28 July 2009
Giveaways and more giveaways!

Opportunities Come, Opportunities Go
~Bob Feller
(An Iowa farm boy who became a star for baseball's Cleveland Indians, Bob Feller ,born 1918, threw harder than any pitcher of his generation. Six times, he won 20 or more games in a season, and he set new standards as a strikeout artist. Feller also won medals for his service as a Navy aircraft gunner in World War II.)
Last weekend was the final hurrah of the traveling baseball season. It was a great weekend filled with zany weather, more cheeseburgers and cheese curds and ice cream sandwiches consumed than I care to admit (what? That is about as balanced a ballpark meal as you can get!), and some great baseball. I can't thank my son Sport-O enough for being a part of this team. I have had the opportunity to see my son doing that which he does best, surrounded by families that I am proud to call friends. It has brought me much joy.
Now that it is over, I can resume my regularly scheduled life. I can start the hunt for school clothes and new backpacks. I can buy school supplies for my kids and help those who don't have any with Project Fresh Start. I might be able to take in a movie or two. Who knows? I might even finish a book or actually cook a meal at home (if I remember how). But really, I can get back to making art and being creative.
I have missed my studio. It is a hot mess, but it is mine (I am working on the mess part). I am ready to create (just as soon as I can carve out a space to do so and unearth those supplies that I bought so long ago and have misplaced under the clutter). I have watched as my cyber-friends have been blogging about all the creative sessions they have participated in and the vacations at the beach that they have been on. And I have been green with envy. But my time is now and I need to make the best of it. I have the opportunity to take my art in new directions and chart my own course to greatness. I intend to do just that.
Did I ever mention that I had a goal of being published once per month in 2009? Well, at the end of June I actually reached that goal. (Yay me!) I sent off my pieces for December 2009 for Bead Trends. And I almost missed an opportunity due to a technological glitch. But I am happy to say that not only did that opportunity find me, but it was even better than expected (stay tuned on that one). It seems a tad early to set a goal for 2010, but I think I would like to continue my drive to be published, and I am currently creating a portfolio of my successes to spur me on.
I am blessed with opportunities. One of them happened to me early on in my journey: an invitation to have my work represented on commission in a local gallery of a very talented goldsmith. That partnership was a huge stepping stone for me. It helped me not only to believe that I am an artist, but gave me an audience for my my very best work. From November of 2007 until today I was lucky to be the only other jewelry artist represented at Brody's Custom Design Goldsmith besides the talented Brody himself. Today that door is closing. Brody's decision seemed difficult for him to make, but for the sake of his own store, he needs to move on and my designs just won't fit anymore. This isn't something that I was surprised about. I suspected over the past few months that this might come. Am I sad? A little. But I wish him all the best and feel honored that I can call him my friend. I will do anything to see that he succeeds. I am ever grateful for the opportunity that he gave me. And I intend to leave that door ajar in case there might be possibilities in the future.
This spring I was invited to be an exhibiting artist at a new gallery in downtown Stevens Point. The Gallery Q Artists' Cooperative is a new venue for me. I had the courage to see the possibilities that lay on the other side, and I walked on through. And after having been open only one month, I have my first check from sales there. There are so many good things that are bound to come from this opportunity and I have my eyes wide open. So one door closes and another one opens. Ebb and flow.

