A little nonsense a good thing.
Today is Mad Hatter Tea Party Day sponsored by the dear and lovely Miss Vanessa Valencia at A Fanciful Twist. I love that girl and her wickedly awesome skills. She is a talented writer, photographer, sculptor, painter and all around artsy-fartsy gal.
In addition to all the stuff and nonsense and all the cupcake towers with extra sprinkles and lacy gloves and chirping birds and even sitings of the Mad Hatter himself during her party today... there is more! Vanessa is having a Buy One Get One sale in her Etsy shop...no limits! These prints of her original artwork are really incredible, printed on canvas, ready to be framed. I received 6 of them in December 2008. I have one in my studio to remind me that my muse is within me all along. Her designs are whimsical and sensitive and so achingly beautiful. I am particularly fond of........no, wait! I am not going to tell you which ones I like best! (I will reveal it with the giveaway winning post.)
With the weight of the world bearing down on us, this is a great way to join the blogosphere in a celebration of light and love and fantasy and fabulosity. To celebrate with her...I am doing a GIVEAWAY!
To enter my giveaway, all you need to do is go to Vanessa's Etsy store here, then come back to my blog and leave a comment on which one of her fab-u-lous prints is your favorite. (This picture is from Vanessa's blog...she is really talented, this one! Doesn't this party look like so much fun?)

Here are the giveaway details:
- Go to Vanessa's Etsy store here.
- Look over all the prints for sale.
- Come back to this post and leave a comment stating which one is your favorite.
- Giveaway ends on WEDNESDAY, JULY 1ST at 10pm cst. (REVISED time! I realized as I was going through all the great parties on Vanessa's Blog that it will take me at least until then to make it through! Go and visit all the others there too!)
- One entry per person, please!
- One lucky random winner will receive some pretty pearl earrings!
(Example of earrings to be won! These earrings, called Cranberry Bites, were featured in the Winter 2008 Stringing...I will make similar ones for you with your choice of pearl color! Just follow the directions above...but hurry! I will pick a winner on Sunday night June 28th!)
And...you really should go check out her blog. Like.... right now. I mean it. What are you still doing here...?! You won't be disappointed!
Check It Out::Through The Secret Keyhole
Enjoy the day!