
17 September 2013

Just a Bit Wonky

“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” ~ Roald Dahl

adjective: wonky; comparative adjective: wonkier; superlative adjective: wonkiest
1. crooked; off-center; askew.
"You have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth."
weird, whacked out, messed up, not working for no definable reason. Usually applied to technology.
"Dude, you have the wonkiest computer in the world. I walked through the room and it crashed."
3. crazy, loony, not quite right, out of sorts, a mix of bonkers and wacky.
 "That lady fondling the beads over is a bit wonky, don't you think?"

Miss Kristi Bowman makes lovely bits for your jewelry needs. I love her bronze clay creations in particular. So very tribal in feeling and rustic in look, they add a great touch to your designs. Miss Kristi was taking a little detour from metal clay to play with polymer clay and her results are not only magnificent but totally in keeping with her vibe. So when she announced a special sale on some of what she calls 'wonky beads' to the first to snap them up at a special deal with the promise of using them in a piece to show off what you can do, I jumped at the chance. You know I can't pass up a good challenge.  

Of course, I wrote it on the calendar for Monday, September 16th. I wrote that date on the bag. I put them in my tray in order of what deadline was the closest. And wouldn't you know it? I messed up. I thought I had another day, like the 16th was a Tuesday in my world. But I did have them started, and I had sketched out designs, I just needed to finish them.

I did finish them late, late, late last night (while also getting started on the pieces I need to complete for tomorrow for the Baubles and Beads reveal!), but the lighting was not working in my favor. So I wore them all to work today to use my favorite moss covered cement wall as a photo backdrop. I think this styling suits their rustic quality.

The first idea I had was a lariat with multiple strands of something cord-like to the back. Long. With dangles that you can fidget with to your hearts' content. Tribal looking, like some long ago amulet with magical powers. What I forget is that I don't really have much in the way of cord, and I am horrible at knowing how much to use. I thought I was doubling the amount I would need for this, when in fact I came up a bit short. This necklace is about 28" with a 4" drop, but I wanted it longer. Still, I like the look and it is very light. I give you Wonky Lariat.

Blue and brown dottie bead and drop - Kristi Bowman Designs
Carved bone beads - Rings & Things
Butterscotch and Teal waxed linen cord
Silver cornerless cubes - Rex's African Beads
Okay. So I only used of the six beads in the set. But I did also purchase those fun little drops, like the one on the end, so I think that counts. I like to spread the art bead love around and see how they play with others. And Miss Kristi's beads played nicely!

After I completed the lariat, the rest were just lying there waiting to be loved. I noticed that they were next to some other beads, little orphans from other projects and some newer beads I hadn't even busted into yet. And it all clicked. Next up is Wonky Necklace.

Flower bead - Kristi Bowman Designs
Glass beads - JulsBeads
Polymer clay tiny disk bead - Humblebeads
African brass leaf bead
Glass daggers - Unicorne Beads
Spiral shell bead - pewter hand patinaed by me ;-)

Will you just look at the detail on that little flower bead? Makes me squee all over the place! ;-) Love the color, the texture, the shape. If the definition of 'wonky' is quirky and just a bit off, that is what this necklace embodies for me. I pulled quite an eclectic bunch of bits and bobs for this. I can see doing this in all sorts of styles and colors with a lot of different beads. You will notice that I actually did repeat some shapes, three of each to be exact.

{Shhh...that is my best tip for successful asymmetric designs. Use the number three and repeat elements, preferably three times. Don't tell anyone. It will be our little secret. ;-}


I think that I will make more of this style for my upcoming show and use up all those art beads (not to forget all the other beads) I am They actually look really great stacked together, like I am wearing them now.

So you will notice that now I have used two of the six beads in the set. I thought that it was a good idea to use at least one more (the others will wait for inspiration to strike). And this flat disk was calling to me. It looks like stone. I love the texture and the color. And the tiny burgundy droplet from Pinocean jumped right to it. I wanted to be able to see the texture and originally thought of a pendant on a simple chain. But then I spied some little ring blanks. They were too small for me to know what to do with their base, but I don't throw anything away. Good thing! I whipped out the epoxy jewelry clay and kneaded a little pea sized bit to act as the glue to hold it all together. I threaded a rhinestone studded headpin with the Pinocean bead and then played around with some other copper bits until it felt right then just secured it all with a bit of the clay to dry overnight. Et voila! Wonky Ring!

