I haven't been participating in it in the last few hops.
Wonderful creation. I see a wire wrapped bracelet made from those soup ingredients or could be a simple necklace as those beads are already eye-catchers. hope to win. Thank you so much for this giveaway!!! ;)
I have never participated in a swap and would like to. If I won, I would examine your pieces carefully and try to make something worthy of the beads. I love the colors and textures.
I have participated in a couple of swaps. I truly enjoyed them. I am currently doing a "Artistic swap" where we make focal pieces and swap them with the people in our group -- In the end, I'll end up with about 12 focal pieces that were hand made. I am so excited about this swap. I am also in a Secret Sister swap and I will probably use these pieces to make a necklace for my secret sister for the last package to be sent out in December. The focal piece is brilliant! I love it. I also love the clasp, the purple faceted glass beads, oh and those connectors are AWESOME! I just love it all! Thank you for a chance to win such an awesome giveaway!
I love to use components that I wouldn't necessarily pick up myself! I'm usually pretty surprised at how the bead soups turn out! It's a great way to reinforce the fact that creative women can create with just about anything we can get our hands on!
I'd love to win your lovely bead soup ingredients!
Oh Erin, thanks for sharing the story behind your soup. Isn't that whole tour pure pleasure? To be with all of you in a book still leave me speechless. It is so good to know you my dear friend!
I have been able to be part of two BSBP hops in the last year. They were the first that I ever did, as I am not a jewelery designer per se. I love to make beads, not so great at putting them into a design. That is what I love about the bead soup, it MAKES me design. I am in awe of artists who can do this all the time. I have learned so much from this. I would like to win your bead soup so that I stretch even more.
Gorgeous bead soup, I can't wait to see all the projects.#
I've never participated in a swap or challenge as I'm a newbie and I'm afraid I'm not up to the standard.
Erin I love your explanation of how you created your soup piece! When I first started to really blog in January 2010 I read Lori's blog and the BSBP Challenge, mom and I had just missed sign up and I thought it was so cool that there were challenges out there (to perfectly honest I don't even remember how I fell onto Lori's blog now). We did sign up for her June 2010 Challenge!!! I also found out about the ABS Monthly Challenges and I wanted mom and I to try something new to push us. I also found your blog and love participating in your awesome challenges! Because of mom's surgeries and our migraines the creating and the challenge participation has been on the low side this year. I would like to find more challenges, hops and swaps to have us participate in. I think those push mom and I into trying and creating something new and outside our comfort zones. There are a few artists I would really love to do swaps with and see what each of us do with the others components.
just beautiful!
I have participated in BSBH several times and the thing I loved most was the connection with my partners and the push to my creativity. They are the greatest things ever. I would love to win your soup but I don't know yet what I would do with it. I have to have time to touch and feel before inspiration hits.
My personal jewelry style is pretty simple. To step up my game I joined my first challenge with the Feb '12 Art Bead Scene challange. I had so much fun stepping out of my comfort zone. The next challenge had me stepping out of my time zone! I swapped with AngelWhisperer.etsy via Sweden courtesey of a Button Swap. The most recent was the Bead Soup Blog Party. I received beads and colors I would have never picked for myself and loved every minute of making!
Thanks for the chance to win your beautiful soup!
Love your bead soup and can't wait to see the finished design in Lori's book. I have yet to try a bloghop or challange mainly due to fear of the unknown and also the fact that I don't have a blog. So, I guess if I could conquer my fear and figure out blogging, then I suppose I would give it a try.
What a fun soup! I agree I get nervous around awesome artisan beads... but do love them.
I participated in Lori Anderson's BSBP - 6 and am currently working on the Kalmbach Bead Soup Challenge. I love the challenge of taking beads and components not chosen by me. Though they may be out of my element, I let them speak to and guide me into creating a beautiful piece of jewelry. I love how these events encourage me to try different skills or to expand on the skills I am already comfortable using. Either way, it is nice to be challenged and to find myself on the other side of things richer for the experience.
I hope to be added to your international beady penpal, I'm Italien :)
I love to partecipate to international challenges and swap (I took part twice at BSBP too!), cause I love meet new beady friends and take inspiration: there are so many styles out there, and american beaders make great tutorial for new techniques I love to try - in Italy we have difficult to find materials, for example metal stamps :(, so I put all in my "to do list" :)
I hope to be lucky, thank you so much, baci dall'Italia
Shame on me for not reading through the directions and hopping right into commenting.
