
12 January 2010


“Keep looking up, there’s a blessing coming down.”

While trolling the blogdom recently I was very tickled to see so many are jumping on the wagon of words for the year. My own word for 2010: INSPIRE.

But after seeing what others are doing, I though maybe I jumped too soon.

I saw that others really sat and thought about it, or it is something they need to work on, or they throw them all in a hat and pick one at random {which oddly is usually the right choice for them}, or have a criteria that the word is not an obvious choice. I think that INSPIRE is still my word {even though it is a word that chose me, is pretty obvious and is not something that I have to work at too hard}, but I want to add another one.


…looking up
…picking up
…keep it up
…upwardly mobile
…up, up and away
...crack up
...laugh it up
…lock it up
…give it up
…tear it up
…first up
…bottoms up
…crop up
…heat it up
…up where we belong
…upper crust
…up and down
…up the down staircase
…pop up
…jump up
…fill ‘er up
…stand up
…listen up
…step up
…step it up
…up and at ‘em
…make up
…make it up
…get up
…surf’s up
…breaking up
…wake up
…rise up
…chin up
…stock up
…keep up
…keep it up
…grow up
…give it up
…live it up
…giddy up

You get the idea.

While it may seem that things are always rosy here in Tesori Trovati-ville that is not always true. I have bad days. I get depressed by my circumstances and the uncertainty and scariness in the world. I have a tendency to wallow in self-pity and doubt. And sometimes it is really hard for me to put on a happy face and my big girl panties and just deal with it. {Like right now in my current dead-end job situation. But I don't want to bring you all down.} I know that not every day is good for everyone, including me, but I also believe that we have a choice. I choose to find the 'something good' in every day. I choose to see the positive. I choose to be UP.

UP will be a challenge for me in 2010. I will continue my quest to inspire and be inspired but maintaining UP when all around is seemingly down…that will be my quest.


I forgot to draw the winner of the “Power of Positive Dreams” necklace on Sunday. Oops. Sorry about that!

There were so many wonderful comments about things that you are all daring to do...things you love…know that with every single comment I receive my heart goes out to you, you are in a little prayer that I say every day and I am in your corner rooting for your success.

The random winner: BEVERLY BAIRD!

Beverly said:
“I love your work and this necklace is gorgeous. It reminds me of a dream catcher!”

And that was the exact inspiration, Miss Beverly!

Send me an email to with your mailing address and I will send it right out to you to inspire your positive dreams.

With the inaugural successes of the first round, I am planning to reveal the next installment of the Inspired by… challenges this week.
If you like to be challenged, you want to be inspired, you need a spark for your creativity...Stay tuned!

Check It Out::The Bright Side Project

Enjoy the day!


  1. Your posting always brings me up - it is one of the first ones I read. Hope 2010 is a definite UP for you.

  2. i just saw that film this weekend and loved it! 'up' is such a wonderful word and has so many great phrases the go along with it... you seemed to have nailed all of the ones that came to mind! inspire is a very good word for you, no doubt... i get inspired when i read your blog, your thoughtful comments, see your work... one doesn't have to nail down one thing... we are multi-faceted and evolving... but, do feel free to vent... you are a human being, who gets up every morning, is growing up each day, takes up many tasks and causes... but don't forget the down time! :0)

  3. Aloha,
    your post is also my first of the Day... I want to say that I really appreciated it. Your willingness to be honest and look within and then share it says a lot about who you are and also who you are becoming.
    Looking up is something I frequently say and try to do. But not always, it takes work to shed the negative and reflect the positive...My dear friend use to say fake it til' you make it! I loved that because I used that term when I am down. If I put myself in an environment that is uplifting( that is the hardest part by the way, because when I am down I go underground) but if I can put myself in an uplifting situation, even a call to a friend, I usually am better and looking up!.
    So, thanks fro the reminder today
    I hope I can return the favor
    Aloha wishes from across the sea

  4. Hello Erin,

    I like your inspiration and the word UP, I'm going to have to take it as my own this year along with you. It is sometimes hard to keep your chin up when you feel so down -- I know and understand.

    (I would like to remind you to be thankful for a job in this economy -- dead-end or not -- I'd be happy for a job, any job, right now.)

    Keep looking UP,

  5. Sometimes you have to have the 'downs' to appreciate the 'ups' and inspire is definitely a great word for you because you do inspire us, your blog readers, with your work, your words, your wisdom and your creativity. Sending 'up' vibes from down under to you Erin.

  6. What a great, additional, word choice! And I agree with Maire - the movie is awesome!

  7. great post!
    i too have been feeling down a lot lately, but i keep it to myself, because i don't want to bring anyone down.
    so i love your new word "up". my word is hope for 2010. i will keep my chin up and smile.

  8. Erin
    love your post today. I think UP is a wonderful word for you...when you inspire others, you are UPlifting. I just know things will eventually work out for the best for you and your job situation...I know it has been bringing you down. This year has only just begun...and there could be change just around the corner. As Emanda said, just keep your chin up! We're all here rooting for you!

  9. Another wonderful post, Erin.
    I love "The Blackbird Sat" !!! Wonderful photo and a great new header.

  10. Hm, Up. I like that. Try to always look at the bright side of things no matter what. No doubt it is difficult at times but I try to think about the hardships others have to endure when I feel the self pity set in.

    I hope things change for your job situation. I am going through a job situation myself. It can really weigh on you. Hugs!

  11. Erin,
    I do really see so much inspiration already coming from you, so that your word is INSPIRE this year...will only take this to the next level! And that is so exciting! And your second word, UP...what a choice! And as you've highlighted, there are so many ways to be UP. And no life here on earth is not without it's share of down moments. So, thinking UP, 3what a great way to focus on the good. And I love your honesty here is touching...and connecting...

  12. Great word addition. UP is so UPlifting when you want to feel down.

    Yes, really, be blessed that you HAVE a job. I know from years of experience how frustrating a job can be if there's nowhere to go. How I wish I had that job now...

    Chin UP!

  13. You do always seem to be UP .. and that seems to be a conscious choice we can make despite the circumstances. it isn't easy though.

    Love all the ways you used up.


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