
12 August 2011

It's My Party: The Aftermath Day 5

"Don't listen to those who would give you reasons why you can't succeed. You're a child of God and with credentials like that, you can do anything!" ~ Linda Lee Elrod

(Words found on my favorite mug given to me by a wise man on my 20th birthday who told me you should never work on your birthday. So I didn't!)

I guess I have acted a bit like the Birthday Queen this week. Thank you to all for allowing me to be this self-indulgent. This is more posts than I ever do in one week (and fair warning that I won't be able to keep up daily posts after this!).


Who knew that you all had that much to say?

And just when I was about ready to chuck Facebook out the door, they threw a virtual party over there. I think that everyone deserves a standing ovation, and that Facebook love comes pretty close.

Remember this post? I know that you were all dying to see me in the dress from the reunion (can you believe that there really is not one photo of me with my husband from this shindig? We were having a good time but on opposite sides of the room!) Thought you would like to see how that all panned out. And since it is all about the things I love this week {;-) I have to say that I LOVE everything about this dress and those shoes. And the foundation garment underneath it all! The way they made me feel was priceless! But more than that, to have the most popular guy in high school, the guy who teased you mercilessly for 4++ years, to have him compliment you on how good you looked? Well, that was enough for me.

There has to be another occasion to wear this ensemble. I need to go to the grocery store on Saturday... ;-)

I can't believe that I forgot some people in my love fest from yesterday. I think that after midnight my mind wanders. (Fair warning: it is well after midnight now, peeps!)

Who did I forget? My sweet sister, of course!

Easter 1976 with my little sister Kelly in all her cuteness! I am STYLIN' in that ensemble, don't you think? Of course she is adorable! And that gap toothed grin goes so well with the doily on my head. AWEsome!

Tailgating at the Iowa-Wisconsin game in 1994 with my sister Kelly, mom Gail and me.
Kelly is all kinds of supportive to me. She is a beautiful soul. She encourages me to be a dreamer and then blows a gentle breeze at my back to encourage me to fly. I love her so! (I think we need a more up to date photo!)

And the other is really the entire community that is being built with each post, each comment, each email. It is YOU dear reader, that give me the most awesome strength! I always say that I would continue to write even without comments, but let's face it. Comments are like crack to a blogger. If you are a lurker (and thanks for some of you for picking this week to surface! Such a great gift!), whether here, there or anywhere, try the commenting on for size. I agree that it is fun to sit back and watch all the great inspiration that is written and photographed and created each day on the blogosphere, but to truly optimize your experience, to really LIVE this community, you have to be a good citizen. And the best way I know how is to be a good neighbor. Start small if you like, but soon you will find that you are having whole conversations with someone halfway around the world (hi Stefanie! hi Rebecca!) and you will wonder not only where your time went, but it is a bit like having a bit of your heart walking around with that friend from far away. Try it. It is a great gift you give the blogger, but your heart will swell with this connection as well. I guarantee it.

Since you all asked, it was a most blessed and lovely day. For my birthday I... made the biggest pot of coffee... did NOT go to work... got sun on my face and watched the clouds drift by... left my Tiny Dancer at the Point Tap Festival where she started a three day intensive with world renowned tap instructors from Broadway... enjoyed a Revive shake at my favorite wellness shop... stopped into the Gallery Q to chat and see the new displays... school shopped for what seemed like hours...and then Lynna and I went to see the movie The Help with my mom and sister for a girls night out. I saw most of it (long story, that one) but I can tell you that it was awesome! I would pay to go see it again, or to rent it. I took Tiny Dancer with even though she is only 10 (PG-13) but I knew that it was such a great story, and a way to experience that time in history in a way that would be most accessible. She loved it as well. Especially the "terrible awful" part (and if you don't know what that means you will have to see the movie or read the book to find out!). There are some parts that are not as true to the book, but I felt that what they did actually made the story better.

So...what to do for this final giveaway (are you sick of them yet, peeps? ;-)?

One of my favorite things is to lose myself in a good movie (that is all that Paul and I ever did for the first five years we were dating, since there wasn't a lot to do in this town before you turn 21!). I don't get to do it often enough. And for me to go to the theater it has to be good.

I have yet to see Harry Potter 7 part 2 (still have to watch part 1).  But there are some awesome ones on the way! Sherlock Holmes 2, A Dolphin's Tale, The Odd Life of Timothy Green, Hugo (one of the BEST books ever, The Invention of Hugo Cabret) and even a new Muppet movie! I think that this winter will be spent in the cool dark comfort of a movie theater!

For this giveaway I have an assortment of movie-time goodies: popcorn containers, microwave popcorn, movie candy like Sour Jacks, chewy Lemonheads (oh so good!), sour strings, Air Heads and M&Ms. All you need to do is add your favorite movie!