Polymer clay disk bead - Kristi Bowman Designs
Glass bead - Pinocean
Copper ring shank and bead caps
Rhinestone head pin
I think that this little ring might end up being the prototype of some more rings like this. Easy-peasy to make and a fun little fashion statement for your hand. 

Thank you Miss Kristi, for issuing this fun and unique challenge!

P.S. I don't know why Blogger looks and acts funny to me today. Must be a bit wonky! ;-P Check back tomorrow to see what I do with the Baubles and Beads supplies!


  1. I love reading your wonky story! You make words so much fun! And, of course, you create the most incredible designs that just seem to flow out of your fingers...:)

  2. Fabulous designs as usual! I love the wonderful beads in the Wonky Lariat. Actuall I like them all but that ring is sweet! I've been wanting to make rings for a while now. Just need to make time to play around with ideas.

  3. Nice! I always love hearing your design story. These beads of Kristis are wonderful. Oh and my dates don't actually seem to be aligning with the actual day of the week either. What's up with that?

  4. Wonky is wonderful.
    As for dates and calendars, I think the moon has been playing tricks on us all.

  5. This was the first place I visited after getting back on line! I have missed you so very much! Thank you as always for sharing your design story and making me smile!

  6. I enjoyed reading about your design process! Love all your pieces, especially your ring and the wonky necklace. That flower bead is super nifty!!

  7. FABulous wonkiness!! I love all three pieces, but especially the first one. I love how you used the cording (those little metal beads make me think of the ones in the Baubles & Beads packet--just got an idea! Thanks!). I love how you used the beads in the lariat, and LOVE the color scheme. Let your Wonky Flag fly!

  8. Well worth the wait Miss Erin!!! Love love love both pieces and so happy to see you used the sinker as part of the design. You are the queen of wonky my friend.

  9. Wow Miss Erin! Three fantastic pieces, and I love that the wonky designs have triggered some design ideas for you! That second necklace is my pick of the bunch, so simple but so much texture! Lovely!

  10. I do that too - I'm convinced today is Thursday, and it's actually only Wednesday :(

    I love the 'wonky necklace'! Not only is the asymmetric design stunning, I think the colours work really well together.

  11. A-Mazing designs...all of them as usual you Rocked it!!! Always an inspiration Erin!

  12. As usual, you can turn straw into gold! Can't WAIT to see you at ArtBliss-- you are going to rock the class and I'm so excited to see what kind of "wonky" you will make-- whatever they are, they will be special, just like you. Thanks for the post-- you know how I love to see artists take up polymer.

  13. What great pieces. I especially like your second necklace with the (3's) I won't tell. :) So glad to see your inspiration and see what you came up with.

  14. Love that ring! It's always great to ready about your design process, and fun too.

  15. Wonderful designs! I like how you have featured so many artisan beads and seem to highlight each one equally and with aplomb. These are pieces I could see myself wearing. Now tell me about this curious practice of sketching your design in advance? I think I've heard of it..... fascinating. ( I am a strictly "let the worktable do the work" kind of designer... as in if things end up near each other and I kind of like the way it looks then they might end up together in a piece)

  16. Just found your amazing pieces a minute ago :-)I like to read the story of the designing and to see this great jewellery as the result. Your work is unique♥ and I love♥ it!

  17. The first comment by Shirley says it best for me - you make words fun and the designs just flow out of your fingers! Perfectly described! When I saw the beads in the first photo, I would've been completely blank as to any inkling of imagination, but you "wonked" it all right!

  18. I love, love, love that you opened this post with a quote from the amazing Roald Dahl. I devoured his books as a kid and am still in awe of his writing as an adult.
    With that said, you did a fabu job with the wonky beads. I especially like the wonky necklace. It feels like a bunch of fun bits pulled together for a really fun necklace. Well done!


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