
23 May 2012

By the Numbers

Multitasking? I can’t do two things at once. I can’t even do one thing at once.  —Helena Bonham Carter

They say that there is no way to do two things at once. Hmmmm... if that is true, then I am in big trouble because my entire life depends on me doing just that.

Where the heck did I go? Did you think I fell off the face of the earth? I sort of felt like I did. But sometimes there is no other option than to unplug and refocus. I sort of feel like I did a whole lot of nothing, or that I did a whole lot of somethings that amounted to nothing, but that just can't be true. Well.... the last time I posted was on 05/16/2012 and since that time this is what I have been doing...

By the Numbers...

...5 baseball games (including a double header about an hour away that the 8th grade won 10-4 and 5-0!)
...3 softball games (all in the win column with my girl pitching)
...1 spring band and choir concert (the same night as both a baseball and softball game) where my son played for the last time on his saxophone exactly 3 songs (including Pirates of the Caribbean - yargh!)
...$14 for softball team pictures (my girl was surly that day so I am sure I paid for pictures that look like she is being forced to do the unthinkable)
...singing for one wedding (it was a lovely affair in gray and yellow)
...putting together 367 photos representing 47 8th graders for a special "then & now" slideshow to debut at the reception for the 8th grade graduation on May 31st for my well as organizing 141 group shot photos into a rough chronological order for a 2nd slideshow focusing on friendships and good times
...purchasing 6 MP3s for both slideshows
...working at the Gallery Q for my last shift as an exhibiting member (I will still be represented there, just changing my membership)
...Arts Walk event in downtown Stevens Point including the opening of the Verse & Vision II poetry and art exhibit at the Gallery Q hosting over 200+ people for the poetry reading and the after party (of which I was in charge)
...preparing 4 poems to read at the poetry reading for Verse & Vision II... and then stepping up and winging it to read 2 more on the fly for poets that didn't show up (apparently I am good at winging it!)
...1 cocktail party attended by over 30 people at my parents house with about 150 meatballs, 300 cheese cubes, 100 jumbo (and I mean huge!) shrimp, 10 pounds of roast beef for sandwiches and about 60 dirty wine glasses (were they drinking double fisted?) and enough food left over to feed 30 more people!

But in the meantime, lest you think I have only been partying and cheering and singing and reading, I have been working on things related to Tesori Trovati including...

...wrangling the 109 comments on my Story Starter Challenge blog into a cohesive story to share with you (soon! I promise! you people are prolific and very creative!)
...completing 4 pieces for a new design team that I am very excited about
...prepping 40+ bezels with clay (while watching that double header - I am a multi-tasking momma!) to get busy making a few things to take to Bead & Button as well as the June Simple Truths Sampler Club, the winners from my Etsy Stalker Shadowbox for April and for some pending orders (please be patient with me!)
...sending off 36 pieces to the new Northwoods Memories Gallery (my 1st gallery outside of Stevens Point!)
...finishing up 3 custom orders including one more commemorative necklace for a 10 year dancer at DEC that was missed, one mother's necklace with 3 birthstones wired to a family tree, and one charm to celebrate the 2012 Family Tree performance

Just a reminder that the Challenge of Literature Blog Hop will start right here on Thursday, May 31st. I will reveal my three pieces created for the Verse & Vision II exhibit, including the poetry and the art beads that were created just for the pieces.

Oh, and if you would like the chance to win one of my Simple Truths Story Beads, I am giving away 2 this month. Just head over to my Etsy Stalker Shadowbox and leave a comment!

Whew! It is no wonder why I drink so much coffee and buy my undereye dark circle concealer in a vat! I won't lie... I don't go to bed before midnight and while I am driven to get things done, I am pooped just writing this. But it is good to get it all down because I was starting to wonder what I did with all my free time ;-) and it is good to know that yes, I can do more than one task at a time. In fact, I am spinning plates as we speak (just kidding ;-).

I will be back to share more soon. Next up is the Story Starter with the completed tale and the random winner!

Your turn...What one thing did you accomplish this past week that you feel really good about? 


  1. Holy ... Just when do you sleep? Wait. You probably don't. Me, I already feel like collapsing from reading all this. o_o

    Just remember to sit back occasionally for a break and take a deep breath, mh? =)

  2. My goodness!! you have been busy.

    I finished my final pieces for my current College assignment this week which I am very pleased about, I like to be done about a week before usually, but last term I was right up to the wire and incredibly stressed, I'm glad I don't have that feeling this time.

  3. I gotta second what Sandra said, and also add that I think moms are awesome. Look at all that you did over the past few weeks!! Incredible.

    Also, I kind of think multitasking is a myth for me. I'm not sure I juggle multiple things all that well...

  4. CRIKEY!!!! You have raised multitasking to a whole new level!
    All I managed was half a bracelet, oh, and all the floor bearers of our house
    bolted in place

  5. Goodness Erin, You're going to wear yourself out! I've done a lot these last few days, but certainly not as much as you. Be sure to take some time to relax so you can stay healthy!

  6. Whew, I feel tired. I really don't know how you do it all. But you do and you do it well. I'm always touched by your involvement with your family. It's a beautiful thing.

  7. The best thing I did this week is get out of bed!! YAY!!!


  8. Whew is right! Makes me tired just reading your list. Sure sounds like you did and accomplished a lot. Love this by the numbers idea. And tell us about the new gallery!


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