
19 February 2013

12 Things I Want You to Know

1:: There is nothing that you could ever do that would make me love you any less. I might not like you at times, we might clash and disagree, but I will always love you. There may come a time when we fracture each other's hearts. I will be there with a tweezers to pick up all the tiny pieces and mend it to make us stronger. My love for you knows no limits and can never be lost. No matter what. Period. Be loved for who you are.

2:: True beauty is found within. It is not the clothes on your back, or those terrible Ugg-like boots you know I dislike, or the clothes or make-up or accessories. It is not on the outside, it comes from deep inside your soul.  I want you to be healthy with your choices, your meals, your body so that when your inner beauty bursts forth people can't help but be dazzled by you. When you are beautiful on the inside you shine on the outside. Be beautiful inside and out.

3:: I will be your best friend, your confidante, your cheerleader and your teacher. But I will be your mother more. You will never be too old for me to hug you and rock you and soothe you even when you get up in the middle of the night and traipse past two bathrooms and around to my side of the bed to tell me you are about to be sick. I will be there to hold your hair and yes, scratch your back, despite the fact that I bought you that really nice back scratching claw thingy. Be sure of my love.

4:: You can be anything that you want to be. I mean that. Anything. And know that we will support your path and the choices you make to get there. Don't limit yourself from dreaming big and changing the world. If you don't follow your inner passions you will be the only one holding you back. The world is waiting for exactly who you are to make a difference and to set all the stars in the sky blazing. Be a difference maker.

5:: Experience all that you can. Step up to new challenges with open arms because those challenges will teach you who you are. Opportunities are doors opening all around you. Have courage to see what is on the other side and step on through. Go big. Fail big. Make a splash. Keep an open mind about people that are unfamiliar to you, things you don't understand, situations you fear, because when you have the opportunity to make connections with new people, learn something new and test your limits you will be living a full and happy life. Be a participant in Life.

6:: Cultivate good friendships. There is nothing more special and satisfying than the love of your good friends. They will be there in the rough times and the fun times and the sad times and the happy times. There are days coming when there will be heartache caused by the rifts between you and those you thought were your friends. The best way never to worry about anyone gossiping about you is never to gossip about anybody. Good friends will never leave you. Hold those friends like eggs. Shells are easy to crack. Remember to treat them as you would want to be treated and know that your self-worth is independent of your who your friends are but will always be raised by your true friends. Be a good friend.

7::  I know you are not ready to test the waters of dating, but I want you know this so you are prepared, because those days are coming. Don't ever lose who you are in a relationship. Boys will come and boys will go in your life. If you feel you need to change to feel someone's love, if you don't feel cherished for who you are, then it isn't true. A strong man will never be threatened by a strong woman. There will never be a man who will love you more and longer than your father and he will be the rock upon which you will build all your future relationships. Always know that you are daddy's little girl no matter your age. And someday, many years from now, when you do find that one relationship that rises above all others, know that it will be an act of courage, commitment and sacrifice to carve out a life with this one true love, but it will also be the most fun you will ever have with your best friend. Be cherished.

8:: Your body is a temple, a sacred vessel created by God. What you put on your body, in your body, surround your body with and ask of your body should recall that God made this structure and it is beautiful. There is no need to alter, change, enhance, cover up, slice into, ink upon or otherwise deface the beauty that is you. You may not always like the way you look, you may want to compare to others, especially those that are airbrushed and plastic and impossibly perfect in the pages of a magazine. Know that you are exactly what God wants you to be. God doesn't make mistakes. Respect yourself. Take good care of yourself and this temple as it is where you will live for the rest of your life. You are stronger than you think you are and you have no idea yet as to the strength of your body to accomplish amazing things. Your body is not just yours, it is a gift for your future husband and will be unwrapped together. Trust me. It is worth the wait. Be strong.

9:: Never be afraid to laugh at yourself. It is okay to do foolish things, just don't be a fool. And laugh lines make your face more beautiful the older you get. Be happy.

10:: Be grateful, humble and compassionate toward others. Seek to leave the world a better place and spread love in every way you can. Love with all your heart. You will get hurt. But pain is a blessing of life. Without it we do not know the fullness of what it means to be human. Be a lover.

