
01 November 2010

Inspired by...The Challenge of Color

"Color has taken possession of me; no longer do I have to chase after it. I know that it has hold of me forever... Color and I are one."
~Paul Klee, painter

I have been remiss in keeping up with my monthly 'Inspired by...' challenges and since this is the start of a new month, I thought it would be fun to start one up again. You can look at some of the previous 'Inspired by...' challenges by clicking on the links to the right as well as looking at what we have created in the Flickr group that I started.

I did a little post over on the Art Bead Scene blog the other day as a way to get some feedback. Sounds like most everyone is in agreement that a challenge or blog hop or even a contest that is judged really gets the creative juices going.

I also heard that doing these for the challenge itself is often reward enough. That is good to know, but I do hear that having a little something-something to sweeten the pot is a nice incentive. Duly noted.

For me the best part about challenges is that it does just that... it challenges me. I have entered a cornucopia of contests, submitted oodles of ideas for publications, participated in blog hops... all for the same reason. It doesn't matter to me if I win or even place {and often I don't do either}. The most important part is that I show up. Because I can't learn anything new unless I try.

If you are like me, you gravitate toward the same color palette all the time. And there is likely a hue or shade of color that is a challenge to you. This year I set out to design in color. It felt strange to use brights when for so long I would stick to a muted, almost grunge-y and earthy palette. But it was fun. And now I am not afraid to mix brights into my palette. It has been freeing.

I have been known to loiter in the paint section of any hardware store. I love to envision what my rooms would look like if I were to take the plunge and paint the walls russet, or plum, or china blue. I am always picking up paint chips {and one line has these transparent room cards that allow you to put the wall color behind and see what it might look like. Cool!}. I am smitten by the names they come up with... like the soft butter yellow called 'Sophie's Quilt' or the deep denim blue named 'Himalayan Eyes.' {How do you get a job like writing paint chip color names? If your name is Sherwin Williams, I would be very good at that and would love to chat with you. ;-}

I even picked up a Valspar Color Now booklet that cost me a whopping $1.49. It has some great ideas on color theory. These people are paid to come up with great color combinations, why not let them work for me?

So I would like to propose a series of challenges called 'Inspired by...The Challenge of Color.' {If this goes over well, I have other ones in mind...} Who's with me?

Here is how it will work:

1::Choose a color family to work with (i.e., blue, green, brown, etc.). It can be something that you feel safe with... or pick a palette that is challenging for you. ;-)

2::Email your name, address, and color family to enjoytheday{at}tesoritrovati{dot}com with the subject line Paint Chip Challenge. If you have a blog, include that link, too. {Email must be received by Friday, November 5th.}

3::I will mail a paint chip palette chosen just for you.
{If you live outside of the US, I would still love to have you play, but I will email you a scanned color palette instead in the interest of time.}

3::You will create jewelry using your paint chip in any percentage of color that you like from the chip. Bonus points if you can use all the colors provided!

4::Select a name from your palette for your piece.

6::Blog Hop on Friday, December 3rd about your color palette and creative process. Be sure to show the paint palette you receive!

I know that not everyone has a blog, but I still want you to play! If you don't have a blog, email me anyway and take advantage of uploading your creation to the Flickr group with full information in the description. From that I will include you in my post for that day. {And if you choose the Flickr option, please have your piece uploaded by November 30th to ensure being included in my post for December 3rd}.

7::Random winner chosen from all entries in the blog hop on Friday, December 3rd. What will you win? Why beads, of course! I have an assortment of colorful beads {including art beads} and fibers that are just dyeing {get it?} to go home with a random winner. {I will post the goodies later this week.} If you are a bead artist and want in on the prize giving, shoot me an email and I will see if that can be arranged!

So, how about some chances to win?
  • 1 entry for creating something and sharing it.
  • 1 entry for using all the colors in your palette.
  • 1 entry for naming your piece from the palette.
  • 1 entry for participating in the blog hop and/or uploading to the Flickr site for December 3rd.
  • 2 entries for the use of an ART BEAD {art bead is defined as a bead or component created by yourself or another artisan}, be sure to point that out in your description {with a link to the appropriate artisan’s website, shop or blog}.
  • 1 entry for encouraging others to play along {be sure to leave me a note on this post so I know what you did!}

That's a total of 7 entries!

What are you waiting for? Let's get inspired by color together!

P.S. Looking for other inspiring challenges? Check out the Art Bead Scene monthly challenge, and the new Love My Art Jewelry November Call To Create in a wonderfully cozy winter color palette.

Enjoy the day!


  1. What an excellent sounding challenge. I will email you tomorrow!!


  2. Woo Hoo I'm in ! I do fing these really get the creative juices flowing! Happy Monday!

  3. ...and I have to laugh because we just painted our living room and one of the colors we were deciding amongst was Martha Stewarts " File Cabinet" ......seriously Martha - I don't know who picked that paint name but I couldn't live with it - too utilitarian - bleech.

  4. Hi Erin!
    I'm in! I love grabbing handfuls of paint chips while at Lowe's. I use them not only for color prompts but also in my mixed medai art as well.

    I'll email you later today.

  5. I'd love to play!! I'm emailing you now!

  6. This sounds like so much fun. Just e-mailed you! :)

  7. I am in! I had so much fun participating in Lorelei's and Gaea's challenges! Emailing now..

  8. OK, I'm painting the whole house right now, so count me in as..obsessed with colour....

  9. Oh Erin, how cool! Count me in...emailing now :)

  10. I hope I have time to participate!! November is sooo busy! I will try to do it though ;)

  11. Ooooh! Awesome idea! Color was a challenge I picked for myself this year, too. I hope to play in this one if I have enough time.

  12. Oh, sounds like a lot of fun!!! I'm going now to email you.

    I love the inspiration message from Paul Klee.

  13. Even though I don't participate in these challenges, I do quite enjoy seeing the challenges themselves and what everyone comes up with.

  14. Erin, this is such a creative, well-thought out idea, I just love it! November is crazy with deadlines and a big move so I'll decide in the next few days and get back to you! :-)

  15. Very cool, Erin. I have been waiting for your to resume your challenges. This one sounds like a lot of fun.

  16. I don't have time to participate right now, but I will be back for future challenges, I just have to catch up on my bead making.
    I hang out in the paint department too.

  17. I would love to join in on this challenge...sounds like lots of fun!!

  18. Hi, Erin. I got to you by way of Brandi's blog interview. I'm a quilter so I'm not signing up for this color challenge. However...

    I love bringing home paint chips by the fistful--great for fabric challenges. Anyway, I thought this would be a fun quilting challenge. Can you email me when you have time and figure out how I could start this kind of challenge in the quilting community. Hoping to hear from you.


  19. I'm in. I always love a challenge and to be inspired!

  20. I'm in and also posted it on my Glass Addictions facebook page

  21. I'm really excited about this!! Love the colors and very inspring!

  22. i'm in. just e-mailed you. It's good to fine online challenges, as i am so far away here in korea.

  23. As you know I am in and I also blogged about it. :)

  24. Erin I shared on my FB page :)

  25. Hi Erin,
    What a neat idea, I missed this one, but will try to get on the next bandwagon..I could truly use some inspiration to get me going again!!


I love to hear your thoughts and inspirations!
(And if you have your email preference turned on in your profile I would love to carry on the conversation!)
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