
19 May 2010

Coming To My Senses

{Terrarium scene by LBrandt on Etsy. I am smitten! Check it out!}

I see....tiny purple blooms peeking out of the cracks in the sidewalk.

I smell....the sharp, earthy scent of freshly mown grass.

I hear....bickering of two tiny birds vying for the same perch.

I taste....warm saltiness on my upper lip.

I touch....the cool water flowing from the tap.

I feel....glad that the weather is so gloriously upper 70s and I had a chance to go for a long walk at lunch yesterday.

Senses are things that we learn about when we are so small. I can remember doing projects in kindergarten around the senese. And they are such an integral part of our daily lives that we don't stop to appreciate them. Yesterday I went for a walk with the particular goal of paying attention to what my five senses were telling me. By the simple act of paying attention I am opening my heart and mind to the inspiration that is all around me, with an added bonuses of being supremely grateful of all that is and a peace of mind that comes from truly being present.

I plan to do more of these "Coming To My Senses" posts.
Would you like to see them randomly appear or on a certain day?

I invite you to share your own observations.
What do you see...taste...smell...hear...touch...feel today?

Do tell!

Enjoy the day!


  1. I love that picture. It just makes me happy! I actually had some sensing issues today...I was trying to relax and got on the elliptical at the gym WITHOUT headphones. I'm getting seriously stressed out about packing up and moving in three weeks considering that I don't even have a pickup date with the movers and I'm headed to a much smaller abode!!!! I thought I could focus on my breathing and the motion and center myself. Instead, I was squinting across the room trying to read the captions on the TV for the jacked up daytime television, staring at guys in the weightroom (in the mirror, of course, not directly), and worrying that I wasn't going fast enough because the guy next to me was near to passing out. I decided my senses weren't getting the input they needed, so I jumped off, grabbed my bag and went outside to run. MUCH BETTER! Breeze, sunshine, other friendly runners...that's what I really needed. Am I inspired to bead? Not really, but I'm certainly feeling less stressed than before my sweatiness. :)

  2. Erin,
    As I think back over my I really taking in with all my senses? (I'm not so sure I am doing well here...) However: the smell of lasagna as I approached a confirmation dinner. A turkey on the road very near me, as I ran this morning. Birds through an open window. A beautiful piano piece. Laughter.

    Erin, I really have found this that you've written today to be very meaningful - especially as I look back over my day. Now, if I can just more fully see the beauty in the moments of each they are happening.

    You, sweet friend, have open my eyes to an even deeper connection with myself....

    Much peace,

  3. Oh I love this!! After reading this I immediately thought of the things I notice especially at this time of year. Bird convos always impress me and I love that it is what wakes me up in the morning. And the smell that makes me mad (in a really good way) is how the warm concrete smells after a rain! Or how the sheets smell after hanging on the line in the sun!!! Wow-see what you did?!?!?:D

  4. I think you should post it whenever the mood strikes. Or maybe if you do commit to a certain day of the week, that would prompt you (and your readers) to spend at least that day being in tune with their senses.....hmm, such a dilemma lol

    Well, regardless, you've inspired me and I 'feel' gratitude for that ;)

  5. Interesting that you posted about senses because I have been so aware of the beauty around us - it's got to be the beautiful weather! Whenever I'm hanging up the laundry, yes, outside, my antennae are picking up everything-the fresh air, the voices of loved ones, all the bird calls, the lilac bushes, all the shades of green against the blue sky. All things we don't want to take for granted. You have provided a loving reminder!

  6. I've been trying to walk every day and I notice I do appreciate my senses much more when I'm out and about like that. Wonderful post.


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