
11 November 2010

30 Words::Remember

more than a bank holiday or appliance sale
today remember
...the dedication of service members and families...
...the ultimate sacrifices paid...
...anything worthwhile is
worth fighting for...

{Photo from Bevery & Pack on Flickr}

...freedom isn’t free...

Enjoy the day.


  1. no it is not...
    a beautiful reminder - so succinctly put...
    thank you erin...

  2. A beautiful tribute, Erin. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. You should visit me on Facebook and see my photo for today of me when I was all of 20 and just promoted!

  4. Thank you, Erin, you said it so well!

  5. Freedom is not free my Dad is a vet and my best friends son is in Korea for a year with his wife and 2 babies under 2 home in the states.Freedom is a huge sacrifce for these families!

  6. Thank you Erin for reminding us that Freedom isn't free.

  7. Very well said ... and a good reminder. Sadly, I think this is one of those hoildays that gets lost in the shuffle. Another "oh ... why aren't we getting mail today? Oh right, Veteran's Day."

  8. Thank you for this post. We have to keep making it a point to teach our neighbors, our children and our communities so the situation of the mistreated Vietnam vets NEVER happens again. We are re-training ourselves to think in more grateful ways and that will take a while.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and encouraging me through a difficult time, Erin. I treasure YOU.


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