
26 May 2010

Starring in the Movie of My Life

My friend Jenners writes the best blog called Life With a Little One And More. Erma Bombeck's got nothin' on Jenners. She chronicles not only the life of a mother of a little boy, the hilarious home life with Mr. Jenners (not his real name), and all things zany. My very favorite post so far was the one where she tried to decipher the icons on the badges she earned as a power-girl-scout-er. Go ahead and read it. I guarantee that you will be peeing your pants at the ridiculousity. And I promise you will want to follow her for more fun and games. Or at least to find out what other soul-baring tidbits she wrote in her diary circa 7th grade.

Jenners also writes a blog about her love of reading and recommends some awesome books. She is a prolific reader, that Jenners. I stand in awe of her ability to devour the printed word.

Just the other day on her blog Jenners posted about the people who would play her in the movie of her life. What fun! I thought. She always has the most fun of anyone I know. So I hopped onto and found some fun little techno-tricks. The first one is who my celebrity look-alikes would be.

I have to say that I really didn't know all the people that were chosen as a spot-on match for my face, but I am not that disappointed. I hope that Claire Forlani is someone decent. I remember how creepy Lara Flynn Boyle could be in Twin Peaks. And I think that Daniela Pestova is a swimsuit model {yea, me!} or she could be a porn star {although SI's swimsuit issue, which is NOT welcome in our house - per the Bee Whisperer - is akin to porn.}

I always knew in my heart that I was royalty. Now I know that my bone structure has the Queen Mum written all over it. {Oh, to be in my 20s and single. And living in London. And somehow related to the Queen, however distant. Because I wouldn't get the chance to wow the Prince without those things going for me.}

And Christy Turlington was one hot model in the late, great 80s. I am tickled to have the validation that I always knew in my heart {and truthfully, so is the Bee Whisperer who I am sure carried some sort of torch for her - but didn't they all back then?}. Now I know who will play me in the movie of my life...

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities

But Richard Gere?


I mean, he is a fine actor, and a damn hot one to boot. But I was a bit shocked to find out that bit of news. But more importantly, did you know that I have Richard Gere's nose? And he makes a damn fine woman {or else my testosterone level is running a mite too high!}

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity

Check out and let me know which celebrity you are most like!

Enjoy the day!


  1. Erin, this is too funny! I think you look more like Lauren and Christy.I had to go and check it out...and I supposedly look like Renee Russo, lol!

  2. Oh My GOD!!!! Those morphs were amazing!!! You and Richard Gere do apparently have the exact same nose!!!! : )

    And what I wouldn't give to morph into Christy Turlington! You guys could be sisters!! (My morph into a senior citizen Ukrainian parliament member a few years back was soul chilling ... yours is inspiring!!!)

    And you got some hot women on yours ... though Prince William threw me a bit. Why not his mom instead?

    And thanks for your lovely lovely words about me! I'm blushing over here.

  3. ok...that's too funny! Claire Folani was in the movie Meet Joe Black with Brad Pitt.

  4. This is really fun! I would never have picked Richard Geer as a look alike. But that morphing business makes it plausible. But you are way prettier than he is.

  5. Erin, this is really fun! What a cool site, I'll have to check it out. It was neat to see who you resembled...very interesting, the Prince William one. :-)

  6. Yep - you and Christy Turlington - long lost twins. No doubt! I'm tempted to go check this out, but terrified they'll say my only look-alike match is Orson Welles or someone equally scary.

    You always have the BEST blog recommendations so I'm off to check out this one. It sounds like she and I have lots in common (raising boys, reading, etc.)

  7. OMG, Erin! You're too funny! I'm going to visit Jenners blog ... right after I go to the celebrity doohickey! The only thing that will come up for me is Karl Malden ... because I have his nose! LOL

  8. Ha!! What fun! 97% Angelina Jolie, 86% Portia Derossi, 86% Audrey TauTou (Amelie), and at the end 76% Carol Lombard HA!!! What fun! I'll have to try it with different photos!

  9. I'm going to try that!! Richard Gere??

    I'm afraid I'll come back with Ernest Borgnine.

  10. This was fun! I got matched with all the horse-eyed celebrities (i.e., eyes on the sides of our heads): Michelle Pfeiffer, Juliana Marguiles, Sela Ward, Diane Lane and Jesse McCartney (a boy--I think they automatically include two opposite genders, just to be PC), and some others (but no royalty, :-( ). Off to check out Jenners' blog!

  11. I had to check this out and was blow away with the results. My celebrities were Courtney Cox and Kirsten Dunst! Would have never thought that till I saw this. So cool, thanx.
    Shannon @

  12. Hi Erin,

    first I have to say, I'm sorry. I've been a bad bloggy friend. I try to visit everyone's blogs who visits me and I am so sorry, I have no idea why I have overlooked yours.

    This was fantastic. And I would definitely have to say, you really do bear a great resemblance to Christy Turlington. Who is beeeyoootiful! And no offense, but I do see a resemblance to Richard Gere who is also Beeeeyoootiful.

    I don't think I'm going to do it because I know it'll all be boys. Probably Billy Idol and Ty Pennington.

    Have a great Friday, Erin and a beautiful weekend. I WILL be back.

  13. They are so cool. your morph with richard gere kind of makes you look like andy mcdowell - NOT a bad thing!


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