11:: It's okay to not know. Ask questions. Knowledge is power and when you don't know something it is an opportunity to learn. And you need to learn something new every day. Always dare to say and do what you know is right. Speak your mind. Learn how to say 'no' and not feel bad about it, and 'yes' when you can fully commit to it. Being assertive is not the same as being aggressive. Making tough decisions is part of life. Make decisions for yourself and don't be afraid to go against the flow. Be inquisitive and courageous.

12:: You are called by God to be creative. How you choose to be creative is what makes you unique. Hiding your creativity or comparing it to others is not healthy. You have a gift to give this world. Find that thing that is your passion, that makes your heart soar, that lights your fire and spread your wings and ignite the world with your muchness.  Be creative.

Happy 12th Birthday Tiny Dancer! You are my greatest treasure. I love you!


  1. This is just so beautiful, every word. My daughter is graduating in this year, and I need to start my letter to's just so hard!

  2. So, so wonderful! I have tears in my eyes. Happy Birthday Tiny Dancer.

  3. So, so beautiful! What a lucky little girl and a lucky mom that you can share these amazing thoughts and experiences with her, simply awesome!

  4. Awesome! And happy birthday to your beautiful little girl!

  5. This was wonderful to read. Means a lot to my soon-to-be-mom's heart. I hope you're doing well, Erin!

  6. What a beautiful to have to print this one out...

  7. How beautifully said. Every girl should have a mother who feels this way. Happy birthday, Tiny Dancer!

  8. Miss Erin, what a lovely, lovely tribute and letter to your daughter. The first pictures I was thinking she is beautiful and then I got to the one that looks so much like you. She is beautiful as your baby girl and all the encouragement to be special is just amazing. I never wrote these kinds of letters to my sons. Well I did write to them but so much different, always encouraging them in their talent and love for family. I do have 4 granddaughters and it has given me some ideas for them. Thank you for sharing and
    happy birthday to your sweet girl. Cherrie

  9. Erin - not only are you a talented jewelry artist- but also a talented writer. This post is spectacularly beautiful, as is your daughter.

  10. Erin, how lucky you are to have each other. You write beautifully, with love, and so much meaning.
    My daughter is the most wonderful part of my life, and has blessed me with the most beautiful granddaughter (who is almost 4 months old now) and has named her after me. What a life changing event!
    To love someone, and be loved in return is the greatest gift.
    Much love and happiness to you and your beautiful daughter, especially on her birthday.
    God bless you both.

  11. Spectacularly, inspiringly, lovingly beautiful! Yuor daughter is a very lucky girl :)

  12. Wow. I want to share this with my daughter.

  13. So absolutely beautiful Erin!

    Your girl is a treasure, and so are you. A treasure I am so glad to have found. You inspire me so much!

  14. What beautiful words of wisdom that you are sharing with your daughter. Oh, how I would have loved to had someone say any of those things to me at that age. You are an amazing mother Erin, an inspiration.

    Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  15. Oh My Gosh! Those are the most precious words, all so true! Happy Birthday to your daughter! I popped on over from A Fanciful Twist and your owl pendants are so fun...thank you for inspiring my day ahead :))

  16. what an amazingly beautiful post! I have 2 daughters (age 10 and 14) and this is just so perfectly the way I feel about both of them!

  17. Erin, this is one of the most beautiful and meaningful posts I've ever read. What an inspiration you are to so many; but especially to your daughter. How wonderful for her to have a mother who is able say these things and guide and supporting her they way you are doing. I hope she has a wonderful 12th Birthday!! :-)

  18. What a beautiful daughter you have, and what an amazing mommy you are. My mom gave me a "daughter" letter on my wedding day. It's now in a frame by my bed. She will remember this forever. Happy Birthday Tiny Dancer!

    Angi Mullis

  19. Erin this is an awesome post. Words & pics.

  20. Beautiful Miss Erin. If she doesn't yet, she will "get" your "life manifesto". These are thoughts I've shared with my children their whole lives, though I've never written the the words down (nor could I as eloquently as you've done).

    The greatest blessing is having them reach adulthood, look you in the eye, and thank you for being the tough parent, cheerleader, friend, confidant..... Those are the moments I'll treasure.

  21. Beautiful words for a beautiful daughter! You should print that out for her to keep always. :)

  22. Wow, Erin. What a wonderful tribute to your daughter. I don't know how you do it, but everything you do is beautiful! I have to share this!

  23. I don't have any kids but what you have written here truly touched my heart. I only wish that someone had said such things to me when I was young so that it didn't take me thirty years to learn them for myself.


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