
28 June 2013

Sunny Seaside

“Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen.
We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more
if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds.” 
~L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

 Today is my day to share the monthly blog tour of participants in the Art Bead Scene challenge for June. It is my honor to curate this special gallery of goodies.

I didn't have time to make my own jewelry inspired by this month's painting by Franklin Carmichael called Jackknife Village, but I have been working this year to be inspired by the painting in my offerings to the Simple Truths Sampler Club.

This month I put my very rudimentary skills at polymer clay canes to work with a little scene lifted right out of the painting. (You can squint to see it ;-). I like the idea of 'painting with polymer' and hope to do more of this! I have to thank Heather Powers of Humblebeads for sharing her knowledge and expertise with me and I hope that I have done her proud! And see that wee little key hiding in the scene? That is a gift cane that Heather crafted for me inspired by my logo. I will 'sign' all my beads with that key from now on!

Hop on over to see all the other great pieces created in response to the Art Bead Scene for June!


  1. Erin, I LOVE them! I think you did a fantastic job!

  2. Those are incredible! Wonderful job!

  3. Absolutely lovely! The little key is adorable.

  4. There is nothing like the thrill of learning a new skill, Erin, and being able to share it in a special way. I just love your unique interpretation of the Carmichael painting!

  5. I LOVE them, MIss Erin!!, I used to paint impressionist style acrylics. I think this style is the best because you don't have to be perfect. I have one in my office that came out of my memories to Tennessee with no picture to work off of. I also have several other paintings in my house that I did work off of pictures or paintings to get my inspiration. When I saw this months challenge I immediately loved it. Now I want to know how to get one and I let my little monthly thing slip with your pieces. Time has flown by and here I am wishing I had one. You and Heather are so amazing in your styles and designs. After your marathon of a summer with sports maybe you will do more of these. Love the idea of signing the beads. Perfect.

  6. Hi Erin! Your polymer clay is really beautiful here. What lovliness you make! I have a good few of them and I adore everyone of them. Lovely work Miss Erin!


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