Ready to win? All you need to do to enter is answer one of the following questions. Winner will be chosen at random from all comments on this post through Saturday, August 13th.You MUST have your email turned on in your profile to win, or provide your email in your comment. (A good way to know if you are entered is if I reply to you by email. I make a point of answering every comment ;-)Winner will be announced next week.

What is your favorite movie of all time and why? 
What movie are you most looking forward to seeing this year?  

Thank you for playing! All the giveaways this week will be open through Saturday, August 13th at midnight EST. And for one extra day to play, come on over to the Art Bead Scene for my Studio Saturday on August 13th for one more giveaway!


  1. This is so silly...but I loved Splendor in the Grass with Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty. It was a movie that I thought about for days after. It left me wanting more!

  2. I think Goonies has to be one of my favorite all time movies, I love the adventure of it, the comraderie, the fact that the goonies finally out shine the popular kids and it has a feel good ending, I really hate to feel depressed at the end of a movie, entertainment means leaving the theater happy and up lifted to me! Also The Goonies was filmed in some of my old stomping grounds!

  3. Oh, Erin, it is so true what you write about the blogger-community, I cannot stress enough of how proud I'm to have a friend like you on the other side of the ocean! That makes the whole and sometimes overwhelming world so small. Love that!

  4. What a lovely birthday you had!!!! You look absolutely stunning in that dress and shoes!!! Yes, you should wear it to the grocery store, and to the gas station, and to Barnes & Noble. Get some mileage out of all that awesomeness!!!

    My daughter is reading the book "The Help". We haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm anxious to know how it compares to the book.

    Don't laugh, but I don't have a favorite movie. My favorite always seems to be the one I just watched--until the next movie comes along. Does that make sense? I love watching movies at home. Hubby painted a large screen with special paint. It covers an entire wall! No costly movie passes, or exhorbantly priced snacks, and no waiting in line in the restroom!

    Thanks for treating US during your birthday week with all these fun giveaways! Enjoy your weekend!!!

  5. Such a great post Erin, I love reading about all of the inspirations in your life!

    My favorite movie, really tough to choose so I won't. I'll say Singing in the Rain, It's a Wonderful Life my fav oldies and Hope Floats and probably the Mini Series Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth.

    So busy these days haven't paid much attention to new releases so don't know that I have an answer for the second part of the question.

  6. Haa - I completely forgot to tell you how stunning and beautiful you look in that dress. You totally rock, girl!

  7. You look so lovely in your dress. A very pretty picture. I agree that getting comments on your blog is like a drug, making friends is also great too. It is wonderful to make friends far and wide kind of like pen pals but in a quicker fashion.

    When my son was younger we always had movie nights and that was one way of us spending quality time together, and now that my girls are getting bigger I am looking forward to sitting down and sharing the wonderful world of movies with them. As for favorites, I think the Outsiders would be one of my all time fav's, I really like all of the Harry Potter's movies and books, all of the Lord of the Rings. There are so many to choose from, the original Dirty Dancing and the Sound of Music.

    I am glad to hear you had such a great birthday!!!

    Take care,

  8. Hi Erin,
    I have a similar picture of me and my little sister only mine was taken nine years before yours. My sister and I have a great relationship even though there is almost seven years difference in our ages.
    You look fabulous in the red dress and yes wear it to the grocery store why not feel fab while shopping.
    I love this world of the blogs and have made so many friends all around the world since I started blogging only a few months ago.
    My favorite movie of all time is "The Color Purple" I have seen it so many times that I have lost count, and every time I see it I still cry.
    The movie I most want to see is "The Help" I enjoy movies like this one.
    I have enjoyed reading all the stories from your birthday week, I so glad that you shared and that you had a great birthday.

  9. Waving right back!

    Looking good, Erin! Of course :-) we're not surprised about that one. Beautiful on the inside and the out! Don't enter into this one as it'd be a mighty big pain to send a popcorn container all the way over here but I'll tell you my favourite film(s) anyway....hard to pick just one!

    I have to say, my heart IS alive with The Sound of Music, and I also adore Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet. I have a guilty love of Jumpin' Jack Flash with Whoopi Goldberg. I love Robin Hood Prince of Thieves and also (of course, who doesn't?!) Pretty Woman. And The Sting....I do like my movies! There are some really fantastic films like The Color Purple, The Pianist and Brokeback Mountain which I have tremendous admiration and love for but just couldn't bring myself to watch again as they are so sad. Not yet anyway. Give me a few years!

