
14 August 2014

30 Words :: My One Wish

She always brought me
from the farmer's market 
on my birthday.
This year
I bought glads
for myself. 
My one wish
is that she would
know me and 
r  e  m  e  m  b  e  r

The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...
Take an image (preferably one you shot, or have permission to use).
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.
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(InLinkz code will be open for one week.)
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  1. So sad that she does not remember. I wonder when we will find a cure.

  2. Big hugs to you Miss Erin! I can't imagine how hard this is for you and your family... She may not remember you but I know YOU have so many memories of her to cherish forever.

  3. I knew I shouldn't have read this at my red eyes will probably freak out my patients. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  4. Oh Erin, I want to send a (((big hug)) to you. My family has had it's medical challenges but this disease is something I can't imagine dealing with. My wish for you is that you and your family find the strength and support you need to traverse this time in your life. Lots of love.

  5. Oh, Erin, your heartache is palpable. And I'm so sorry for you. There are many physical ailments that are horrific and terrible...but one that takes away the memories of those who mean the most must be among the worst.

  6. I'm so sorry, but I'm glad you bought the flowers for yourself.

  7. So poignantly beautiful - from one that totally empathises xxx

  8. Even though my mum's mother died more than 15 years ago, my mum buys herself a birthday present from Nan every year, something special that she really wants. I think it's a lovely thing to buy yourself some flowers to remember your Mom's birthday treat. XX

  9. Oh my dear friend, my heart aches for you Erin. Sending thoughts of love and peace during this hard time.

  10. My heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine what you're going through, but please know you're in my thoughts.


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