C. Beth writes several inspiring blogs that I follow. One is called C. Beth Blog, Confessions of a Happy Mommy and is about the poignant and oftentimes hilarious life of a mommy of two adorable children. Makes me long for those days that I never got around to recording in the early lives of my own children (ages 8 and 11 now).
Beth is also the author of the One Minute Writer where she encourages her nearly 2300 regular followers (how exactly does that sort of thing happen? But I see that I am on my way!) to take one minute a day to write. "You have 1,440 minutes a day. Use one of them to write."
So begins the greeting in the header.
Today's writing prompt is this:
How have you inspired or motivated someone else?
Inspiration is the thing that I am passionate about in all its forms so you know that I had to post about that. Here is what I had to say (within the one minute time frame no less!):
I believe that inspiration is around us all the time. And a lot of the time we can be inspiration to one another.
Often we don't even realize the full impact that we have on another, whether they be our own children, our colleagues, our friends or the person standing behind us in line at the coffee shop. If you approach your day with the idea that you will be an inspiration to someone - perhaps even without you knowing it - you will approach the day with a lighter step, a kinder heart and a more accepting soul.
It is our duty to scatter joy wherever we can and by doing so we may be the inspiration that someone needs to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and keep living their own remarkable life.
I know that many of my regular readers have been inspired to go forth and do their own Blessed Bucks challenge. I hope that you are continuing to spread the love and scatter that joy wherever you may be. New places I have scattered the bucks...under the jelly packets at my favorite restaurant...in the donation jar at the bake sale fundraiser...inside the 'Monday' sock of a set of days of the week girls socks (because who likes Mondays?)...
I have a friend I call the "Candy Man". He took my challenge a bit differently (and especially appropriate to his locally owned confectionery shop). He has decided that the blustery gray days of March have gotten the best of all of us, so recently he dressed up in his most brilliant green shirt and headed out to do his morning errands armed with a Moonstruck chocolate truffle and a quest to find a person wearing that same shade of green. It didn't take him long. He performed a "Random Act of Chocolate" by bestowing that lovely morsel of yumminess on the girl behind the counter. I daresay that he was an inspiration to that person at that time. (And I wish that I had been wearing green that day!)
I would like to challenge each of my regular readers to the following:
Tell me one thing that you will do this week to be an INSPIRATION to someone either with or without their knowledge, one way that you will SCATTER JOY...
Will you write a letter to a long lost college roommate?
Pay for the meal of the person behind you at McDonald's?
Hold the door open for the mom struggling to wheel that bulky baby stroller into the store?
Let the person with one or two items cut in front of you at the grocery store check out?
Or just look people in the eye and say hello when you meet them?
Do tell!
And to reward those that SCATTER JOY (and leave a comment) I plan to have a GIVEAWAY! (My first!) I want to celebrate that I now officially have more followers than blog posts...something I never thought possible when I started.
You can get entries as easy as 1-2-3:
1::If you leave a post about your quest to be an inspiration and scatter joy, it will count as one entry.
2::If you want to encourage others to leave a similar comment, I will count their entry, and another one for you (provided they tell who encouraged them to write).
3::And if you post a link to this on your own blog or website (and share a link with me), I will enter you again!
What can you win? Well, how about one of my fabulous W.O.W. Pendants.

W.O.W. = Words Of Wisdom. It is like a fortune cookie for your neck since you will receive a pendant with your choice of initial and I will select a random inspirational thought for the back. How's that for a giveaway?
I will accept entries until Sunday, April 5th. Now go forth and SCATTER JOY!
"There is joy in all." ~ Anne Sexton
Check It Out::http://www.kathy-davis.blogspot.com/
Enjoy the day!