  10. Oh, so many awesome movies... I don't think I could pick just one. In recent movie going, I have to pick Harry Potter 7, pt2. I loved it so much and felt so sad there aren't more to come. It was my favorite of all the HP movies (but, to be honest, I said that about each one in its day). Looking forward to The Help b/c I loved the book so much.
    Love the goodies you're passing out this week. And, again, Happy Birthday!

  11. I love Dirty Dancing still to this day!
    msboatgal at

  12. My favorite movie of all time is Pretty In Pink. It resounded with me as a teen and I still love it !!! I LOVE Molly Ringwald. The funniest movie I have ever seen is "What's Up Doc", with Barbara Streisand & Ryan O'Neal (1972). I highly recommend it !! It's hysterical and also stars Madeline Kahn, Kenneth Mars & Austin Pendelton. I love lots of movies for diffrent reasons.

  13. No wonder you got the compliments from the former teaser (who probably teased because he liked you anyway!) hello knockout!! You should wear that everywhere, grocery store, work, car shopping...

    The HP movies are great, I still love the books better but it's such a visual spectacle. Fave of all time has to be The Princess Bride...cracks me up but is such a sweet story too.

  14. Oh yes, the dress and shoes and you - so lovely! And one can only hope that that guy was kicking himself all the way home! haha

    So, if I were to think about it too long I wouldn't be able to answer either question, so the first one I thought of which I do so adore is "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory". It's been one I have loved (and both versions new and old for different reasons) since I have been a child. It's just so magical and there is chocolate involved (of course) and I love a happy ending.

    I Love your comment about comments being crack to a blogger - I'm still laughing! But oh I so understand and have you to thank for being able to carry on conversations like this! : )

  15. All I can say is that you are such a lovely Woman Erin. Truly! And anyone who has you in their life is so Blessed! I have adopted you in my heart..did you know that? Yes I have ♥ Miss Erin ox

  16. Damn girl You are GORGEOUS!!!!!! I am so happy you had a day without work and surrounded with love! You deserve every bit of it. Thank you so much for such a fun birthday week full of you! You are indeed a Treasure Found!

  17. Erin,
    As I've already told you, I'm WAAAYYY behind on my blog reading. So, I'm starting with this post on your birthday week and working backwards.

    Firstly, I want to wish you an AMAZING BIRTHDAY (albeit a belated one :( )

    Since I JUST won a prize from you, I understand if I'm out of the running for these posts, but I still want to play along. Sooooo. . .my favorite movie of all time? Hm, can I just go with the whole Lord of the Rings Trilogy? I can watch those over and over and never get bored. It's a sickness really! I love all things fantasy and those movies (as well as the books) are the epitome of the fantasy genre for me.

    I'm off to yesterday's post now!

  18. So glad you had a great birthday! Sounds like an awesome day to treat yourself.

    I have 3 favorite movies. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, because, obviously, Robert Redford and Paul newman in their primes--need I say more? Nightmare before Christmas, for its awesome Danny Elfman soundtrack and ingenious Tim Burton everything else. And Muppet Christmas Carol every Christmas eve, even though Michael Caine can NOT sing. Gonzo as Charles Dickens is a MUST SEE!

  19. I love Maid in Manhattan. I like happy chick flicks.
    I want to see The Help and I have only had time to see 3 of the Harry potter movies. I finally watched The Time Traveler's Wife last night - a birthday present to myself :-)

  20. Just popping by to say Happy Birthweek and you look stunningly beautiful in this dress!!!
    I entered the book giveaway so don't want to enter this too, but did want to comment on my favorite movie(s) b/c they are absolutely worth checking out: The Straight Story and also The Station Agent.
    Enjoy the weekend! Hope the party continues until Monday morning :-)

  21. Glad you had a great birthday.
    My favorite movie of all time is - The Quiet Man.
    It's like I'm transported to that time whenever I watch it (always on St. Patrick's Day with corned beef cooking in the crock pot with a little bit o' Guinness).

  22. You look radiant in your dress, and the shoes are killer! If I wore heals like that, I would either break my neck or not be able to walk for a week, lol. Plus I'd be 6'5! The movie I want to see right now is The Help. Several people have said they loved it.

  23. You look incredible in that outfit! I think that I would be inventing reasons to wear that dress.

    My favorite movie of all times is an old one. Gone with the Wind. I just love the outfits and the accents.

  24. Erin, you look fabulous! Still loving that dress, and I'm so glad you took time out for yourself on your birthday!!

  25. I love your dress!! I hope you find lots of reasons to keep wearing it!

  26. Favorite all time movie is Zoolander, lol! Every time my daughter would come home for a visit it was a tradition to get Chinese food and watch Zoolander!

  27. LOVE the red dress!

    I also had a "Prairie Look" outfit when I was that age. With a Prairie hat to match. My goodness we were stylish!

    Happy Belated!


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