
08 April 2010

30 Words::No Joke

{Buy this print from 6timemomma on Etsy}

On Easter it was sunny and 70.
Ate ham and bunny cookies on the deck.
Sport-o said it was snowing.
I laughed at his joke.
He wasn't April fooling.
Enjoy the day!


  1. spring is one fickle lady! you have snow, i have 90s... hopefully it will all regulate a bit for both of us! the picture is beautiful though...

  2. Erin! Dontcha love spring in Wisconsin?!? How much do you have? We have over 2" already here in Fondy.
    Bead Happy (and stay warm!)

  3. Oh, that picture says it all. Waking up to snow!! Gaaa! Just as I was getting excited about the buds on the star magnolias outside!

  4. Beautiful, as always here, Erin.

    Been thinking of you and your pretty jewelry, and smiling.

    SNOW!! Oh well, it's melting will make spring all the sweeter!


  5. What a beauty. Oh, that WI weather is soooo fickle! Mother nature just wanted to mess with you guys. Hugs, Riki

  6. I'm sitting on my patio having coffee and watching the critters, but tomorrow, who knows? April is the cruellest month!

  7. I just adore this photo ... but it is just wrong wrong wrong to have snow in the spring!


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