You know I love a good challenge. I think by letting others pick a theme or beads for me enhances the creativity even when you first get it and say to yourself"OMG what have I gotten myself into?" (PS you have to see what I have been challenged to work with) But in the end I let the artist that proposed the challenge and the beads themselves light my way.
What would I do with your soup? Well after resisting the extreme urge to lick them and then crying over the fact that I would have another pendant of yours I would set them on my tray (with the ray of heavenly light that will of course shine on them) so that I could wait for them to show me the way. Yes I know cheezy but my sweet Miss Erin that is what you bring out in me.
I love joining and participating in blog hops. Its fun to see what people creat with what they're given. One of the challenges that i enjoyed was your Challenge of Music - oh, that was a blast!
Your bead so prize is so nice! I adore the color palette. I will make a beautiful necklace with it - will wrap the beads with wire, put the heish beads in between... Ah.... Wonderful!
Your design is amazing! Congrats for being featured in Lori's book. A photo of my necklace made it in the gallery at the back of the book....I was so excited! Yes, I have participated in several swaps and some were more challenging than others. I have to say that even though the challenging ones are harder, I appreciate the outcome and the chance to stretch my creative muscles. Thank you for the opportunity to win some of your beautiful soup!!
Congrats being in Lori's book. I have it, and it's one of my new favorites!
I think the very first challenge I entered was one of your "challenge of color" challenges. I love the way challenges pushed me just over the edge of comfort. It's a nice stretch to try a color, or component, that I might not have otherwise tried.
Have you ever participated in a swap, hop or challenge that pushed your creative limits in a way that was totally unexpected? What did you learn?
I participated in #5 & #6 of Lori's bead swaps and I already have the beautifully inspiring book! #5 pushed me into creating an asymmetric design - something I have never done. #6 pushed me to create using all the beads given me. Loved everything about the swap and can't wait for the next one.
I have indeed participated in quite a few swaps and hops since I first discovered the joys of it about a year ago :) I have done three bead soup blog parties, which were absolutely amazing! The first one challenged me the most I think, my wonderful partner sent me this gorgeous but enormous focal in a color I'd never really used before (copper, with red fire agate large oval beads and rounds) and all kinds of stuff I'd never used! It was eye opening in the best way. I learned a new style of necklace, played with a metal I hadn't used much before, and went way out of my comfort zone with such large pieces. It was incredible! I felt like I grew so much :)
Jen's work is amazing. I'm not a pink sort of girl either; every time I end up using pink I'm surprised, honestly. It's never the first color I pick so when I hear the whisper...I obey. I do participate in blog hops, exchanged and challenges. The first challenge I decided to do was an Art Bead Scene; I felt safe because my blog was new and I have no followers. LOL. Then, I eased in with the Messy Workshop Blog Hop because I only needed to take pictures of my office. My first real challenge was BSBP and I was pleased with some of my work and ideas and not others. Now I am in a bead swap group where I constantly get beads I would never buy myself and I hope that helps me continue to grow as an artist. I can't wait to get the Bead Soup book and I would love to win the lovely Soup you put together...the best part is you can always deconstruct and reheat a Bead Soup as you learn and grow as an artist.
Erin, I hope that by emailing from Australia where it is your tomorrow I can just sneak in with a chance for the draw! If not, so be it. I have never been involved with a Bead Soup type swap but have contemplated it often. I always think, When I get back.... When I lived in Nepal I was very limited in space and resources but that was fantastically extending and gave birth to some of my most fun creations! Saris in particular were a source of design challenge. I'd restrict myself to the colours in a sari and use them to fuel my art for the next month. Heading back to Sari Land on Friday! Hugs from Oz, Wendy
Erin, I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely adored your project in Lori's book. I too was a bit stumped when I saw the bead soup for the first time, the focal is incredible but maybe it was the size and colors. The necklace you created has a sophisticated look, very stunning and complex. I love the way Kalmbach featured it with the layout - just such a beautiful spread in the Bead Soup book.
Erin, I could not be more thrilled that you got to work with my beads. You made them sing in a way that I didn't know was possible. Thank you for the kind words.
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