
11 August 2009

Dare To...Ask For What You Want

"If you're not moving closer to what you really want, you probably aren't doing enough asking." ~ Mark Victor Hansen

Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will open. The world responds to those who why is it so hard to ask for what we really want?

Tonight we went out to dinner at our very favorite restaurant, Christian's Bistro, to celebrate my 41st birthday (yes, today I am firmly planted in my 40s). And despite my daughter's pleas, I refused to be conned into ordering the homemade mac and cheese on her behalf. She is eight years old, she has a voice, she knows what she wants and how she wants it. When it was her turn, I made her do the asking herself.

I have always taught my children that they don't get anything in this life unless they ask for it.

Good life lesson.

"The truth is, when you take control of your life by asking for what you want and need, you can accomplish anything your heart desires." ~ Mark Victor Hansen

Have you ever seen Meiji Stewart's work? Recently, I saw a poster of one of her ABC writings at the pediatrician. As a former English teacher myself, I have a fondness for poetry and clever turns of phrase. And as a mother, I have always appreciated the simple wisdom in the ABC list.

I came across the "Dare to..." poster and it struck a chord with me. So I decided that this would be a fitting way to pattern some blog posts working my way through Meiji Stewart's "Dare to..." ABC list.

A = Ask for what you want

So, what is it that I really want? And am I willing to ask for it?

I already have all that I need...a loving husband, great kids, a cozy home, a good paying job and a passion that is steadily growing in importance... and it is silly to think that material things would bring me happiness. But since today is my birthday, I figure it is okay to wish upon a candle, or 41, before I blow them out and ask for what I want:

This sweet little necklace (and really all the pendants) of Gaea on Etsy. In fact, I just convo'd Gaea today and she is surprising me with a more earthy version of this necklace. I love surprises! I already asked for Gaea to make it for me as a birthday present to myself!

A pair of diamond stud earrings. And if I am dreaming? I might as well dream big. I found these on Etsy for the bargain price of $3900. Did I ever tell you the story of the cubic zirconia Mickey's? I had a pair of cubic zirconia earrings in the shape of Mickey Mouse. After several years and unlimited mileage in them one of the stones popped out and went missing. We were in the airport in Orlando at the Disney store and I was seeking a replacement. My husband looked over my shoulder and said, "$12?! That is a lot of money for a pair of earrings!" Then I explained that I would really prefer a diamond stud pair. Of course, he then encouraged me to go ahead and spend the $12. Since I know that I will likely never get these, it doesn't hurt to look! But I am also happy enough with the bling-y cubic zirconias and I would rather put my money elsewhere. Like new tools for my studio...

The 2010 Bead Cruise with Heather Powers and all my new beady friends. Creating beautiful jewelry while cruising the Carribbean? What could be better?

Traveling to a weeklong artist retreat like Art and Soul, Art Unraveled, or Valley Ridge Art Studio... or learning from Susan Lenart Kazmer, Deryn Mentock or Nina Bagley (see her recent artwork from her class that I missed at the Valley Ridge Art Wisconsin...practically my backyard!!). This is not just an idle dream... it will come true when I can sell enough or save enough to afford the trip.

(copyright Nina Bagley)

Or even better, traveling to France to paint with my best friend Rainy.

Chocolates. Lots and lots of chocolates. (Thanks to my friend Colette for some yummy ones today!) Mmmmm....Moonstruck truffles are the best! (And it is a good thing for me that I am friends with the "Candy Man" who is my local Moonstruck pusher!)

A trip to Door County to soak up the quaint towns, the great shopping, the awesome foods and the most beautiful sunsets with my husband and kids. But since I only have 2 1/2 vacation days left until the end of 2009...maybe we can make it happen next year.

And a job that allows me to parlay my passion for creating artful memories with my talent in writing... allowing me to celebrate creativity and inspiration while telling the unique stories of my clients through one-of-a-kind wearable works of art.... working to foster growth and development for artists of all ages and backgrounds and being secure in the knowledge that if Julia Child can discover her passion for cooking at 37, then I can certainly reinvent my life at 41...