I continue to embrace the opportunities that allow me to challenge myself in creating new and better things. This is one of my entries called "Sacred Stag" in the July Art Bead Scene challenge based on the cave paintings in Lascaux, France. Through these challenges I have had the opportunity to meet many talented artists and designers and take part in a community that promotes creativity which in turn has led to more inspiration.
Change is a hard pill to swallow, yet it is happening all the time. Change allows you to grow. Change pushes you in new directions. Change drop kicks you out of your comfort zone. Change is a good challenge for the soul. I like change as much as I like challenges and surprises.
And that is good, because I sense that bigger changes and more intriguing challenges and even better surprises are coming for me.
Check It Out::Ornamental (Nina Bagley is truly one of the most talented designers, with the most deeply eloquent styles, and someone that I have had the opportunity to follow along my journey. She is a role model for me on how to live and be creative. Do check her out.)
Enjoy the day!
16 July 2009
On the Road Again...
We got back on the road. We cranked the tunes and sang all our favorite songs at the top of our lungs (although I think I may have blew his ear drums out with my crooning!). We were admiring the beautiful rock formations and noted that they reminded us of the July Art Bead Scene challenge. The inspiration this month is the famed cave paintings at Lascaux. You can watch the coolest cave pictures here. The bluffs we traveled through as we went further south had the same colorations and markings. It was easy to get lost in time.
And get lost we did! All of a sudden, there was a massive bridge looming in front of us. I peeked at the trip odometer to see that I was about 18 miles beyond where I should have been. No worries. Life is a daring adventure, or nothing. Seeing no where to turn, we quickly approached to see that this bridge spanned a most massive river. The Mississippi, I surmised. But was I headed to Minnesota or Iowa? Hmmmm.....
I lucked out in finding a parking spot just a few doors down from our meeting place. Russ and I got out to stretch our legs. We then went to Galena Beads, home of the Beading Divas, to meet up with Jess Italia-Lincoln, Director of Marketing for Vintaj, who was blocking off some time just for us that day.
Rose Noble joined us for lunch. Rose works the magic behind the scenes at the Vintaj blog and website. She is such a sweet and kind person and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to put a face with a name.
Russ ate every last bite of his ham and swiss sandwich on a pretzel bagel. Yes. A bagel that tastes just like a pretzel! C'est ci bon!
Russ had a table all to himself. But we made sure to include him in all the girly fun.
After lunch, we stopped in to Vintaj Earth and met Jamie. This is the retail arm of Vintaj and carries all manner of completed jewelry lines. The rustic old doors and wrought iron were all amazing displays. I bought a Vintaj Earth t-shirt so that I can proudly say that I am a supporter!
In the end I walked away with an armload of great beads and filigree and heart full of love for all my new friends at Vintaj. You can bet that I will be back!
I wasn't driving anywhere, just stumbling up Main Street later, so Russ said that we could share a glass or two of shiraz. We enjoyed the appeteaser of fresh salad, cup of soup and a fresh loaf of bread. That would have been enough! But there is more!
13 July 2009
Meet My New Friend: Lord Byron
"One shade the more, one ray the less,
Lord Byron wrote this poem in homage to the wife of his deceased cousin, a Mrs. Anne Wilmot. He met her at a party and was enthralled with her great beauty. This is less of a love poem about trying to woo but rather more about ideal of her beauty. And she must have been one heck of a beauty!
"And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!"
I like to have some sort of inspiration when I make a piece of jewelry. I find it incredibly hard to just create in a vacuum for an unnamed wearer, which is likely why most everything I sell is a custom creation for a client. I would like to be able to create and sell more things to the general public, but I find it difficult to do. The things that I make that are the most successful are the ones that have a story to them and allow the wearer to be transported to another realm.
One other such iconic beauty was my grandmother, Agnes. I have a photograph of her that my Aunt Dorothy gave to me that is really one that I treasure. Of course, she was only about 15 in this photo so it is not at all as I remember her, but I love to see the girl that she was.

I also like to participate in challenges from time to time as a way to keep my work fresh and current. Vintaj is a company that I love to work with as their pieces are of such good quality and the effect is sublime. They have a monthly challenge on their blog and July was "Fond Memories." My grandmother is the subject of this fond memory. Although it is not a memory that I have, I love to invent the story behind this evocative 15-year old beauty sitting in a garden on the family farm. What was she doing there? Who was the photographer? What is she thinking?
So I combined my inspirations for this challenge....my grandmother's photograph, the rich beauty of the Vintaj brass and the poem by Lord Byron. I think that the effect is nothing short of magical.
I am proud to say that my piece "She Walks in Beauty" took second place.
If you would like to know more about my process in creating this piece, I invite you to read the post at the Watch Me Create blog for today.
10 July 2009
Unlocking the Door...What is Your Key?
Chris Guillebeau writes some insightful stuff on his blog The Art of Nonconformity. I admit that I started following it particularly because of that title. But I keep following it because he has a way of looking at the world and distilling it to the most basic truths. I dig that.
He wrote a post recently that really provoked me. He wrote about “All the things you don’t need.” That title alone is enough to give you pause.
If you are like most you are always thinking about the next big thing that you need. Or rather, want. There is a big difference. I am no stranger to that sort of thinking.
I have an addiction to all things beading and jewelry. There are some who joke that we need to form a 12-step support group for this beading addiction (I say why? I like it and it makes me feel good!). Sometimes I just can’t stop myself from buying that really shimmery strand of pearls or that new clasp. And tools. Don’t even get me started. You all have heard about my $70 hammer by now (is that NASA calling? They want their overpriced hammer back.)
All those art beads that I am now seeking out on Etsy or through the blogs of some of my favorite artisans are achingly beautiful. I have even bought a whole treasure chest full of 'em. But I don’t use the ones I have fast enough and so I realize that I need to start editing myself (easier said than done). If that pretty component (like this one....from Urban Rose)

