
25 March 2010

RAW::Big Dreams Start Small

Found in a box of Valentine heart candies. 
Out spilled the usual 'U R Sweet' and 'My Love' along with the newer, hipper style of 'TXT ME' {seriously?}. 
I was so surprised by this one that I had to keep it {after fending off my hungry brood who just saw it for something sweet}.
It sits on my window sill reminding me that Random Acts of Wisdom are found where you least expect it.  
{And thanks to my friend H for her encouragement that big dreams start small. I will go for it.}

Enjoy the day!


  1. wondering if you could sink that in resin so that you can keep it forever! whatever it is, erin... do go for it ~ you only have one shot at each day (and, yes, i am listening to the advice i am dishing out, or at least really really trying!)
    and i had to laugh at your last post... i too was a lestat reader and hated the movie... she lost me after a while though...
    it's friday - yay!
    starting my dr. seuss... i know, it is late in the month... but it became such a big project that i didn't quite know where to start... so i will start with the first step today - for that is all you can do!

  2. Thank you so much for your visit..I love to connect with other jewelers..I see your from Plover? My father was from Merrill and as a kid we would drive up there from Sheboygan..I love Northern Wis..I remember Rib moutain..thinking it so huge as a kid..I'm a bead the supplies and the buying of them and waiting for them to arrive in the mail..We have big bead shows here and I spend like a mad woman..I'd have to sell a couple thousand dollars worth of jewelry just to break even..Do you do the big Milwaukee show? I love Milwaukee ..would love to go to the show someday..Talk soon..Cynthia Wolff

  3. My first thought was that that needs to be resin'd into a pendant or something somehow and then I scrolled down and saw that mairedodd had the same idea! GMTA!

  4. Erin,
    What a great message!!! And...I love the end of this - yes, do go for it, dear friend!! And know that I'm here cheering you on all along the way...and will support you any way I can. I am excited for YOU!!

  5. Perfect thought for the day! Not to be forgotten!


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