
04 March 2010

30 Words::Blessed Bucks

Next cup at convenience store.
Peeking from Kleenix cellophane top.
Under Ranch Dressing.
Tucked inside Strawberry Shortcake bandages.
Noodles to-go box.
Car wash tip.
Where are your
Blessed Bucks


And don't forget...comments made sharing where your Blessed Bucks are hiding (must be made on a post entitled Blessed Bucks from 2010) from now until Easter will be eligible to win a custom Seeds of Inspiration necklace for one lucky, blessed random winner! Don't know what Blessed Bucks are all about? Read all about it here.


  1. It's such a lovely idea, if only we still had paper dollars down here. It's a bit hard to write on a coin although I guess you could draw a small heart on it and leave it somewhere. At least the intention would be there.

  2. I felt soooo Sneaky! In library books, nuzzled next to diapers, babyfood and toilet paper. Tucked under craft supplies at Michaels in $1.00 section. Not terribly creative I know, but I felt like I was on all the security monitors:D I tucked and nuzzled figuring that the Powers That Be will take over from there!!!! Love this Erin. It's a wonderful little project!!

  3. Pebble and Pearl and I must be on the same wave length - I did one under babyfood and one in Michael's under a storage box. Also, in a church bulletin(my favorite) and under a package of hot cross buns! This is fun - thank you for the idea!!

  4. Your 30 words are always so creative, Erin...what a wonderful project you have undertaken this Lenten season.


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