is still there when I really do want to use it, it will be meant to be.
I can lurk on Etsy, but that is all that I can do.
One of my other desire-addictions is virtual house hunting. I have been tired of my abode for some time. My neighborhood seems to be swinging in the wrong direction. I feel that we are bursting at the seams. The kids don’t have a space to call their own and my Tiny Dancer’s room is dollhouse sized. My kitchen is outdated and doesn’t function well. My master bathroom is far from a luxurious retreat. I discovered how easy it is to stalk the listings on the real estate circuit in my area.
I can picture myself living the good life in any one of a dozen homes up for sale (like this one that is completely out of my financial reach...but I have loved it from afar ever since it was built and now they have the audacity to put it on the market!)...
complete with their cool furniture and accessories (or maybe I would have Pottery Barn come over and just style my life...how much would that cost?). It doesn’t help that my own sister moved last year into a gorgeous home with lofty ceilings and granite countertops.
I will admit that jealousy can have a powerful grip. But what do I really need anyway? I may want a newer home with more amenities and spaciousness. But I don’t keep the one I have now clean (not when there's beading to be done and baseball games to watch) and I could certainly let go of some of my clutter and hording issues (don’t worry…I am not a candidate for “Clean House”…that show makes me feel that I am not nearly as troubled when I watch it). I am working on it.
I have a great studio and a comfortable place to lay my head. There are so many who don’t even have a roof, let alone a walk-in closet. Who am I to complain? Someday I might have that house that I dream of, and make enough money doing what I love to support that lifestyle, but for now I need to resolve to be happy where I am and with who I am.
Chris Guillebeau writes that there are but a few things that we absolutely need...
"My passions were all gathered together like fingers
that made a fist. Drive is considered aggression today; I knew it then as
purpose." ~ Bette Davis
Passion – for what you believe in and for something that makes your life worth living.
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without
vision is a nightmare." ~ Japanese proverb
Vision – to see where you are headed and to know when you get there.
"Too many people overvalue what they are not and
undervalue what they are." ~Malcolm Forbes
Value – for what you bring to the world that wasn’t there before and for how you can be an inspiration to others.
"The quality of a person's life is in direct
proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field
of endeavor." ~ Vince Lombardi
Commitment – to keep at it (whatever it is) even when you want to give up and walk away.
Very thought provoking indeed.
Passion. Vision. Value. Commitment. It cannot get more basic than this.
I think we sometimes feel that life could be great, if only....{fill in your own blank}.
But why not be great right now? (And stop with the "if only" mentality!)
My 11 year old son Sport-o is on a traveling baseball team. I have been watching the team up close as the 'dugout mom', taking pictures, recording it all.
What I see is that the kids who are most successful aren't the ones with excuses
...the mound is too low
…the ump can't make the ‘right’ call
… the other team is too loud
The successful players are the ones
...who rise to the occasion
…who look like they are having fun at all times
…who pick themselves up and dust themselves off when they have had a tumble in the dirt whether they were safe or out
…they are the ones who live, eat, and dream baseball
… see every pitch as an opportunity
…know their place on the team and perform it willingly
...pick their teammates up and cheer them on
…understand that sometimes you get a hit, and sometimes you get an out, but you always get to play the game
...they are the ones who know that there comes a time when you have to be the sacrifice in order to get the other runner in scoring position
...that you are part of the team (and there is no "I" in that).
Passion. Vision. Value. Commitment. That is the sort of success I hope for my son and all his teammates. And the sort of life I hope for myself.
What sort of keys to unlock the door to personal excellence do you hope to pass along to those around you? Do tell!
Check It Out::The Art Of Nonconformity
Enjoy the day!
06 July 2009
Teaming Up
The voting for this item is open until July 10th. I would be honored if you would vote for #5 here: Vintaj Fond Memories
01 July 2009
Too Much of a Good Thing
~ Mae West
Could there ever be too much of a good thing? {I didn’t think so.}

The last time I had a tea party was for my daughter’s second birthday. And that was 6 years ago. So it was time to don the feathered chapeaus and bring out the finest china for a party like no other. {Found the tea party pictures! These are from 2003 when my darling daughter, the Tiny Dancer was just a wee two years old. I had to scan them at work to upload them since they were B.D. (Before Digital!)}
I had no idea what I was in for when I signed up with Vanessa. I just knew that it would be fun. And I was not disappointed. I was determined to reach every last one of the parties. It took me 5 days…but I did it! I tried to leave a comment on each of them, but if I missed a comment here or there, please know that I actually did stop by. I have to admit that I thought about giving up on that around “H” …but I realized that I was way down in “T” and I would hope that no one gave up before they got to me!

And 92 comments (92?!!). That is way more than I have EVER had. And also, because of this, I have swelled the ranks of my followers to 112. Considering that I never thought I would have more followers than I could count on my hands, especially not 7 months after I started, is really quite extraordinary.

In the spirit of giving, I have decided to award the winner of my Mad Tea Party giveaway with not only a pair of luscious earrings in the color of her choice.

Happy Birthday Tiny Dancer (now she is 8!) with the Queen Mum
And the winner, chosen by random, number 70 from all comments: megan v
I stopped by her own Mad Tea party at Running Stitch. This young one (just turned 25) has a great sense of style and joy. She had all these wonderful frocks (including the most gorgeous ruffled one), a teapot necklace (sweet) and a peony clutch (luscious).
I will sharing all of your sweet comments with Miss Vanessa so she knows how very much we appreciate her magical world. Megan's favorite Vanessa Valencia print is "Strange Beautiful Lady - Carnivale"...and since I had an unprecedented amount of comments, I have decided that she should have a fanciful something from Miss Vanessa herself!
Congratulations, Megan! I will be in touch!
Many blessings to all of you as you journey through this holiday weekend. I wish you sparklers and cotton candy and parades and fun times with friends and family. And fireworks that light the night sky in a wondrous bouquet of fanciful flowers! Oh....and gratitude for those who serve our country and especially to their family and friends awaiting their return.
Check It Out::The Gratitude Campaign
Enjoy the day!