How would other people describe you?
Many thanks to all who have commented on my posts, particularly the last post. You are all my cheeleaders and I really appreciate your support!

Terms of accepting this award are:
1: Upon acceptance of this award, the recipient agrees to list 10 honest and hopefully, interesting, facts about oneself. Recipient must also link back to the giver.
2: Recipient must also list 7 bloggers (with links) who they feel deserve the "Honest Scrap" award. [I will list some bloggers I appreciate, but I do not expect them to post unless they really, really want to.]
I don't really know if I can come up with that many interesting things, but I will play along as best I can.
1: I sing at church regularly as a cantor who leads the songs. I have also been asked to sing at baptisms, weddings and funerals.
2: I was once active in the local community theater and my greatest thrill was to play the lead role of Dolly in the musical "Hello Dolly." I believe that everyone deserves a standing ovation.
3: I love beautiful writing and look for opportunities to use my talents to calligraphy everything from invitations to diplomas. I also have a love of computer fonts and typography.
4: I collect quotes and dust. I invite you to send me your favorite (quote, not dust) to
5: I live in Wisconsin, but I hate the winter weather and anything you might do in the snow. However, I love to watch it through my window and I have a small collection of snow people, particularly snow families with four figures.
6: I am a member of Tri Delta sorority at UW-Madison. People who knew me before college and people who know me now would never guess that I would be a sorority girl, proof that there is more to a sorority girl than meets the eye!
7: I am taking a pottery wheel class at Art Village with my 10 year old son. We are having a blast! I have also taken classes there in oil painting where I replicated a Van Gogh landscape.
8: I am so proud of my 7 year old daughter who is a gifted dancer particularly since I have two left feet.
9: I love to travel to new places, but I rarely have the opportunity. I would love to travel to Europe and Asia to immerse myself in the cultures there, like the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I dream of having a passport and filling it with travels.
10: I am married to my high school sweetheart. He swept me off my feet as a senior in high school and I cannot imagine my life without him in it. He is the best dad, the most loving husband and my best friend. He makes me want to be a better person.
I am not sure that I have the courage to find out exactly what others think about me, but I am encouraged by all the positive energy that has flowed my way since I began this little experiment. And the seven people who pour their hearts and souls out in their respective blogs listed below are truly honest and engaging people. I urge you to Check It Out::
Enjoy the day!
Thank you so much for the award! I really enjoyed your 10 things too.
Thanks so much for thinking of me! I will definitely take you up on doing this ... who doesn't love writing about themselves! HAHA!
I really enjoyed your post. Amazing to me that you married your high school sweetheart and are still happy and in love! That is completely inspiring to me!
"Eat, Pray Love" was one of my favorite books from last year ... I would love to recreate her travels! I too hope to have many stamps on the passport ... just don't see that happening any time soon.
I'll have to think about some quotes to send you. I really liked the one at the start of your post.
And thank you for helping to correct my erroneous perception of sorority girls ... I must admit, I am a bit guilty of having a less than stellar view of sororities based on some college experiences but I realize that those girls were not representative of all sorority girls!
Great job!
Merci Beaucoup!!!!
I want a singing voice, know where I might find one???
You are a precious lovely soul my friend!! xoxo
Hi Erin,
Can you explain the whole sorority/frat thing to me please?
And thanks for the GBS quotation. I shall go and scrub my face forthwith!
Fun to read learn more about you - I too am so glad you took the chance to post a comment on my blog - you are a great inspiration!
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