
27 August 2012

I Care About this Alot

I read a lot of blogs to get my mind off the things that I would rather not deal with.... like where I sit every single day.... Sometimes it is just to laugh, sometimes it is to feel inspired, sometimes it is just to pass the time. But no matter where I land virtually every day, I always find something new to make me smile, and I am amazed at how I can hop on one blog and then get linked up to a dozen others. Falling through the rabbit hole...

Today I stopped by two of my favorites, and I thought I would share them with you.

Surely Sonsy is a blog written by Jessica who is a 'shapely girl shaping her world.' She seems to be a very hip and trendy young woman with a great eye for fashion and especially fashion that fits her curvy girl body. I can appreciate that, being a curvy girl  woman and all. Her job requires her to be a lot more dressed up than I have to be on a daily basis, but I love that she posts her great outfit combos and also where all the pieces from her earrings to her shoes come from. Every time I see her outfit I think that maybe I could pull together something similar from what is in my own closet, except that my own closet doesn't have nearly as many shoes or purses or cute tops and skirts. (And I so want to make her a necklace to wear with one of her cute outfits...) I really want to dress nicer, because I have always believed that what you do on the outside reflects the inside, and I think that if I look better I will feel better. So I have been doing a little retail therapy this month (okay, really more like ALOT... teehee!) and I have been keeping this cute girl's style in my mind. In fact I bought a Divine Knit pencil skirt from Eloquii and tried it on today and it was a knockout. Very shapely and sexy and I can't wait to wear it.

In a recent post, Jessica supplied a link to Hyperbole and a Half. That blog is so very snort-out-loud funny. I had seen it before but for some reason never followed it. Sometimes you just need to laugh.

As a former English teacher I do have to say that grammatical errors to irk me, but not so much that I will go all ape-shit on you about it. This one happens to be one of my biggest peeves, and it seems that Hyperbole shares my cringe-worthy moments.

Do you like this Alot? I do, too! ;-)

Unfortunately, the blogger behind Hyperbole has not been posting since 2011. Her last post discusses her bouts with depression. I sure hope that she is okay. Because I think that the 4264 commenters on that post care about her... Alot.

Your turn...
I know that you all read blogs that are concerned with your creative self-expression (like this one, here!), but is there a blog that you read that might be surprising to those who know you, that has nothing to do with your art or your interests? One that is funny, or touching, or just a guilty pleasure? Do share!

P.S. Stay tuned for the big Challenge of Travel blog hop happening right here on Saturday, September 1st! I finished up my pieces last night and I am so excited to share them with you and take you on my virtual armchair journey around the world. And 59 other creative souls are excited to share with you, too!


  1. vodkamom. She makes me laugh each time I read it!

  2. I like hyperbole and a half too :) And they aren't strictly blogs but I also like xkcd and the PhD (Piled Higher and Deeper) comic.

  3. I love Hyperbole and a Half, too, and share your concern that she's been away for so long. Another one that makes me laugh (even if it is kind of twisted, or maybe because it's kind of twisted) is

  4. Hmmmm, most of the blogs I visit are jewlery, vintage, or home decor realated. But I do visit 'Laundry Hurts My Feelings' when I need a good laugh. I'll have to check out the ones mentioned here, because lately I'm finding I need a good laugh about five times a day......

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I read "Pink Underbelly"... she is a youngish mother of two great kids, loves to play tennis and drink lots of bubbly, lives in Texas, and is a survivor of breast cancer. Her blog goes into great detail of her struggle with the cancer beast, and I am inspired by her courage.

  6. i want jessica's hair - so bad i could cry! cute blog...
    i have a couple of food and natural blogs i follow, like

  7. Wow, Jessica does have great taste (except I didn't care for the triple threat/wearing 3 belts thing) but I'd love to see her closet!

    I just go to Pinterest when I have time to kill....which isn't often...I find I like the pins of tattoos and desserts....haha!

  8. Hyperbole and half is great (and, yes, it's worrying to see her gone so long). It's on my blog roll too. Apart from the obvious -- bead, jewellery, crafts, art, environment -- my unbelievably long blog list also include a bunch of comics. Like the already mentioned XKCD (even though the math and physics are so way beyond a former social sciences major like me) and Hark, A Vagrant! plus syndicated strips like Non Sequitur, Pearls before swine, Get Fuzzy, The Knight Life etc. And "humour from real life" blogs like Clients from Hell and Not always right. Book cover blogs are also on my list (e.g Good Show Sir and Pop Sensation).

    Related to my love of the fantasy genre and mythology, I follow Terri Windling's blog The Drawing Board with lots of quotes on various themes (often on storytelling, fantasy, writing etc), tips on articles worth reading, monday music and pics from the english countryside as well as of her own and other's art.

    As a fan of QI, I also have the Quite Interesting Fact and Quotation of the Day feed in my reader.

  9. Hyperbole and a Half is a great blog site. She's pretty hilarious. I learned a lot from her every time I visit the site. Its just sad that she isn't been up to date.
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  10. Just a quick note, Erin, re: H&H. One of Allie's last posts mentioned that her book (!!) was being published in the Fall of 2012. Hopefully that's the only reason she has been a no-show at the blog.

  11. Now I have several new blogs to check out! One of my favorites is Crazy Aunt Purl ( I've followed her for years, and love everything about her blog. Hilarious and very real. She's written two books and is working on a third, and her latest comments about some of the consequences of blogging are things I never, ever considered.

  12. Other than jewelry...hmm...

    There is this blog about South Asian and Indian Weddings...completely OTT engagement and wedding photos, then there are some embroidery blogs, and the funnest one is an American gal reviewing Indian movies. She is a HUGE fan, and has seen even some silent Hindi movies. Love her!

    Thanks for introducing me to Hyperbole and Half. Loved it, and am worrying abt her.


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