That's not asking a lot it?

{Oops! I forgot to ask the question...!}

Go ahead...dare to...ask for what you want! Do tell! Because by stating it you are starting to align the Universe to help make it happen...

Check It Out::The ABC Writings

Enjoy the day!


  1. Happy birthday!
    May all your wishes come true.
    Loved your post.
    Talk about synchronicity!
    I began reading "Eat, Pray, Love" today and read how she wrote a petition to God about her deepest wish. What a great idea.

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday! Well, at least you got some of what you wanted like the chocolates and the fabulous necklace from Gaea. There's always next year. And there's no harm in asking, right?

  3. Happy Birthday! You are blessed! May you continue to be blessed with all that you want and need.

  4. Happy Birthday! I actually love the thought of Mickey Mouse CZ earrings - did you get the replacements? (My husband is the same way about spending money on jewelry - he about passed out when he bought my engagement ring.)

  5. Happy Happy birthday Erin! i love it I love that you ask for what yo want right out there in the open. let's us all get to know you that much better.
    I too would LOVE to go for a artist retreat - I cannot think of anything better for the soul. Maybe one year we can meet at one. That would be terrific!
    I hope it was a terrific day - I really wish you terrific days always!

  6. Happy Birthday Erin, and wishing you all the best, and for the things you really want!! Beautiful post, you deserve what you want!

  7. Happy Birthday, Erin
    What a wonderful, thought-provoking post. I know this must have taken some time, gathering your thoughts and all of the wonderful images that accompany them. Where is Door County? I'm glad you did get that beautiful Gaea necklace and the yummy chocolates (and lunch and dinner out!)...may all of your dreams come true for you this year!

  8. Happy birthday and what a wonderful gift to yourself to put your wishes out into the world! I really do believe that you have to put it out there in order for it to happen. I think you've already found that to be true! I hope this coming year brings you everything you hope for :)

  9. Joyeux anniversaire Erin... very interesting post!!

  10. Happy Birthday! Bright blessing and best wishes!

  11. Happy Birthday, dear lady! May all your wishes and dreams come true! :)

  12. I want to find a creative community here in seoul that i could hang out, be inspired with, and maybe even a workshop setup with. It's hard, not speaking korean...

    That's what i want :)

  13. a very happy birthday to you erin -
    terrific post and so very true... if you don't 'put it out there' it's not gonna happen... if you do put it out there, it means that you have thought about it, and thought is power... realizations aren't accidental... and re: you having your daughter do the ordering, brava! i started to have my kids do that at school, as a practice, to learn that they are valid individuals who the teachers would listen to... they know i am there to advocate, but if it seems like something they can handle, i let them try... loved this - thanks...

  14. Happy Birthday and welcome to the 40's:) A bead retreat would be awesome...:)

    Funky Monkey Girl,

  15. Happy Birthday! I'm always glad to welcome a member of the 40's club (so I don't feel so alone LOL!) I hope all your birthday wishes come true!

  16. Happy birthday!

    I had no idea people take cruises for jewelry-making. Brilliant. Thanks for this post.


  17. Happy, happier, happiest of all birthdays, may all your requests come to fruition!

  18. great wishes. i totally believe in asking the universe for what you want. work toward it and you can achieve it.

  19. Oh, Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 40's

  20. I missed your birthday, Erin...or maybe the celebration just continues...

    Happy Birthday! Wonderful, amazing friend!! I hope your special day was filled with magical moments (along with that mac and cheese). And I also hope your wishes do come true...

    You are such an amazing woman...don't ever forget that! Keep being you, and your life will just continue to take you to amazing places...

    Happy, Happy Birthday!

  21. A happy, happy day to you, Erin! I certainly hope that at least one of your wishes comes true...


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