
07 July 2011

Words of Wisdom: Just B.E.

A poem in pendants, 'simple truths' style!

we are a lot alike, aren't we?


for the best

and cling to the notion that

The truth is that we
need to have

in the beauty of our convictions

and trust that we will

if we but allow ourselves to

But you have to


in order for it to come true.

Now is your time to

and by nurturing your soul, you will

and that will allow you to

in the things that mean the most to you.

Remember that you have a light,
so step away from the beacons you are following and

But no matter what,


Some of these are new creations in my 'simple truths' line. Watch for some of these (sorry, some of these have already found homes) to pop into the shop by tomorrow. I will stay up all night if I have to. (As if that has never happened before ;-)

I have been absent a bit because I have been enjoying time with family, watching baseball games and eating way too many Boomer burgers, and coming up with new designs and new directions. I hope you have been enjoying your summertime, too. Stay tuned for more on these... but in the meantime...

What message is the Universe telling you today?

Enjoy the day!


  1. You have such an amazing talent that you also get to inspire.

    I am very curious about these Boomer's Burgers. I kinda want to try one now.

  2. Erin, these are just wonderful! I love your Simple Truths line, and can't wait for mine to arrive in the mail. I could use some inspiration right now.

    The universe is telling me to slow down, to remember, to allow myself to mourn, and that it's OK to enjoy the days without feeling guilty, and that its OK to grieve without feeling like I have to be strong.

  3. Lovely post! It's just like a poem. My fortune cookie yesterday said: "Be open to new opportunities." So who knows what will be next?

  4. What a great way to showcase your work and inspire us.

  5. WOW!!! I LOVE all of these but I need "Believe You Can"! Thank you for your encouragement and inspiration.

  6. Erin - this is awesome and just the wise words I needed for today. Thank you for always sharing your heart and soul on your blog!

  7. These are wonderful and I do so love how you put the story together. Away with family is so special and I know I've been doing that myself. Recharges the batteries in a way nothing else can.

  8. Great pendants! Your soul is expressing your art so beautifully!

  9. "Ditto" what the others said. Love the pendants and the inspiration and the way you put this post together!

  10. Just beautiful! Glad you are enjoying your summer!

  11. Beautiful Erin, so lovely, great colors, wonderful words. Best of luck with your new line! Riki

  12. Want want want!! LOL. I want the dragonfly one! ox

  13. I love this, Erin! Word art gets me every time.

  14. This a very nice post and the pensants are wonderful. Patterns, colours, shapes... I love them all.


  15. Beautiful art AND text! The Universe is telling me how lucky I am to be going to Heather's wonderful workshop, where I will grow as an artist and meet new people who share my passion for the beauty on the world around us!

  16. Oh Erin, your pendants are...simply wonderful. The words, the colors, the execution. That is truly art!

  17. Love your rich and creative blog - always interesting to read and look at.
    And of course love your etsy shop.
    I am in envy . . my blog has so far the words . ."be patient while I learn this blogging thing " . . . you inspire me to try and get it going!!


  18. Truly a work of art and inspiring words. It's like a poem. Maybe you can work this into one of your drawing assignments.?.?

  19. This has made me smile!

  20. These are really lovely Erin, they really resonate with me. :-)

  21. Hi Erin, i swear you have E.S.P. you just seem to know when to inspire & make people feel good about life & themselves,it's good to spend time with family, sooths the soul. I just think you are an amazing person, maybe someday i can join you for one of those tasty sounding burgers :P
    take care and have a wonderful weekend!
    ttfn Lana

  22. No words can give this feelings you inspired true justice. Thank you!

  23. Oh, this was so timely! Isn't it amazing how you have to first believe that you can, before you actually do? That pendant in particular struck me...

    And what is the universe telling me? That it's time to step out of my comfort zone, and step quickly :)

  24. Nicely done Erin!
    I've been to busy trying to balance things lately and I think the universe is hinting that I need to step slowly and enjoy the creative process.

  25. This was such a perfect and lovely way to showcase your work and give us all some things to think about. Great!! Thanks.

  26. I love this post. I am always looking for inspiration in my life. Thank you!

  27. The universe has been telling me that "this too shall pass", that I'm lucky to have the friends I do, that honesty and trust is my most valued quality in a person, and that those who care lift me up instead of stomping me down, leave me hanging, or pretend they don't know me.

  28. Love, love, love your post Erin. So uplifting!!!

  29. Erin I loved what you did in featuring your pieces, you are so creative! The universe is telling me to "Take a Deep Breath, and Enhance Your Chi!". Have a great weekend!

  30. Hello Erin, You have been busy, buzzy, bzzzy! I find it is too darned hot here right now to even think straight. Thanks for sharing your Simple Truths


  31. I hope you're enjoying your burgers and your glorious summer. I am so in love with your simple truths. Words and jewelry, two of my favorite things.

    I'm back, but absolutely that means no pressure at all. I just don't want to leave you hanging since I still owe you for the piece already in the hands of my blog reader.

    And the universe is telling me that it's time. It's coming, this great big leap of mine very, very soon. And all it will take is to believe, in myself and my own words.

  32. Just beautiful. Universe telling me I am tired and need to rest. Hard for me... I think I am headed over to your store to see what I can find. : )

  33. Such a great post Erin - I too am all wrapped up in summer!

  34. What a clever post Erin, and such a great way to highlight your work! Hmm..what is the Universe telling me these days? I think I need to slow down and start listening...

  35. My Daughter was looking at your pendants I have happily collected and said Ohhh Mom! She loved them like I do! She wants to get into polymer clay now, maybe she will. I told her I would teach her Lampworking, but arent they all wild flowers..she said No..they hear their own Song! Im sorry I have not created anything with mine yet..cant help it they are 'specially hoarded right now.
    Message? The message the Universe is telling my heart the last two days is to draw close to the Lord!


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