
15 October 2009

30 Words::On The Edge

Tightness grabs my chest
Pit of my stomach roiling
Biting nails to nubs
Commence negotiations
Let the waiting begin
Buying our new home has me
On the edge of a

Enjoy the day!


  1. Oh my gosh, is this going to be your new home??!
    It's a darling house....charming, inviting..I love it.

  2. Erin,
    I am SO excited for you!!! This house is just would be my dream home too! :-)

  3. Wow - it looks gorgeous! Do I keep my fingers crossed or can I already say congratulations?

  4. Ah there is nothing quite like the gathering of new nesting material! May all the negotiation go your way

  5. What a gorgeous home! My fingers are crossed for you!

  6. Well said in 30 words!! and if this is the house you are hoping to claim your!!! Everything crossed that your wishes come true!

  7. Sending prayers your way. Hold tight to your dreams. Melanie

  8. A new home? How exciting! Sending positive-dream-come-true-vibes your way!

  9. Happy home warming. Congratulations!

  10. Wow, you're moving into a palatial estate complete with gardens and rolling hills! I'll bet there's a maze in the backyard! Lucky you, I hope everything works out for you and yours!

  11. Hang in there Erin. The edge is where it's at. Lean into the safe side and negotiate the bends with care. You're onto a winner. Can't wait to see the inside!

  12. The porch.........I always wanted a house with a porch perched high above the yard so I could look out over everything. Maybe one that wrapped itself around the whole house. Good luck to you, hope its yours soon.

  13. Very cute! I imagine you're feeling a wee rush of adrenaline!

  14. Hello
    Thanks for coming over to visit, it is so nice to meet you.
    Best wishes on your new home, it is very charming! I hope all you dreams come true and you live happily ever after in that quaint lovely home!

  15. Still stopping by even if you aren't participating in the Halloween Celebration… I was intrigued by your home and dream!
    I can understand your predicament…I would be in stitches if I was moving to my dream home! All the best of luck to you and yours…and the home is quite lovely!

    Imagine it dressed for Halloween!

    Happy Halloween

    Annabelle >^..^<

  16. I'm assuming that's your new baby in the photo. Wow, is she pretty! And big! Congrats on the new purchase. It will become a home before you know it filled with memories.

  17. Oh, that is beautiful! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog for the party! Hope to see you next year. Happy Halloween.

  18. Best of luck! I hope all your dreams come true and have a home sweet home!

  19. Oh My Gosh ... is that the house you are looking to buy? It is ADORABLE! It looks sooooo cute. I would be a nervous wreck too. Homebuying is so stressful no matter how much you try to do everything right. Good luck!

  20. Hello and thanks for stopping by my blog this morning.
    A new house!!! That's always so exciting!!! Congratulations.

    xoxo Cori

  21. How cute! I hope you get good news soon,I hate waiting on things like that.
    Best wishes,


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