
11 November 2009

Something Good In Every Day - Year in Review

"Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day." ~ Anonymous

I knew it was coming, but I really didn't believe it until I saw that one year ago today, I wrote my very first blog post. I re-read it and decided that since none of you probably ever read it {I was the only one}, and no one ever commented on it {that was before I even knew there was such a thing as comments, nor how good it would feel to know that someone was touched by what I had to say}, that I would re-run that one again today. It is a renewal of sorts. A way to say that I do believe I did set out to do what I promised I would in this post, and to reaffirm that I am still on the same path.

Stay I plan to do some giveaways to honor this milestone. You have all become very important to me and I treasure the conversations we've had, the sharing we have done, the community that we are building. As soon as I can think up something fabulous {and get my "refreshed" computer back} I will jump right in to show my gratitude.


Aside from being my favorite author, Ann Nonymous is a woman of sage advice(!). This quote is at the finale of every email message that I send and so I felt that it was a fitting place to start my first post.

So...what is good about today?

Today, I recognize my own need for connectedness, not only to foster my own path of creativity and inspiration, but to inspire the same in others.

But how to begin?

I have thought long and hard about jumping in to this medium, this blogging. So, true to form, I have done a ton of research. I set out on a quest...for one inspirational blog or website each day from which to glean ideas related to voice, topic, structure, purpose, and even how imaginative the headers and titles can be {I still do this!}. I have tagged a lot of them and posted on many others just to get a sense of the sort of community that already exists. I have ignored those that seem to be all about the minutia of a singular person's life in favor of those that sought community and inspiration. I read articles and consulted oracles...from the wisdom of those in the web industry to friends old and new who are regular or even reluctant readers of blogs of all sorts. I have seen all manner of posts...from the short and sweet to the ridiculously rambling, from the sublimely beautiful to the infuriatingly inane.

Ultimately, I determined that I wanted to start this journal as a means of self-expression, a way to capture my creative process and a tool for connecting me with other like-minded individuals.

I hope you will join me.

I do not intend for this blog to be about
...what I had for lunch, or
...100 things you didn't know about me, or

...sharing every proud moment I have had as a parent {there have been many}
...nor do I intend for this to be solely about my jewelry {although that will certainly be a side-bar, since that is how my creativity is manifested.}

This is what I believe this online journal should be about...
...I believe wholeheartedly that anytime we can create community in the "global village" and maintain a connectedness through personal meaning that we are fostering growth and good in the world.
...I firmly intend to challenge myself to see everyday things from a different perspective and attempt to be more creative in the process.
...I have only just begun this online journal in order to provide a creative outlet for myself with a potential by-product of inspiring creativity in others.

It may not resonate with all readers, but I do believe that there is a community waiting to be discovered and I invite you to stay awhile if you, too, are of the same mind.

Send me a shout-out.

Post a comment.

Challenge yourself to tap into a creative community, no matter where that takes you.
And as with most things, I am hopeful.

The Autumn 2008 issue of Artful Blogging was a fine resource to consult. I learned that as good a place to start as any is the name. After all, this is how people will connect with me and share in the journey. This was actually quite easy for me. My company name is Tesori Trovati which is Italian for treasures found. So Treasures Found it is. My sub-title Inspiration is Everywhere defines what this place is about.

Whether your calling, singing, dancing, or designing...or maybe your profession...installing duct work, crunching numbers, landscaping or selling chocolates...we are each artists in whatever we choose to put our soul into, whatever makes our heart sing. My wish is to tell the story of those inspirations and perhaps hear a bit of what inspires you.

I will try to end each post with my Check It Out for the blog/journal/website that I found inspirational. I will not tell you much about why I found inspiration have to you discover for yourself.

If you do check it out, let me (and the author of said blog) know what you think!

Check It Out:: A Fanciful Twist
Enjoy the day!


  1. Ah, your very first post was as poignant a year ago as it is today. This is the first post I'm reading on your blog...I have yet to read back through the history you have built through the year, but happy blog-iversary! I look forward to more.

    And I agree regarding Artful's an excellent resource. When I first saw it, I thought it was counterintuitive to print something about blogs. But, it's so pretty and pulls the best of the best blogs and the best advice. Something to refer and use over and over again,

  2. Congrats on the first year of blogging - a milestone indeed! I can so relate, as I started blogging on the last day of last year and for much the same reasons; most importantly - searching for community. What I have found has been overwhelming and continues to astound me. It inspires, challenges and supports me - a great gift!
    Erin, I hope you continue to find inspiration and connection, to enable you to reach your fullest potential however you choose! Thank you for being part of the community I have found!

  3. I'm glad you reposted this ... because you're right ... none of us were around to witness it. Your writing is so poetic and it looks as though you certainly have accomplished what you set out to do ... which is not always easy!

    On another note, though, I started a flickr group for people who have used my beads and pendants. I have a great idea for after the holidays ... that will give the participants free beads. I hope you'll join us in the fun! To join, just visit my blog and click on the bird.

  4. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!

  5. Erin
    Only a year??? You are such a natural, I was surprised to read you've been blogging for just one year. It was great to read your first post...sounds like you have achieved the goals you set for yourself, and then some! I am so glad you started blogging because your little space on the web is one of my favorites to visit! Congrats on your anniversary!!

  6. Your first post is so very "you." Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for adding your wonderful voice to the blogosphere!

  7. Erin,
    It's so, so good to be here - especially to read this and know that our paths would likely have never crossed, had you not started to write in this space. Happy one year anniversary to your blog!! More than that, though, Erin - it has been an honor to get to know you and your writing over the last several months. You are authentic and real. And you inspire me in so many ways - from seeing (and holding) what you've creating with your hands and your heart, to the words you share here that give me a greater belief in just how amazing our world is.

    Maybe I've said this before (and if I haven't, I should have) - Erin, you shine your amazing and beautiful light into the world in ways I'm sure you can't even fully realize. And you shine that same light into my world...and I am deeply grateful for that, and for our friendship...

  8. Happy Anniversary!

    I'm so pleased to have found my way here (my birthday week!). It feels like home. Your first post was amazing, and resonates fully with me. I've also enjoyed reading some older posts, and your other (former) blog. I'll certainly be back. Soon.

    Keep up the great work!



I love to hear your thoughts and inspirations!
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