
11 August 2010

RAW::Find the Reason

{billboard your message and photo with Big Huge Labs}

"You're on this planet for a reason.
Find it."

~ seen on a billboard of a Catholic Church in Port Edwards, Wisconsin

{Note: this is not the billboard that I saw, but you can create your own billboard at Big Huge Labs. Try it. It's fun!}

Have you found your reason yet?
Do tell!

Enjoy the day!


  1. This is so Great! My reason: to rejoice :) Thanks for helping me remember it today.

  2. Living in the bible belt we see all kinds of interesting things on bill boards and church boards.
    I like this one very have me thinking!

  3. What a great message! I think by living, we find our reasons. The simple act of moving one foot in front of the other is like a ritual, invoking a summons for purpose and meaning. The path to finding out what these things are is amazing, and for me essential.

  4. Nope. I have no reason. I became firmly convince years ago that I could get hit by a bus any day and the world would just keep on spinnin'...

    On the other hand...there WOULD be fewer hermit crab stories so maybe I do have a reason after all ;-)

  5. How cool! As of yet, I don't know my reason. It's probably right under my nose.

  6. What a great sign!! I'm not 100% sure of my reason but I suspect a lot of it has to do with the great little kid I have the honor of being a mother to!

  7. Wow, this is timely for me. I am off to search the website.

  8. Love the billboard! I wish everyone could keep this in mind! My reason... enjoy! Take pleasure in all of life's adventures ups and downs each one has something to offer and enjoy!


  9. Hi Erin,
    Great sign - funny how so few words can move one's mind to some heavy pondering.

    Happy belated birthday yesterday.
    And, wishing you a glorious day tomorrow.

  10. This is awesome! I love it!

    Only in recent years have I pinned down my purpose and once I did...well, it was the most freeing thing I've experienced!


  11. It is being the mommy to my daughter.


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