
10 March 2011

30 Words::Traveling

{Do you remember the Fisher Price Little People? I have fond memories of playing with these little wooden pieces. I think this is just adorable! From an Etsy seller named HappyTownUSA, coincidentally from Washington D.C. which is where I am headed!}

What to take to ArtBliss?
have packed and re-packed 
Never sure 
that I have enough.
Certain I forgot something.
(Jeanette will have me covered.)
Starting my vacation
I am off to D.C.! I am going to take the ArtBliss Workshops with artist Stephanie Lee!
I get to meet new people, including some treasured blogging friends!
See you next week!

What is the craziest thing that you have packed in your bags for a trip?
Do you think they will let me through security with a bag filled with assorted wire, a box full of beads and found objects and a kit full of pliers?
Have you ever been on a trip all by yourself? Where did you go? What did you do?

Enjoy the day!


  1. Oh so JEALOUS! I considered how to make it out there this time, but it just wasn't going to work. Have fun! I can hardly wait to hear about your trip and your class.

  2. I'm green with envy! I hope you are taking a little time to tour DC.

    I always carry a small box fan with me, and hardly ever make it through security without the suitcase being searched. I've traveled alone only two times, both were for business conferences, and I was very nervous--but getting better at it.


  3. Have a wonderful creative and fun time. Take pictures for those of us that can't go!

  4. Have a ball Erin, and give Stephanie a shout out from me! You will have so much fun. Riki xoxo

  5. Have so much fun Erin! I can't wait to hear all about your trip.

    Craziest thing I have ever traveled with... I don't know if this counts but me, my huz, and our friend went on a midwest tour for a couple weeks. We brought along my lil' sister so she could help watch the kids while we were playing shows. I had to bring along all my "punk rock stuff" and my "mommy" stuff. Our 12 passenger van was packed full of musical instruments AND diapers-bottles-babywipes galore! It was an insane 2 weeks!

  6. I don't think you'll have any trouble with airport security. Two years ago I had a jewelry party at my sister's house in CA (I live in PA), so I "carried on" all the jewelry, along with some tools. Security took me aside so they could go through my bag. The guard enjoyed looking at everything. I explained what everything was, what it was made from, etc. He did not offer to buy anything, but I think he was thinking about it!! It was a fun experience. (when was the last time airport security was fun?)

    To answer your other question, I traveled alone to London, then to Paris, then to Nice, to be at my sister's wedding. (years and years ago, when I was fearless!) I flew to London for a couple days and went to a few museums, saw all the sights (by myself). Then flew to Paris, where I met up with my sister. She showed me the sights in Paris. Then we drove to Nice. It was an awesome trip!

    I hope you have a great time in DC!!

  7. How exciting for you! I wish I were going, too...

    Yes, I have taken trips by myself quite often. The most fun was when I went for a one week book-making course in Volcano, CA. (I went again a year later!) I met creative people, and we had so much fun... creating, eating, drinking... ha ha! Those artists do love their wine and chocolate!

    Have a blast!!

  8. Erin, I'm sure you're going to have an immensely enjoyable time! And I have to say I'm quite jealous :)

    Anyway, I've never traveled alone, and the most crazy thing I've packed....a suitcase full of research papers dating back 30 years. Thrills, huh?

  9. Have fun, Stephanie Lee is an awesome teacher and artist! She was supposed to teach at Art and Soul here in Las Vegas but canceled...ARG!

    The strangest thing I ever packed in a suitcase was a bag of rocks and seashells found on a weekend getaway!

  10. Just one word......Jealous!!!!!!!

  11. Hello Erin, do u think i can fit in your suitcase? I have never been anywhere by myself, i hope that you have an amazing time you deserve it>it's my dream to one day go to a bead show and take a work shop. have a safe trip ok ttfn :)

  12. Have a great time. I'll just have to pull out my Stephanie book and 'pretend' I'm in class!
    (I hope the TSA lets all your tools through security.)

    Bon Voyage!

  13. I'm so glad you are treating yourself to this wonderful vacation! Have so much fun! And I think the "old school" Little People are so much cuter than the modern ones.

  14. Hi Erin, Have a great time in DC! I've traveled alone on a month-long research trip to the UK and to France (studying and photographing medieval stained glass). I took a packet of my mother's watercolor note cards with fields of bluebonnets painted on them. I used them as thank you notes to those who were helpful in my research. The trip was exhausting and exhilirating.

  15. Erin, I hope the first "leg" of your trip went well exciting that you're on your way. I'll see you TOMORROW! :-) Can't wait to meet you!

  16. I can't believe that you are going to be on the East Coast!! I almost signed up for that class (it's my birthday weekend!) but Douglas couldn't get the time off to accompany me. Boo hoo! But I'm sure you will love it so much that we can lure you back-- maybe for the September classes. Have a great time!

  17. Oh my gosh, you are going to have so much fun! Can't wait to see photos.

    I've taken my whole Bead & Button booth inventory in my carry-on. Good thing polymer clay is light. :) They went through it, of course.

    Oh, I travel alone alot but usually meet up with buddies. I did travel to NYC for a conference without knowing a soul. That was scary. It was my first trip to the big city.

    Travel safely!

  18. Oh have fun what an amazing time you will have ! I still have the Fisher Price castle with a giant pink Dragon!

  19. I can hardly wait to read about your adventure, Erin! Have a wonderful, creative time!!!

  20. Dearest Erin, hope your class was wonderful! Saw your photo on Lori Anderson's Pretty Things blog. Can't wait to hear your stories about what you learned and who you met!

    Welcome back!

  21. In 1988 I went to Europe all by myself, to Ireland. It was magical. On the way home, I packed some pheasant tail feathers that I gathered from the hunt that they had on my hostess' property. We ate the pheasants and now I use their feathers. I was worried about customes but they never checked my bags. I few years later, my hostess visited me in California and found some breeding hobbles (for her mares) to take home. She was thinking of what she would tell customs if they checked her luggage, since pornography and sex toys are illegal in the Emerald Isle. That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard packed into someone's bags.


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