
23 April 2010

Out On A Limb For You

"How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said." ~Victor Hugo

{Buy this sweet bird print on Etsy from vol25}

Thanks to Lorelei and her tutorial at Art Bead Scene today, I just made my very first Etsy Treasury!

I have always loved these collections of things that the members of Etsy curate. I have discovered many wonderful new things. I love the patchwork quilt quality of them. I have always wanted to make one of my own, but the whole process seemed rooted in mystery and a sense that you have to pounce on a split second if you want in. I am just not that patient.

I am seeking some decoration for my new bedroom. I have been gravitating to birds on branches. So I was inspired to make a treasury called "Out on a Limb for You" showing two birds on branches. I was able to find some really great variety of mediums and objects in about 30 minutes and post it. Thanks for the great tutorial, Lorelei!

So how about you...
Have you ever wanted to make a Treasury on Etsy?
What theme would you choose?
What sorts of things would you hope to put in it?
What are you waiting for? Go and do it!

Check It Out::Treasury East

Enjoy the day!


  1. I've always wanted to be IN one LOL!

  2. i have very much wanted to create a treasury and i hope to do that soon! i would have rustic feminine objects of all sorts in mine - wood and fiber and ceramic and... yours sounds wonderful!

  3. I haven't made one, still so new to Etsy. But love the ones people have chosen. I'm with Maire, rustic and feminine! Hugs, Riki

  4. I haven't made one simply because it sounded like too much work and commitment to wait for one to become available. But now it sounds much easier and hassle-free. I think it has been added to the mental To Do list. I think.

  5. Oh, beyond unbelievable.

    I cannot so relate.

    Can you do a blog on creativity? When and how did you discover you were creative? How did you know it was jewelry making?

    That would be so interesting: to see how you knew, and how you knew where to look.

    Who found who?

  6. Well, I did create a treasury once and when I went to list it, I found that I'd have to wait for a couple of hundred treasuries to expire and would have to set my alarm clock through the night to get lucky enough to hit it! But, you can always do them for yourself. I love the bird print. Who couldn't be happy in a bedroom with that image looking you in the face!

  7. I saw that tutorial and I'm eager to try it! I was frustrated by the "normal" method because there never seemed to be an opportunity! Now I just have to focus on a theme...I'm looking forward to browsing and searching and finding treasure!

  8. It's beautiful, Erin! Congratulations on making your first treasury. Be's addictive. :-)

  9. Yep, always thought it would be fun to do one but it seemed like you would have to sit at your computer all day long waiting for a slot to open up, and by the time you got one, half the items in your treasury would have sold and you'd have to start over. I don't have that kind of time. But that's not an issue anymore with the Treasury East--great new feature. But it would still require an awful lot of time to put together--I don't typically bookmark anything on Etsy not jewelry-related. Hmm, maybe that's an option for a slow day at work when I have nothing else to "check" (hearts, comments, views...) No clue what the theme would be. Hey, did you see LeAnn's little "detour" bird on a branch? So sweet!

  10. I've been slacking in my bloggish neighborliness as school has been more than hectic. Now that I'm back in the swing again, I wanted to stop in and say hello. Happy spring!


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