
02 September 2011

RAW::Dream Today

Today's Random Act of Wisdom is brought to you by the plaque that sits on my desk at work from my friend Colette. She knew that I had big dreams and wanted to remind me not to let them go.

What are you dreaming today?


  1. Dreaming of the massive to-do list for Monday (when we fly on holiday to Switzerland) being done! And here I am on blogger....

  2. Right now I'm just checking all my favorite blogs before we head out to Missouri for a wedding rehearsal, followed by the wedding tomorrow. The weekend will be full, but I'm hoping to snag some 'me time' Monday, that is after I attempt to make our lawn and garden area a bit neater.

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  3. I am dreamin of a day when I can actually hug you! Really that is what I thought when I pulled up this post. You are such a great sweet friend! Hey BTW does Tiny Dancer like the color pink?

  4. Hi Erin, love your new banner & i'm dreaming of when i get my new internet server in mid Sept. so i can get back to blogging &'s been a crazy busy summer and with such a slow server very hard to make time to post and visit all my in the boonies we do not have high speed available and i have had a "roger's rocket stick" for 2 years now...let just hope they never try to use this "rocket" to go to space cause it's really slow...i'm getting something new called a "wireless hub" suppose to be much faster (i hope)anyway i can't wait i miss everyone so much and have so many wonderful pictures to show of all my creations and festival adventures from the summer!
    take care and enjoy your weekend ttfn Lana :)
    can't wait to see my pendant :)

  5. Oh, what a nice item to pause and think about.

    Trying to figure out a way I can take my littlest to Disney: he's the only one that's never been, and he's growing up so fast.

    Gotta make it happen...


  6. Well..check out my latest post..Its a dream come to true..heehee..I cant stop giggling..By the way I love your haircut!!Hugs,Cat

  7. I'm going to have to remember that one... LOVE it! I have so many dreams I'd love to reach. At the forefront is my bead making and jewelry design work... then there's furthering my education (make my fondness of number crunching and bookkeeping really work for me :-).... and oh! I'd love to travel someday...

    Thanks for reminding me that dreams are reachable!!

  8. I always dream to get married someday. I now have a stable job at 32 and I feel like I need to build my own family this time. Hopefully God will allow.

    Cassy from Country Guitar Lessons

  9. I am dreaming of a day that I have all the knowledge,skill, tools and supplies to produce some beautiful metalsmithing and copper metal clay. I so appreciate your encouraging us to dream and dream big.

  10. What a nice reminder. "Man makes his plans and dreams, GOD leads us along the way" The gospel according to Sandy


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