
12 July 2011

Simple Truths: Make A Wish

"Beware what you set your heart upon. For it shall surely be yours."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don't know about you, but I like dandelions.

Their cheery yellow heads are popping up in lawns and roadsides and cracks in sidewalks all over the place at this time of year. They may be weeds, but I love them just the same. We saw an entire crop of them in an empty lot this past weekend on the way to our baseball tournament in Kimberly, WI that looked like it had been cultivated in row upon row. It made me smile. And while I wouldn't wish for them to invade my own lawn (because that would make my husband crazy!), I do appreciate their tenacity, and I was remind that soon their yellow petals will give way to fuzzy puffs with all the promise of a million and one wishes.

Wishes are funny things.

They are our deepest hopes and desires for what will make us deliriously happy.

But what if you get all that you wish for? Are you prepared for that?

Wishes aren't real until you say them aloud, preferably to someone else. Because in doing that you make that desire known, you give it life, you send it off spiralling into the cosmos like so many dandelion fluffs so that it has the higher likelihood of coming true. If the Universe doesn't know what you want and you don't know what is possible, how can the circumstances collide? For I believe that a wish that you harbor only in your heart will never be made real. Maybe that is why when we were kids and we made our silent wish and then sent the puffs spiraling into space those never came true because we kept them only in our hearts.

A crucial component to wishes is that you have to have the vision to see when the Universe comes calling with opportunities that will bring that wish to fruition, and the courage to act on them. Too often people make wishes that are not rooted in reality. Or the they fail to see the open door in front of them. Or worse, they see that their wish could come true but sabotage the chance by turning away for fear or lack of foresight.

To wish for immortality is ridiculous. But to wish for a long and healthy life is a wish that is reality based and therefore achieveable with a myriad of opportunities that will present themselves for you to choose from to make it happen.

For my own part I would love to wish for the ability to just quit my job and sit around creating all day. That is not part of my reality. I have to work, if not for me, for my family. Rather it would be better to wish for an opportunity to do meaningful work for a company that would allow me to do what I do best... which is to write and design and inspire others to live up to their potential to be the creative people that I believe we all are called to be. I am not sure that such a position exists, but in confessing my wish to all of you, I have opened myself to the possibility and encouraged the Universe to align my desires with opportunities.

Puffing on that dandelion and wishing in my heart is not enough. There are a thousand little seeds that get planted from those dandelion puffs and any one of them could take hold and blossom into exactly that dream come true for me. I have to remember not to overlook those opportunities that could be disguised as weeds when I am looking for the roses to bloom.

These 'simple truths' pictured above are the limited edition pendants for July that were just mailed out to the 'simple truths sampler club.' I am trying a new finishing technique on them that I am quite delighted in, and as soon as all this baseball settles down, I will get back to making more. It is my hope that in creating a piece of jewelry with this piece that the designers are making a living mantra to remind the wearer that wishes aren't just a childish game we play with dandelion puffs on the breeze, but that we all have the power to make our deepest hopes and desires come true if we believe in them and we make manifest our wish.

Your turn...
What is your wish?

Enjoy the day!


  1. I am so wishing for one of those and I am fully prepared to receive it! LOL
    I do believe when making wishes we should always be very cautious. It is all to easy to wish your troubles away but that doesn't help in personal growth. And they don't always come when you want them they are so much more likely to be there when you need them.


  2. Oh boy do I ever have the same wish as you! As unrealistic as that is though, I would also settle for wishing for work that didn't seem like work because it's doing something that I love (being creative [on my own terms]). I love your dandelion charms, and I really needed to read this blog right now too. I've got a zillion wishes I'm keeping to myself. I need to say them aloud. Thanks :)

  3. Very well put, Erin. I do hope your wishes come true. Like everyone else, I wish for a more creative and satisfying job. But in the meantime, I've come to accept my job, and I do the best I can at it. I do need to pay the bills, so might as well get on with it, right? And I really like my co-workers, so the days pass quick enough.
    I received my pendant yesterday and was totally charmed by it!! I can't wait to make it into something - my wish is that it turns out fabulous!

  4. I'm so excited to receive this in the post Erin! It's beautiful and a lovely sentiment. I do hold some of my wishes close to my heart and I'm not sure I'm brave enough to speak them out loud I will though - I wish that I could sing more than I teach (singing). I do love my pupils but teaching singing is exhausting - mentally and (more importantly to me) vocally. I would love to have a healthier balance and sing more than I teach. This will involve more studying and time....but I hope I get there!

  5. My wish -- hmm. Lately, it's to find that "thing" that makes me feel complete (outside of my family -- they do make me feel complete, but I mean, something I did just by myself, if that makes sense). I've been struggling with what that is, but the more I think about it, the more I think, it has nothing to do with beading.

