
09 January 2014

30 Words :: Hello, January

Air so crisp it slaps your face.
Flower petal hues s-t-r-e-a-k across.
Sun  B  U  R  S  T  S forth,
a blinding golden ray, 
hinting at warmth
Hello, January.
Your touch makes me appreciate

 I used to do this from time to time, these 30 Words exercises. I don't know if anyone liked them, but I do. And I miss them.
So I am attempting to make it something more regular here...
~30 Words Thursdays~
to document my world in images...
to chronicle what is in my head...
to be more present...
and to welcome poetry back to my soul. 
The premise of 30 Words Thursdays is simple...

Take an image.
Write 30 Words about it. No more. No less.
Post it each Thursday.

The challenge for someone like me who is uber-wordy is to pair down my thoughts to the most necessary words. That is hard for this chick to do!
How do I do it? Find an image you shot (I might rely on my camera phone for quick ease in documenting my surroundings). Then I usually write a few sentences in Word and use the Word Count feature to see where I am at. With this one I was at 39 words to start out. Then I had to get busy editing (don't you wonder what 9 words I removed?). 

What you see is the essence of the thing. And it feels like poetry. Which makes me happy.

Next week, it will just be the image and the words.

If this sounds like something you might enjoy, I invite you to join me!


  1. A lovely photo! I'm terrible at this kind of thing, but it looks like you are a pro. I love your new blog header.

  2. Your image and your poetry is fanatastic. I'd like to try to join in next week. Love your cover photo too!

  3. Erin, what a gorgeous shot! I like this idea and next Thursday, I may join you and play along. Many times, I take a walk in the nearby Wegerzhen Garden Cents and have some really pretty photos that would be fun to share.

  4. I love your photo and poetry! I'm playing with images for my word this year ("nest") -- I think I'll add a 30-word poem to capture my preliminary thoughts and feelings about it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. I love this idea! xox jean
    ...amd beautiful job.

  6. Love your concept! A beautiful poem and gorgeous photo! I'm going to try my hand at it. I've committed to more writing this year - what a fun exercise!

  7. Thanks for doing this! It's a great idea and I'm going to try and take up the challenge and do regular 30 Words Thursday posts! Good luck!

  8. What a wonderful idea. I hopped right in! It will be such a pleasure to see everyone's photos and read their words. Thank you!

  9. You have the best challenges - I really need to do something like this, words are good for the soul so count me in!

  10. I really like this idea. My wife, Sarajo Wentling pointed this out to me and I think I'll try to contribute something next week. I'm not an artisan, but think this would be a cool experiment for me, and get me to try something unusual. Thanks!

  11. Great picture and the words do the photo justice.

  12. I really like this idea. I can be rather wordy myself. A 30-word limit seems almost ridiculous, but also a test in creative patience. I may just try to play along now and then. Thanks for the challenge!

  13. I love this idea!!! I want to play next week. :)


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