
26 August 2013

Bead Fest Pity Party: The Winners

Thanks to all who played along with us this weekend for the Bead Fest Pity Party! I had a lot of fun busting my stash, taking an inspiration adventure and treating myself to a class of one. I hope that these activities will inspire you to do the same!

I promised a winner each day. So without further ado, here they are, chosen at random:

Friday - $20 gift certificate goes to Tracy Kruse

Saturday - $20 gift certificate goes to Pine Ridge Treasures

Sunday - my new Tamayo pendant goes to Kym Hunter Designs

Congratulations! I will be emailing the winners with the details shortly.

The code PITYPARTY13 will still work in my Etsy shop through today, Monday, August 26th. After that I have a HUGE tray of pendants in progress for all the orders (thank you! thank you!) ready to be created so I can get them shipped out ASAP!


  1. Congratulations to all! Jean, who won a bike once as a kid and who therefore does not think the world, or you, owes me your prize!!! hahahah. thanks for posting on my blog--I replied to you there. xox jean

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