    I also have always wished since I don't know how long to live to age 88. Don't ask me why. A healthy, robust 88. Don't know WHY I picked that number! :-)

  6. So beautifully put, Erin. Interesting that you pose the question of whether or not you will be prepared for your wishes to come true. It's a matter of perspective and balance, I think. It is so easy to wish for something different as an escape from where you are in life. I think those sort of wishes the ones you may not be prepared for. But if you wish for something and recognize the little things that may help that wish to come true then there may be a certain balance.

    I love the memory of blowing on a dandelion and sending the thousands of little messengers out to the wind. It's a sweet childhood memory that I haven't thought about for a long time. Your pendant design so perfectly evokes that. Thank you for taking me back!

    Here, I am rambling again. You always seem to bring that out in me :-) I hope your wishes manifest themselves in a thousand ways on your journey through life.

  7. beautiful and i love dandelions as well...
    i am a believer in being careful of what you wish for - but i wish for peace, a safe place to open and unfurl... and for my kids to do the same... x

  8. I find my wishes come true when I am least expecting them and in a way I would never expect them to come!

  9. I love the hope represented in dandelions as well. We rarely pass a dandelion by without making wishes. :-) My 2 year old blows as hard as he can, although he doesn't know why yet (except that it's FUN). I have a few big wishes, and acted on one of them today. It's been a dream for some time and now it is a whisper out there in the wind, just like a dandelion seed. That age-old caution, "be careful what you wish for" can be so true too though.
    Erin, I do hope your wishes come true...I think they will in just a matter of time.

  10. Erin, I wonder if you're a fan of Jerry & Esther Hicks and Abraham. You spoke their philosophy to a tee. I believe that you're right and that we need to get the wishes out and in alignment with the universe. I am wishing for a robust healthy body at the moment. And I'm doing what I have to do to get it. I also wish for the ability to see my kids whenever I want. But unless or until I sprout wings I don't see that happening! It's still a fervent wish. Good post. Thanks.

  11. Wonderful thoughts Erin!
    I am making my wishes into beliefs through the law of attraction. Each day I set forth to the universe my beliefs that I am an unlimited being, empowered by the law of abundance to achieve all my dreams of wealth and posterity! It is a constant prayer all day as I visualize my day as a stream of wealth. I focus on the possibilities and believe in my dreams! It helps me to blog about it and share my journey. I am loving hearing about yours!

  12. Great post Erin and also enjoyed reading the like minded comments.
    My wish is just as you stated ! I like the understanding you bring to wishes - it made me think!
    I usually tend to wish and hope some kind force will grant it - I suppose the missing piece is what I am prepared to do myself to make it come true (more effort though!!)
    I love the idea of a collective 'Wish Book' - different artists with their slant on a wish . . .
    We all perceive wishing differently, personally . . it could go so many ways. .
    Love this post.

  13. Erin,I LOVE LOVE these pendants! I love the color and the dandelion's representation. Your day will come, when you can work at home doing what you love to do most, create. Everything will fall into place when the time is right....and I think it will come sooner than later:)

  14. I wish I had signed up for the club. This charm has touched my heart and soul. I have loved Dandelions all my life and have always felt sad that they are so disliked by others. I always felt they had a magical quality.I also love Queen Annes Lace & Blue Corn Flowers which we called Raggedy Robins. Sadly, these all get cut down before they have a chance to bloom. Please let me know when the Club begins again.

  15. My wish? To sell my businesses and create art all day. First I want to leave for one year and go to a secluded island and create art all day.
    I like dandelions too, just not growing in my yard! Did you ever pick a bouquet of them for your mom when you were little? My mom would always put them in a vase with water.

    Really digging the new pendants. Love the colors. Go Team Sampler Club!

  16. I would be quite happy to make all my wants and dreams come true..Quite Happily Yes Ma'am! So far things are moving along well! You are a treasure like a beautiful dark wildflower who drinks that water in deeply! (more pendants..make them lol)

  17. Erin, what a lovely post! I love dandelions--which we tend to have a healthy crop of each spring.

    Your Simple Truth's 'Make A Wish' pendant is even more beautiful in person, and rather than using it for a piece to sell, I will be keeping it to myself as a reminder to let my wishes be known to the universe. Normally I keep them to myself because people tend to laugh about or put down dreams and wishes. But your post has made me think difrerently.

    I wish for you to have your dream job so you can help support your family while doing what you love.

  18. Erin, I LOVE these pendants!!! LOVE!!!
    Long time ago, I wrote all my wishes down. It really helps. It's like a contract with yourself.


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